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Everything posted by Vile

  1. The aim was to reduce the number of people playing Clerics, only to drag them around for buffs. Not to reduce the number of active mains. When you have a system that tells EVERYONE they need to have a personal cleric at all times just in case, it's not optional, it's mandatory. That's what they want to remove. Let the people play it who want to actively play it. Remove the over-bearing incentive to have every single player make a personal cleric.
  2. Vile

    Xbow scouts

    Crossbow Hawkers also can't use camouflage so there's that negative
  3. Calling it a Heal Slave is a dangerous slope to continue. At some point that argument leads to "Clerics should be a BC with FS levels of healing" which would fundamentally become the only class worth playing anymore. It's a slippery slope to use reductive labels like that. FS Cleric [Full Support] wasn't a "buff slave". They actively could participate. "Buff slaves" were characters you didn't gear for anything other than max CHA rest into main stat. You didn't use them for anything OTHER than to buff. Personally, after the EA starts my plan is to main a Cleric in am omni-style build. Meaning a balance of heal, mitigation, and damage. I plan to prove that Cleric doesn't require having full buffs, to be a valuable asset. It's actually pretty insulting to BC's and people who played a FS actively to reduce their participation to "you only have value if you give me full buffs". Really arrogant and childish thought process actually. My comments are in the general and vague, not towards any particular person just so we're clear.
  4. I suggested this before to the WP Dev's, so I'm down to try it still.
  5. In statistics you ignore the top and bottom 5% and average the medium left. Plus, they have DB access. They can simply query the DB for all datacells saving zuly and get both a total and average. They only thing they should be concerned with is inflation anyway. It's inevitable to happen, but tamping it down so it's slower than faster is a good goal later on.
  6. I wanted to elaborate or expand a bit of what I meant because it might be taken the wrong way. ROSE is a community for all different religious peoples, sexes, genders, nationalities and beliefs. Everyone is welcome here. Those topics though, often become very charged, tense, and result in some fiery disagreements. It's also a very passionate set of topics that require a serious discussion place, and the game forums for ROSE aren't exactly suited for that. It can result in people feeling uncomfortable and not welcome if they don't share the same thoughts being espoused. And ROSE is all about being welcoming and everyone having a place here. So I don't want to discourage you two or anyone else from having these conversations, but it'd be more wise and potentially less likely to lead to a fight or giving new players the wrong signals that ROSE is somehow affiliated with a religious belief or race or gender etc, if you took them to DM's By all means, continue to worship and faith, we all need to have our beliefs. Good luck
  7. Yeah, not putting ya'lls religious beliefs down, but this is definitely NOT the place for that.
  8. Not to debate you on it Buns but, if we were using IRL as the measurement for effectiveness, Guns should be killing people in 1-2 auto attacks. But that wouldn't be very fun, hence the suspension of disbelief. Plus I don't see Carts as cars, they're like mana-steam go-carts in my eyes. Plus quite a few animals can outrun your average 50cc go-cart, heck even an American brown bear can run as fast as one, 35 mph/s go-cart and go-kart seem to be interchangeable.
  9. I don't particularly think mount should be slower than cart, simply because you can't carry another player. It's significantly more efficient to use a cart to move 2 players over alt tabbing constantly to move 2 players, And should the mounted players be touched even once, they fall off the mount, where as a Cart can drive through it and only take 1-2 hits and probly live. I just don't believe speed is the only value we should look at.
  10. Yeap. And I think I know what you're getting at, I'll add what it does in total, one moment~
  11. Vile

