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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Lmao no not yet. But even when I am finished, that won't be the model. I made that specifically to post for forum posts and videos related to battle cleric / cleric topics. And thank you
  2. Scouts have a Crit Buff Also Artisans can craft all buffs via potions, + purify, but not enhance damage.
  3. Updated with a list of character stat terms. More advanced terms may be added later, depending upon if they're still accessible as many were tied to Runestones, of which were removed.
  4. They did say they're working on an offline vending solution, or a method to set up a shop where you don't need to stay at the shop with your character.
  5. You sure like talking up someone who was that bad, almost idolized levels of speech. We all know who he was/is, and we ignore him because he doesn't deserve attention. Let it go.
  6. Your damage element can provide a increase, or decrease, if it's strong or weak to your enemies resistance. Likewise your elemental armor, if any applied, can cause you to take more, or less damage from certain elements. Refer to the spoiler section to see the strengths and weaknesses.
  7. « I could also just mod the game to use those models myself but an official way would be more user friendly/fun and it wouldn't be client side »
  8. I did mention that you could extend it to other clases. Dealers have the Merc's, Hunter's, and Shield Knight + Dual Knight. Hawkers have their Beasts and Hawks/Falcons Soldiers kinda got stiffed though. I always wanted them to have a dreadnaught summon.
  9. With Clerics having a Dragon Summon, I think it would be very fun, and open up some way to chose which Dragon skin you use. When WP made so many Dragon mounts, they made a lot of varied skins and color combinations, and I personally would love to have the ability to pick from those to use for my summoned dragons. It's a lofty request, but quite honestly, giving players the ability to customize to some degree their summons would be cool, not just for Clerics either.
  10. Unify the inventory, including PAT, and ditch weight as a mechanic. While weight was fun as a DnD element, all it does is waste players time by causing them to go back and forth to the storage multiple trips.
  11. Thank you, same here Sure we can peetee, but can you keep up brotha >:D I'll give it a gander if I pass "buy" hehe
  12. Happy Launch Week Rosarians! With the upcoming launch into Early Access I wanted to make a post laying out some expectations, and plans you may want to prepare; as well as some tips and general advice for the upcoming event. You'll get to know her later. First stop~ What to Expect Launch Day LAG! Fully Expect some degree of lag or latency on the first few hours or even first day. Remember, a LOT of people will be trying to create characters, log in, quest, and party all at the same time. So please remain patient, especially with one another. Bugs & Glitches: Though you may not run into many, or any, remember that this is the first major connection to the server that the entire public will share, and with so many more eyes, new bugs are quite possibly going to be found. Remember to report them with as much detail as possible here in the reports section. Congestion & Busy Maps: ROSE was never designed to host so many people in the maps. With the game going live with one server for everyone to share, expect spots to be busy and congested. Remember to communicate and be friendly, as that is more likely to get you into parties and help with killing bosses and buffs! Nefarious Party Interruptions: Being ROSE is steeped in Private Server culture, expect less savory actors to try to DDoS attack the servers, forums, website etc. These bad actors may also try to interrupt your play session, ruin your experience or be a general nuisance. Report any suspicious activity and let's make this a place for everyone. Tips for Week 1! Above all else, Be Friendly! No one likes a sourpuss or a grouch [unless it's my brand of grouch ;J] Being friendly can get you buffs, party spots, grinding spots, trades, crafts, and more! ROSE is a social game, so why not enjoy the people and their great attitudes, yours included! Pick Up everything! Tilda [`] the key next to your 1 is the default bind [unless changes]. Zuly will be tight early on, and everyone will be saving for Carts, Equipment, and Clans; those aren't cheap! So don't waste Zuly on flights of fancy, or leave it on the ground [yikes]. Don't Refine! Refining is best for later on once the leveling speed has slowed down, and you need the extra kick in power to speed it back up. Spending zuly on early items will just hurt you in the long run! Find a clan! [or make one that works too] Clans are not only great for socializing and making friends, but they're connections you can and should use. Having a friend that can craft, or several, can net you some nice crafted armor, weapons, gems, buff potions, etc, and also save you money. If you're the crafter, then you want to make those connections to start building your wealth! And joining a clan early, means faster returns on investment. Don't skip out on quests: Some quests in ROSE yield very nice amounts of EXP, sometimes Zuly and even gear sets! It might seem tedious at times, but a healthy dose of grinding and questing can shake up the process and keep things fresh, while yielding power gains, and who doesn't like power gains. [UNLIMITED POWAAAA] Ask questions! Don't be scared to ask for help if you get stuck. You can try shout chat in cities, trade chat in combat maps, or the forums if all else fails! [Or hey, try clan chat if you followed the previous tip about that] A lot has changed, and much more will possibly change too, so don't be shy. Alright Rosarians, that'll be all for now. I wish you all the best luck ,experience, and speed on launch day. I'll see you out there, but can you spot me. Cheers.
  13. Vile

    Skill Builds

    One small caveat, not all skills and monsters were given elements. There were neutral elements that adopted either your weapon element [if one existed] or ammunition element [if such existed]. Weapon and Ammunition could also be neutral. I don't mind the idea of skill-preset tabs, and would even recommend it be extended to equipment possibly.
  14. I have a dastardly idea. How about instead of CHA increasing the potency of buffs you give, it increases the buffs you receive. Then everyone who is obsessed with buff slave systems and voluntarily opt in to get stronger buffs. Sounds like an idea to me.
  15. ^ This guy. This guy knows whats up. Btw, you can buy crafted buff potions from Artisans. They can buff every stat except Enhance Damage [They have attack up pots, Enhance is another stat] And they even have a purify pot. Their Critical Pot is the best crit buff in the game outside maybe a specific halloween booster. As for the rest of this thread. 1: This isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure. Just leave if you're going to leave. 2: Doom-posting and calling the staff incompetent [in so many words] is likely to just result in a ban. So chill, or refer to statement 1. As for the whole statement "You can't keep repeating the same mistakes and expect something different" shortly followed by "just leave it how it was it'll be fine", do you even hear yourself. Or are you so busy squealing and throwing your toys out the crib, that you genuinely don't understand the hypocrisy you're espousing? Ya'll need to get a grip. So long as the Dev's remain committed to testing things out and changing what doesn't work, which they said they'll do already, then there's not to lose and everything to gain by trying new things. So just do everyone a favor, and bite your tongue for a bit a let them try. Or keep seething and learn to cope, I don't care.
  16. The polls says 2 to 1 people are in favor of the changes going forward for testing and launching. Usually you can rely on the wisdom of the crowd. When it comes to activities people do for fun, usually you side with the biggest group of people who think the idea is fun. And the ones malding and filling their diaper won't ever be pleased, and are safe to ignore. Vox populi vox Dei.
  17. I retract my compliment Bobbity, have a nice day.
  18. First time you've made a reasonable, articulate and sensible post that I've seen. And because of that, I'll post the feedback I gave for some simple changes back about 1 month into alpha testing. It's not been discussed but it's a sneak peek into what feedback was being given back then. Edit: This is an excerpt screenshot from a list of changes I suggested to every class.
  19. Buy buff potions from Artisans then and stop pitching a fit.
  20. Discount is a Dealer passive. Bourgeois get a passive that increases the amount of zulie they get selling items to NPC's. Quests can give decent zulie. Selling weapon and armor drops provide some decent flat zulie amount. Pick up EVERYTHING you see. If it's crafting material, hold onto it for vending or crafting. If it's NPC vendor junk sell it. and the most important one, don't, spend, zuly, on, stuff you won't keep using for for more than a few hours/days. [only exception is VERY low level stuff]
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