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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Seasonal Passes typically use FOMO as much as things like Lucky Spin etc, sometimes to a worse degree. Items often "never return" or are never commented on by the operators of the passes on if they'll return or not, driving even more FOMO due to the uncertainty. And while I appreciate there being a sort of consolation prize for free players, which is the driving reward structure for proponents of season passes, it's just a small piece of candy to get you to ignore the marketing tactics they're using to manipulate you into paying now, often times at a time where you wouldn't have, and end up feeling buyers remorse later once you realize you were tricked/manipulated. That being said: If the rewards from a Season Pass were to enter to IM a month after that season, and able to be directly purchased, and were never taken down; then I would have zero complaints about it. What I want to avoid is another "Faith Item" situation, because that caused a huge amount of elitism, incentive to abuse and exploit, and over-all degenerate methods to obtain them simply due to the fact they weren't going to be re-released (according to Warpportal). If a Season pass lasted say 1 Month, and cost 5$'s, provided 1 full costume, a weapon costume token [so you could pick what you want] and a 30 mount pass token [again, so you could pick what you want]; then I would expect to be able to direct purchase a costume for anywhere between 7 to 10 at tops. Given there are possibly hundreds of sets by now, due to Gravity/Warpportal pumping them out each month, AND there are a now huge number of defunct NPC armor, it'd be more then possible to supply such a monetization method for years. Which brings up only 1 more CON I can think of. Waiting possibly 2 years for a costume I want, that I had before. Not a fan. At all. It'll be one thing for me to get over the fact I had spent money already to obtain them before, and have to do it again. It'll be another to have to sit on my hands for 2 years or a year or whatever just waiting for them to come around. I personally see no problem with them putting /ALL/ sets on the item mall, immediately upon release, and the pass is more of a play incentive + discount [effectively taking place of the bi-weekly to monthly sale period from my previous suggestion]. As I said before, I would be more than willing to pay a small premium, not double.... but 15-20% more, to simply buy it now, when I want it, instead of waiting.
  2. It it was outside of lucky spin, and the good simply rotated then I suppose. I would prefer that all items be available always, and a sale/discount be applied to a group every 2 weeks to a month. I'd be willing to pay full price for a lot of costumes, especially if I missed out on a sale 2 or 3 weeks prior and knew the sale wouldn't be around for a few more months. Wouldn't make much sense to tell a customer "You can't buy that digital good right now cause we want artificial scarcity in order to drive future fits of fomo [fear of missing out]" I'd be more likely to not purchase again, rather than feel pressured to do it personally. So yeah, just put and keep everything up on the item mall, and rotate a sale once every couple weeks.
  3. It doesn't require blender at all, you can do it in Paint.NET, it's just a DDS image. But what I'm saying is it'd be easier / more QoL in the future if you could have effectively 2 color channel textures instead of 1 with a transparency or metallic using the alpha channel.
  4. Switching Basic options should be free [basic being anything available in the character creation]. Premium options should require fee's, being zulie, or item mall.
