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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Vile

    Xbow knight

    Already have been so yup
  2. Note, I'll be updating the trade, class and combat terms once we get closer to having a more concrete idea of what is going on with the final image of the game. I figured posting them too early might make things redundant.
  3. Np, it wasn't ever bad, I just didn't understand what was exactly being said but that clearly demonstrates why having a dialog and trying to understand each other in good faith can lead to positive outcomes.
  4. As the suggestion echoes, I'd like to stress that this method crafts items 1 by 1 until the entered amount is achieved, and that it should be done specifically that way. Time to craft items is part of the value they inherit on the market. If you had the ability to craft 1k items in 1 second, their value would plummet. Love the idea HB's.
  5. I forgot I even mentioned that, sometimes too many things go on in my head and I forget to write them down for later lol. Thank you for this suggestion!
  6. Quest Item [Locked] Vendor. Vendor/NPC that sells you quest items you've achieved [You've already done the quest] for free, and have a re-sell value of 0, and cannot be disassembled. Useful for if you're a goofyboy/girl and miss-click your quest reward.
  7. I'd like a toggle to enable/disable chat bubbles above characters when speaking. I was giving it some thought and it would be a nice privacy setting and anti-stream harassment setting. Until the swear filter is auth'd and not easily bypassed client side, I'd feel a lot more safe if I could disable chat bubble display while streaming once the game goes live. Also, it'd be a nice immersion setting.
  8. I would have to politely disagree with every point you made. It would have almost exactly the opposite effect you think it would. [We had a discussion about this on my stream 2 days in a row, and I'm certain the DEV's heard it both times, but if people would like, I can clarify it again in text later]
  9. Would be a nice quality of life option to be able to sort the materials tab by type, and possibly quality.
  10. The Hints and Tips box [the one at the top of the screen with yellow text] really should have a toggle, and/or be able to be moved/repositioned. [Preferably at least closed with a toggle]
  11. It wouldn't be wise to make recommendations on something that is so full of unkowns. The only sensible advice I can give you, it to play what you think you'll have fun on , or enjoy the looks of.
  12. Side note, every time I check the forums I have to double take when I see "Prison". Not Sikuku Prison or Underground or anything, just "Prison" lol.
  13. I remember DeeBee. I remember DeeBee quite well.
  14. Well the weight passives were already offered as Valor point rewards. I was taken aback a little bit that they made that change, seeing as the only way prior was with IM points. But I'm not a fan of taking content/features away that we had/have access to and sticking them behind a paywall. And yeah, I don't mind the storage expansion tickets being available for IM points. So long as everyone has a reasonable amount of base storage, then it couldn't be argued that it's pay to store/win etc. And ROSE isn't quite one of those games that cram you full of materials that are ONLY for the use of vendoring/scrapping. It does have a material bloat problem, IF we count everything beyond Junon. But they all have a use for the most part, with a few items here and there intended to be vendored. Between Cosmetics, Mounts, Pets, some services [and I have requests for new services] and some others that are intended to not affect power in direct competition with other players, they should fund enough.
