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Everything posted by Whoop

  1. Yeah this would be amazing, and being able to dismanteling the end-game sets to switch out would be such a QoL improvement. This way we can keep honor/valor gear account locked and it still being versatile for gameplay. And I don't think this is as hard to develop as other suggestions.
  2. Well this is not meant for PvP zones at all. It's so convenient to know if a leveling spot is already taken, or if you want to see were people are to join a party. It gives even "emptier" maps a sense of activity just seeing some active little dots
  3. Difference is that clients will be restricted to 2 per person, so you'll never have the best buffs when you play solo. Farming is going to be a pain. Also feel like my cleric is going from a heal/buff slave to just a heal slave, not much of an improvement.
  4. Those are the boosters I'm pretty sure, thought they would remove those.
  5. That's good, but they should be available to new players is what I'm trying to say. The game is hard to get into and without buffs it'll be even worse. Making buff pots available to new players would be a great way for them to play.
  6. I'm all for removing buff slaves, but for the sake of new players there should be a way to get buffs without being in a party with every class to get the buffs. Sometime after EA/Launch there won't be as much people leveling so getting buffs would be harder. I'll assume they keep buff pots in the game? these could be quest rewards or drops from captain type mobs for newer players to get buffs without a party.
  7. You just trying to create a dutch powerhouse /s
  8. I want to one shot smack poeple with my hammer.
  9. Party levels should just remain when accounts are logged out, if party is empty it gets disbanded. Make it so that after a certain hours of inactivity it automatically gets disbanded, something like 12 hours.
  10. Making your own artisan is a tip I want to give. Crafting your own gems, masks and gear in some moments keeps the game more fresh and fun in my opinion. Just straight up buying the items just doesn't give the same gratification.
  11. Why, what is this good for? Someone can just ask what language someone is speaking right? Do we want to communicate as little as possible?
  12. Even if it does only come from IM it would not be p2w, maybe slightly pushing it. But as soon as you're in a party with loot sharing it doesn't matter anymore. But yeah IM skins would be great
  13. Party founder would be nice but lets not segregate bij nationality...
  14. Junon and luna have enough zones where mobs will be aggresive. Gorge, Kenji, Goblin cave, Pretty much all of luna if I remember correctly. Now that I think about it this may be the most balanced system in the game
  15. There is already a discussed topic for this: How attract new players ?
  16. What I meant is that I dont want any mob drops in valor / honor shops. Pushing all gameplay elements towards only these 2 options is not a good thing in my opinion. My fear is that it will outweigh the system from mobs. I want to keep people playing in maps instead of only playing in instance dungeons. So then fix that aspect of the game, make that balanced instead of adding the materials to the valor/honor shops. Don't add something to the game to fix another issue instead of fixing the issue at the core. Which is balancing the drop to refince chance ratio.
  17. I wouldn't want all materials within valor/honor shops. This would only push the game more towards only doing dungeons and get mats that way.
  18. They have said in the FAQ there wont be an auction house.
  19. I think the discord channel is more fit for this in the current state, the minimum requirement for posting in the clan section should be the existence of the clan itself. What if you create a forum post, thought of a name and someone will rush to steal it once the game releases? Don't think thats the way to go. Plenty of people in the discord channel will probably be open to create and think of clans in private, myself included
  20. The game is not launched yet, thus I see no reason for a clan section YET. Just add it when the game is released.
  21. From the FAQ: When will the game be released? At this time, we cannot give a timeline for the new release. There are a lot of things, that need to be addressed in the next few months and therefore, a lot of work is ahead of us. However, we are streaming our play tests and have plans involve the community in our development. Hence, there will be things happening well before the full release! If you have experience playing the last versions of NaROSE, then we will need your expertise! Please just search for a little bit instead of letting others do the work for you.
  22. Character specific cosmetic changes like hair/face/sex change should be possible with zulie.
  23. There are a ton of current costumes they can work with.
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