I've been thinking about the FAW situation, and what it represents. I've also been masticating the old ways of ROSE where some items from mid-game content used to be somewhat relevant even in early end-game. I have my opinion, or should say had, on the matter but; what's more important is listening to the active and current playerbase, My old fogy preferences be damned.
As an example: A level locked 75 dungeon/locked map dropping materials for a end-game competitive CG frame.
A daily quest that provides 1 material out of 4 needed to craft/exchange an EXP bonus mask whose effect expires after 1 week.
or more instances of various end-game level items [best in slot or comparable] from various level brackets like Lv50, 160, 80 etc.
Try to think on it more than a few seconds, I've been thinking about it for a few hours now and I've come to the conclusion that having the system or not, players WILL play whatever the content is if they want the item, with only a few reservations.