  15. Well I was thinking it'd be nice to have the following updates / changes. Clan Master Type: Single, Partner, or "Senate". Reason: It would be nice if you could opt for a top down, or if you're feeling more democratic, having a Partner set up, requires unanimous vote from both leaders to make certain changes, and a "senate" style would require majority vote [among the leadership]. These changes being things like Activating Clan Passives, changing the name or clan text color, or icon. So forth. Roles / Ranks: You should be able to create, name, and set custom permissions for roles. This should probably be restricted to something like, no more than 10 unique roles just to keep it fair, or limit the ability for someone to be hazed or bullied via a special role that exploits specifically them, or other malicious behavior, but enough to really build the type of Clan structure you want. Permissions: I've enjoy the idea floating around about Clan Storage. Assuming the top two are met, you could arguably be able to create a very personalized, and safe method of distributing materials and equipment to clan members, with minimal risk of abuse. I do think it should be kept an eye on, and limited upon early testing, but in theory it could expand the number of Clan Storage page's based on the Clan Roster Size passive. Speaking of which~ Clan Size Passive: Clan size really should be restricted to a top of maybe 100. Possibly 50 was the magic number, seeing as the reason expansions were so ultra heavily pushed, was due to the heavy heavy use, reliance, and sometimes abuse of alts and multiclienting. I think it would be nice to start the base structure as it was. Starting at 5, 10, so forth as it was, then ultimately cap the maximum size at either 50, or very tentatively release a rank at a time until it feels comfortable. But this also heavily relies upon the Developers having the ability to say No, when people ask for too much. The last thing I'd like to see, is another mega clan, that removes all competition and identity. If you can have 500 characters in a single Clan, ALL benefitting from passives, that is so, so much more value than a clan of 50 benefitting from a handful of passives they really had to work for. Lastly, generally speaking some QoL changes. Please increase the Clan Logo size. 20x20 was so, so brutal of a limitation near the end. I understood the limitation a long time ago, and I also understand the hesitation to not allow too much resolution, since it will invariably be abused by at least 1 person at some point, uploading an image that violates the ToS, but we have to sometimes place some trust in the community to behave, be respectful and mature, or report those who fail to uphold those values. I'd like to see it bumped to a minimum of 26x26 to a maximum of maybe 32x32. No More CP Tokens/Boosters: The idea of selling CP for cash is just so disrespectful of the time it takes to grind CP. I know, because I've solo grinded it before, and it's brutally slow. I don't mind some buffs, temporary gains to farming CP, but it needs to be in control. The amount they were selling was just insulting and I'm trying to be respectful about it. Inactive CM/Leadership: If after 30 to 60 days a CM or member of Leadership if Partner/Senate, the next rank should have the option to demote and take control. If in Partner leadership method: it would default to not require the vote of the missing CM to maintain essential functions of the Clan. And lastly if in Senate leadership, the remaining two can vote for majority to demote or simply ignore, and majority could still be achieved. ....that was a mouthful. But I did say a total rework.
  16. I've given some thought as to how a total overhaul might go, and the goals for it to achieve; some of which you touched upon. I wouldn't mind posting them here, but also don't want to "highjack" the thread, so with your permission I'll share those here Rob.
  17. Yeah, the Item Mall storage expanded for free infinitely as you added more items of the appropriate grade [Being IM ones] You also had premium storage, if you were subscribed or bought tokens.
  18. I think the weight issue was somewhat minimal in some regards. I always bought the weight passives from IM points. [Eventually Valor as well]. Which gave me insane weight carry. Additionally, Character and Account Storage Expansion Tickets really made a huge huge difference. Given we know they plan to remove skills and passives from the IM, and those are in the Valor shop already, they could look into re-distributing those into parts of the leveling process or optional side quests. As for the Storage Expansions, both Account and Character, a certain part of me feels that's ok to still be a premium currency item, but I'd like to see the number of standard or base storage pages bumped a smidge.
  19. While I understand where the point comes from, that's not quite an accurate representation. Mages had portals/teleports. Warlocks had summons. You had hearthstones. There were teleport items. And of course, the ever handy flightpaths.
  20. I was mostly talking about the gates of Junon Polis as all but 1 SS were taken there lol.
  21. Honestly, it's been so, so long since I've seen or played iRose I could draw differences for you, but I could compile video guides in the near future explaining it as it is post alpha/beta.
  22. Do I sense a favorite screenshot space?
  23. I believe we did eventually call it that, didn't we lol.
  24. To be fair, people who only played iRose and iRose private servers only context is "there was an evo update" and everything after gets lumped into the Evo update. There was several major revisions and updates, but from someones frame of reference who just stopped at the first major update, it's all the same thing to them. But yes Kai has a point, there's been several "versions" or major updates to NA, not just the first Evo update.
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