  5. So, there were some synergies evolving in late NA that I was starting to get excited before leaving the game, and I'd like to see if the new team is open to trying these, or atleast giving their perspective on the matter. Tanks: There's only 1 tank in 7 Classes, however, late into NA, sometimes through abusing AI, or using Unique PvM specific skills, some other 'tanks' evolved. Crossbow Scout: Has a PvM Taunt shot for Single Target. Despite people wanting to call it an "off tank" it was actually on-par with normal tanks, due to it's potent debuffs, stuns and evasion. Even having a superior black rate, whilst boasting a lower amount blocked when successful. Frost/Lightning Mage: Whilst doesn't have a PvM Taunt, when dropping a significant amount of damage, a Mage using Dodge + Mana talents can buff their barrier up enough, that with some CHA into their accuracy down, and attack speed down [and roots/snares for AoE packs] can tank quite effectively. [The trick for Frost mage to keep aggro, is to hit first, and have the team never stun the boss, the boss would tunnel vision the first opponent unless stunned or slept] Healer: This one was never "close" to being a thing, but it was floated several times that Artisan could provide off-support similar to how Crossbow Scout off-tanks. I think the general idea most agreed on, was that you would have some healing tinctures you tossed at allies, which broke on the ground causing small healing clouds etc, and being able to employ a healing summon, similar to the Eyeball from Bourge, but instead of casting decloak, would run around and AoE Heal with once in a while a healing over time effect. Point being simply that the community was looking at more than 1 tank and 1 healer in the entire game. [I think the only people who said "absolutely not, heck no get out are you insane why would you ever do that" were the Clerics who thought they'd get replaced? A bit hyperbolic, but there was definitely significantly more detractors to a second healer than there was to a second third and fourth tank. So in short, would the team be interested in Tank: Crossbow Scout, Frost/Lightning Mage and a support Artisan? There were other ideas but these three only require a few new spells and they're ready to go actually.
  6. In some shape or form, I'd like to see the Ancients functionality as costumes returned and expanded to hats. In NA, Ancient items, specifically chest pieces, were generate during a craft-table update I believe, and had their class restriction removed [level requirement stayed]. This meant if you had one of these very rare items, you could wear it as a costume piece on any class. It was actually super awesome and many people loved and enjoyed that feature. I'd like to see it returned in some form, simplistically the ability to wear any class chest/hat in your costume tab. Pros: Looks cool. Is fun to combine pieces for unique looks. Provides role-players or people with a vision for their character more tools to pursue it. Cons: "I can't tell what class they are if you do that"?* *I don't consider this valid myself, seeing as Mages and Clerics are very very different, same for Knights and Champions. If the argument extends to include the chest + weapon then what are you going to do about Arti's and Bourg's both using Cannons and Guns, and both using Dealer chests? It's kind of a outdated take imo. [I'm honing in on this point because it's been the only "legitimate" point against this becoming a thing, and it's a poor one at best, especially since a costume with no stats]
  7. Sounds like a good idea to me, think you lads can pull that one off?
  8. Based on what was mentioned today on Stream after having watched it, I'm going to close this thread. From the sound of it, purchasing end-game gear from vendors is something the DEV's are looking to get away from I think. If that's the case, then this entire idea isn't viable.
  9. So far the biggest issue I see is Yes: Log in. Do content. Get Reward. No: Log in. Do content. Get Currency. Buy reward you want. Because, .... I'm actually not sure what the problem is with the second one tbh. I also don't understand what about this system is passive, while the other one is active, considering you'd be doing the same thing [And non of this removed open-world drops, or uniques, or crafted jewelry, or crafted armor, or crafted weapons].
  10. That's fine, that's why it's posted. I will make a small correction though, NA's gearing was not deterministic, and absolutely not easily obtainable. Many elements were RNG, or a very very long grind. A lot of people voicing concerns about shops all being removed, and all gear being random drops and too samey to tell what you should be using, are just sick and tired of not having any achievable goals or clear direction to go, myself included.
  11. I don't understand how doing Dungeon, Arenas, King Hunting/Hunt Charges, Crafting, and or fetch quests to get currency to buy gear isn't diverse enough. just because you exchange the currency at a central point, doesn't mean you're only being rewarded at that point. You're just giving yourself more control over what you get [despite them being in RNG sub-stat coffers that you will grind literal years for BiS sub-stats but that was another concession I made, that I don't like]. Quite literally, just so we're clear, I thought the way it was before was perfectly fine, and only needed some balance and a bit more set diversity. This entire this is a response to the community wanting to change something in my opinion that wasn't broke.