    Episode Quest

    It was pinned last time, so likely to happen again, in fact~
  12. A birdy poked me a while ago, and I figured it's time I offer a detailed explanation to Rednim on what the comparisons and difference are with these two forms of travel. I particularly want to do this as it seems that Rednim came to the conclusion that the only value that mattered was "Mounts are faster than carts and shouldn't be" "Detract from PAT importance" and "Don't fit the universe in the way they exist". There was also a comment about them not liking that they're an item which I'll get to as well. So, here's the details of both modes of travel. PAT: Riding PAT dispels all buffs from the player. This means if you did get buffs in town or from a friend, and for any reason want to travel to your grinding spot, you have to walk if you want to retain your buffs. Thus defeating the purpose. PAT changes your character stats based on the equipped parts. Usually, this results in the player being significantly weaker by a large factor, and able to be killed in a few hits, compared to several dozen normally. PAT are as they come, and stats are based on how you build your items / set up. Being struck doesn't dismount you. Can carry a passenger. Mounts: Mounting a mount doesn't dispel your buffs. Mounts are a single package, and are only affected by a Clan Passive, that requires group effort to maintain/upgrade. Only faster than PAT with said passives. Being struck on a mount dismounts / knocks you off the mount. Cannot carry a passenger. So lets discuss the first comment: "Mounts are faster than carts and shouldn't be" Well, Mounts are only faster than PAT by a small fraction once fully upgraded via Clan Passive. Comparing a max speed mount to a max speed cart, the difference is not a large amount, and that comes with it's own factors. in the next point~ "Detract from PAT importance" I would argue, Mounts offer a different mode of travel that brings strengths where PAT are weak, but it's own unique weaknesses that PAT counter, such as carrying a second player, thus doubling it's efficiency at moving players. If anything they're providing a choice on how to get around instead of forcing a singular path. Both can be important in their own way. "Don't fit the universe in the way they exist" I would counter by saying that all mounts in the game are of in-game monster/creatures and fit the worlds aesthetic fine. The process of obtaining a mount in some cases, such as a spider drop from Ulverick are perfectly in-canon lore. Mounts you received from IM didn't come with an explanation, and thus may violate or push the lore canon. However, in large, mounts don't look like they don't belong. Now as for the last part, about not liking that they're simply an item, I agree with. They're not very in-depth as they are now. You have no mount equipment for them, even if they don't visually show, having the ability to modify how your mount performs would be a nice touch of customization. And having an interface like the PAT tab, where you chose the mount, and various pieces of mount equipment would be welcomed. I wrote this post because, I get a large sense that mounts are being written off as exclusively a replacement for PAT, when they're not that at all.It also seems the only thing being looked at is "speed" when that doesn't take in all qualities of each form of travel. Their popularity due to variety, and newness did cause them to be favored by collectors for a time, but that was also in part to PAT not being expanded for 14 years. If both systems were worked on, and taken care of, in a way that respects what they're intended to be, the game as a whole would be better. I also believe the players would embrace more customization and usefulness for both PAT and Mounts. I don't believe the solution is to just gut one because you favor the other as developers. Some will have their favorites and that's awesome, but as my favorite saying goes Why not both.
  13. Currently ammo is specialized with elemental advantages. Those elemental advantages extend to spells with neutral alignment, so the elemental ammo is already a major game changer.
  14. All redacted information, including name will be lifted upon registration of Clan as to prevent theft.
  15. Doongas in Kenji, kill 75. Krawfy in Kenji, kill 100. Snowbears in Luna: kill 150? Bout all I remember off the top of my head. There are repeatable Faction quests in Xita, but they're less lucrative.
  16. Gun/Launcher Artisans Work. Gun Bourgeois doesn't work that well. Launcher bourgeois is/can be very strong. Go with Bourgeois if you want to focus more on grind farming or combat. Go Artisan if you want to focus more on craft grinding / vending with some combat on the side. Bourgeois is more durable / stable in combat, especially pvp. Artisan is weaker in combat defensively, particularly in PvP where it has no decloak. So if a Raider fights you, you can't stop them from hiding, you are guaranteed to lose every fight against a raider if they use stealth/cloaking.
  17. There's not a comprehensive list in any one place no. It'd be a bit more obvious once the game goes live, but for all intents and purposes Cleric is exactly the same, minus a few buffs, and possibly some stronger heals.
  18. Forgot to answer. Battle Cleric / Omni Cleric. Second character is still undecided but probly a weaker/off-meta one that needs work.
  19. Sounds like Divinity Original Sin 2's magic items. Or World of Warcraft legionaries. Not sure if that Pandora's box is worth opening.
  20. Congratulations. You did the thing that derails every topic every time. You try to pick an emotional fight and argue with feelings. What I stated as fact is true. I didn't even imply my own opinion of the changes at all. Stating how things happened isn't an emotional point being taken, it's stating history. Good grief. Everyone is so quick to be mad.
  21. I'm just going to say no, this is a horrible idea in my opinion. If you don't have time, you don't have time.
  22. It was ignored because the buffs were added to all classes before NA even shut down. The only new change was Cleric not having all defensive and offensive buffs. [News flash, Clerics were still fine in NA as BC's and Healers/War Clerics, so they'll probably survive just fine with the new changes and after Rednim upgrades their healing activity kit]
  23. Pay to Win: "Using real-money transactions officially or unofficially to purchase advantages over players who otherwise won't have access to the same advantages." If you spend money, and it gives you an advantage that doesn't exist any other way in-game, it's by definition pay to win. Has no specifics about making money/currency, pvp or pve, dungeons, crafting or anything else. If you pay for it, and there is no achievable way to replicate it in the base game, it's a paid advantage. As for what I think it matters. Paid convenience, like teleport tickets, level boosts/exp boosts, so forth only matter AFTER the first week or two the game is out [month for slower progressing games] because those would invalidate any racing or initial natural gains. Though I would strongly caution against the excess implementation of those, lest you forget how Triggersoft, Gravity and Warpportal started to ruin their product. You have 3 perfectly good examples of what not to do.
  24. Gonna be honest, I don't particularly remember. I think it was 15% either way with Fire ,Earth, Water and Wind, and 15% with Holy ,Ghost, Sorcery and Poison but that could be wrong.
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