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  1. Ironic
  2. I am asking if you want [try to speak only for yourself, I want know what individuals are after, not what they think the community wants] more items useful at end game in some situations, coming from low to mid level content, similar to how FAW was designed, but perhaps not as universally mandatory. Niche as in, strong in specific applications, but a minority of the time.
  3. I've been thinking about the FAW situation, and what it represents. I've also been masticating the old ways of ROSE where some items from mid-game content used to be somewhat relevant even in early end-game. I have my opinion, or should say had, on the matter but; what's more important is listening to the active and current playerbase, My old fogy preferences be damned. As an example: A level locked 75 dungeon/locked map dropping materials for a end-game competitive CG frame. A daily quest that provides 1 material out of 4 needed to craft/exchange an EXP bonus mask whose effect expires after 1 week. or more instances of various end-game level items [best in slot or comparable] from various level brackets like Lv50, 160, 80 etc. Try to think on it more than a few seconds, I've been thinking about it for a few hours now and I've come to the conclusion that having the system or not, players WILL play whatever the content is if they want the item, with only a few reservations.
  4. As mentioned earlier. Just put in dampening system with either the stack system adding healing received stacks that cannot be removed every time someone receives a heal in PvP [max like 10-15 seconds before all stacks fall off]. Or some backend system where the longer you are flagged as being in combat, the less healing you get [again only in pvp]. Your problem is healing. Debuffs, Sacri etc, only work because they can always get full value heals. Stacking up is evidence that heals and AoE heals specifically are the biggest culprit. Aint rocket science boys. These problems have been solved for over 2 decades in some other games.
  5. There's Craft Talent passives in there that also greatly affect that formula. Let's not forget that.
  6. A4 has more data and thus pushes the file size over the limit. It's not always the case, and actually depends on how much color data your icon has. So just tinker with those settings til it works really.
  7. It works on Windows 10, your OS version isn't the issue.
  8. Yea, typically an appeal to the past / appeal to history isn't considered a good argument. I fully understand the nostalgia though so it's relatable. Times change, best to adapt to the changes and appreciate the memories you made from before.
  9. It was changed for loot purposes, and because of some back ground things. It was also changed to prevent easier botting by setting up a bunch of aoe chars and only playing 1 to get the effect of leveling all your alts at once. It's better this way, I like people needing to use 3 brain cells instead of 2 to level in this game.
  10. Ladders WITH water physics for sure
  11. Density. The worlds very much are missing a lot of things to bring it more to life. Grass is a good example. Don't even need to change the art style of the current grass, just add a bit more and maybe a swaying effect from simulated wind or something. Outside of that, just want more content, classes and things to collect. All things that don't really necessitate an engine upgrade so yea. Just want the world to be more densely filled with things that give it character and what not.
  12. I fully acknowledge meme builds, but they're not an official build so I left em out of this particular one. Boxer Hawker is still one of my favorites.
  13. I've done it before for the memes but it's precisely that, a meme. If the AP and Attack Speed proc worked, it'd be a viable option
  14. Just curious, what do you guys think is the least common Class+Weapon combo in ROSE. Aggregate across PvP and PvM. Edit: I personally think it's somewhere around Bourgeoise: Gun or Artisan: Launcher, but Champs nowadays seem pretty low pop, not gonna lie.
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