  12. They already do that, it's called the lucky spin, and pretty much everyone hates it cause it RNG and fomo.
  13. So I've been trying to wrap my head around the development and future of ROSE, specifically around gearing and endgame for the last few weeks. I've been taking in opinions, comparing them to my own, and trying to find a solution that contains the least amount of concessions but the best compromise so everyone wins. So far, this is what I've formulated theoretically. Step 1: Already been done to an extent, but remove the Honor & Valor gear from the Honor & Valor shops. [This doesn't mean don't bring back the SHOPS with the materials etc in them, those are crucial in some regards, and are the foundation and main interaction of Game Arena and it's reward structure at present, along with a myriad of other gameplay]. Step 2: Bring back Factions. [I'll touch on the 5th and potentially 6th never implemented factions later in another thread or separate part of this post] Step 3: Give each faction a shop/vendor. Step 4: Remove all armor and weapon drops from Dungeons. Step 5: Remove all PvM + PvP Offense + Resistance from gear. Step 6: Take all Honor Sets, Valor Sets, Exalted Sets and place them into the Union Reward shop, contained in boxes <Coffers> that yield single pieces you select at the time of purchase. [This is so that when created, they generate sub-stats, since re-rollers are also now gone] Step 7: Edit the Disassembly table of all these armor sets, to yield 34% of the purchase price in Union Points. Step 8: Add daily quests to Factions, which you select a list of quests from a bigger pool, to do for Union Point rewards. [You can choose PvP or PvM tasks, or even mix them if you want] Step 9: Clan Fields <This requires it own post, I'll post a link here later> Step 10: Add some type of badge, or seal or item from Dungeons that can either be exchanged for Union Points, or Directly reward Union Points upon completion of a Dungeon, Arena, or Union War. What does all this accomplish: You've removed the barrier between PvP and PvM gear [some people have been wanting this to happen in some regards]. You've removed incentive/requirement for people to be forced into doing the types of content they don't want to: removing an irritating situation. You've expanded the pool of options for gearing choices and builds You've reintroduced and immediately integrated Factions into the core loop of the game and endgame activities. You've introduced a way to quickly get a base set, then farm for BiS <best in slot> gears via manifested sub-stats on gear coffers. and You've given a daily log-in incentive that will feel rewarding for anyone casual to hard core as the daily tasks should be fairly fast and simple, whilst there remains benefits to repeatable content runs. There are still many questions regarding things like, Runes, Elements, PAT's, Story, Dungeons etc and more. but from a foundational point, I think this offers potential to be bet best, most stable middle ground possible for everyone to enjoy. I also posted it in the public view, because I would like to encourage as MANY people as possible to consider this, and hopefully not allow personal sentiments or agendas/interests to prevent us from all hammering out /something/ that works. That something I'm hoping is this idea. Cheers: Vile
  14. oO Yeah.... Dunno why I typed it that way looking at it. Height , Width, Depth. X: Abscissa / Width / Hortizontal Y: Ordinate / Height / Vertical Z: Applicate / Depth Since Height as Width are not exactly interchangeable Vertical and Horizontal [Because they're used to describe distance between two points, not a single point along an axis. However some programs use difference axis positioning from what I've experienced [which is annoying]
  15. True, but I was aiming for peoples preferred playstyle, not what they tolerate etc. So hopefully they were all votes for preference.
  16. Wasn't expecting these results, but thanks everyone for the votes. Very interesting.
  17. I wouldn't mind it having a quick click toggle on the general interface. Could be handy.
  18. The problem with the storage access ticket, is it was infinitely more valuable to buy premium, since that came as a premium option. It's probably the biggest reason behind why I maintained a premium service on my main account[s] Tele Tickets are fine I suppose. They do offer significantly more maps, and save you in-game currency [so you're kinda buying zulie for scrolls but it's easier on the inventory?] But eh. I am conflicted as to if they should be character/account locked or tradable, as both have issues.
  19. Vile

    Guess I Should

    Daw maaaaaan, that was nice thank you. Miss you boys!
  20. I could, but that might change. I'll have an extremely in depth video once the game is more set on what it will have/be, and once I can verify the stats are what I think they are.
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