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  • Birthday July 16

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  1. Personally I wouldn't even respond to questions like that. Just be silent and sent an autoreply/pre-defined message to redirect a player to the community for assistance in the game or something. And warn (or even temp ban) those who keeps repeatedly asking for profit. It's not the friendliest approach, but it will stop people for asking for profit. I dunno what tools you have as GM and if this can be replicated. But i would only be visible to players if there is not any other way to solve some issue. I think showing up as a GM can be considered game breaking.
  2. Why not have both? A Seasonal version where the amount of certain classes is fixed, like max 3 or 4 of each class per team. Big/special rewards here. A Free for All where any combination is allowed. Smaller rewards here.
  3. Cool idea, but not something a different engine would require. I think this can be done in the current engine as well. Maybe post this to the ideas section and see what others think of it.
  4. Something simple I also like to see is having buildings with indoors and where you walk inside. It's a simple thing, but ROSE never had something like that.
  5. I would like to see seamless planets where all zones are just one big map with regions. Without loading screens between them. Some maps needs to be altered to make this happen, but that is not a bad thing as it gives also the opportunity to make more content in what are now gaps between the maps. @lazypenguin water physics with swimming ofcourse.
  6. Here is one fun discussion: What would you like see in ROSE if it were developed in Unreal Engine 5? I think most of know by now that the current engine is pretty outdated and the Rednim devteam is really hard at work to make the best out of it . But what if the game was build from the ground up in Unreal Engine 5 or similar engine and we have access to all the new gizmo's and stuff that modern games has. What would you like to see added or changed to the game?
  7. Of course. You don't want to alienate things too much. But I think most people would agree that any game how old or new undergoes changes whatsoever. So smaller changes, like a new enemies, or even bigger changes, like map redesigns, are totally acceptable if this makes the game better.
  8. I think this is a big one. I always felt that some drops didn't match the mob that dropped the item. Are you considering adding new monsters to match this even better. Like adding a bird enemy that drops the Bird feather.
  9. Basicly anything that give someone who pays an advantage to anything ingame compared to someone who does not pay. Things i consider not Pay2win: Buying a fresh high level character. This is not pay2win as this gives you a boost so you play more quickly with friends. This will only make the game more fun. But it option should be limited though. Only 1 per year or something. Teleportation tickets (teleport between maps/cities from any place). Can't hurt the game as these can be bought ingame as well. Extra storage space or no deposit fee for storage. Can't hurt the game that much. Yes, you could store more items to sell, but a vending shop can only hold that much items each time. Costumes/Visuals/etc. As long it's cosmetic it's totally fine. Party/group buffs (can buff all party in range instead of one by one). You're not the only one that benefits from it, so it's fine. Everything else you mention in the poll is pay2win if you ask me.
  10. Maybe each event (unless the event takes place in own seperate zone) can have a set of quests for each planet to solve this. In case of a seperate zone, like santa planetoid, there could be like different instances based on level (like 1-100, 101-150, 151-200, 200+ or something).
  11. Even if they don't have someone who can do it now, it can still inspire the team to do it later when they do have someone capable of doing it. So don't let that discourage you of posting wild ideas. Your idea might even be the reason why the team wants to expand. Think about that.
  12. That's what I said too. Just post your idea no matter how wild the idea is. I guess some people want the insurance that their idea is actual gonna be used or something.
  13. There was a little discussion about which ideas can be executed by the dev team compared to Rednim's team capacity. You can read the discussion here in the comment section: As the discussion doesn't have anything to do anymore with the idea itself i suggest we continue here in this topic.
  14. You would think so. Completed page is empty though.
  15. In the new Ideas section, which is truly wonderful to have, you see at the top view modes Newest, Popular and Completed. At each idea you see a status of New, Considering or Implemented, but not completed. When is an idea completed? Note: I wasn't sure where to put this topic btw. Hope it's ok here.
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