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Everything posted by Wondertje

  1. When you say pre-evo, do you actually mean the pre-evo phase or the classic phase before that? A lot of people don't know that 'pre-evo' is its own developmenta phase. They think Classic (a.k.a iROSE) and pre-evo mean the same time, just wanna make sure
  2. Wondertje


    Welcome and belated happy birthday!
  3. Wondertje

    Ola HIHI

    Welcome! I have read your name as GayJay like a million times on Discord so I'm just gonna assume you're a jolly gay person to have a good time with!
  4. Luckily, plenty of games still do it with great success. There's also a major difference between allowing accounts to be shared, and allowing support if something happens. Some games treat their users with full reason and offer suppot, some companies allow account sharing but make clear that it's done at your own discretion and no support will be given. The latter being the most common. Essentially "do what you want at your own risk, have fun". There are hundreds of ways that are better than just flat out "no account sharing allowed". In fact, most games don't even prohibit account sharing, they just don't condone it. Which are two very different things.
  5. Honestly, I have no idea why games take issue with two people sharing an account to play together if that's what they want to do. It doesn't hurt anyone, lol. Also, welcome! There are some clans from old servers who are simmering under the surface around here, you might be able to snap some of it up. Or wait until the start recruiting publically.
  6. That would be our all so once beloved later hated deebee
  7. We could make cosmetics and overrides not physical entities. Have a character wardrobe where any cosmetics you've unlocked are listed and you can equip them right from that window. Saves all the storage slots. Something like this.
  8. I too agree, if we were to go that way, that teleportation is more of a magic skill, imbuing parchment with the magic of teleporting.
  9. As someone who has run business merch before, it's not as easy as it looks. Things are very expensive when bought at low quantities, so you'd have to pre-order multiple items to make a profit and then hope you get them sold. This can be done by crowdsourcing the money and making it a binding sign-up for when you reach a certain amount. Shipping is also time consuming to handle unless they find a service that handles business shipping, which again is pretty expensive in and of its own. And add to that the shipping price itself. Looking at imprint, a single hoodie, not including the business shipping (shipping to client) and shipping cost is upwards of $25 dollars. That's a lot of money already. It can be lowered by purchasing tens or hundreds of hoodies at the same time, but then you'd need a solid foundation to say that's a good idea and people will buy it. There are also legal aspects with selling things, depending on where in the world you trade. If you send to the EU there are laws about returns and how they need to be handled, etc. There's GDPR with handling the user data, names and addresses which also need to be accounted for, depending on the service they use. Merch is fun, and I love when companies have merch and if it's companies I use I love supporting them. But it's not as easy as ordering a few hoodies and sending them out.
  10. Overall I think the main goal should be to have players traverse as much as possible before being able to buy/use scrolls. You wouldn't believe how often I've come across players not knowing the most basic of locations because they were either sold or traded scrolls and started scrolling to places way before they should've been there story wise. EDIT: A solution to this could be to make scrolls unusable unless the map has been previous "unlocked". Similar to how in Runescape you need to run to each teleport point before you can use that teleport freely in the game. So Junon Polis scrolls could be unlocked once you enter the city for the first time, etc.
  11. Just wanted to say that the website looks great! Few typos but still totally nice. Keep up the good work! EDIT: Also curious to see exactly what will be in the shop and what ROSE coins will be spent on.
  12. Yeah, that's the general gist of it. Always loved data
  13. Titles are great! Totally should've mentioned that, thanks for that addition! Since bossing is a bit different in ROSE compared to other games it would have to be thought about exactly how it'd work. I wouldn't mind seeing a party all getting the log if they've been part of doing damage. I think a boss log that only gives cosmetics/titles would be much up to the player if they want to play it 'legit' or not. If someone wants to run around and snipe boss logs by doing one damage and leaving that's on them ruining their own log. It's possible in most games to cheese it, but most people aren't assholes about it and it really only ruins their own logs. It would quickly be obvious who does it properly and who doesn't. For dungeon bosses the rewards would be given to the entire group once the boss dies. All of that is up for debate though, I'm not at all sure what the best solution for rewarding boss logs would be, but I absolutely believe it's a solvable problem. EDIT: For item reward log it could easily be done that it only unlocks if the item drops with your name on it. So trading stuff wouldn't unlock someone's boss item log.
  14. I definitely agree we should avoid making it overwhelming. Most simple solution I can think of is that you don't unlock the feature until you're level x, say 50 or so, and have a better grasp of the game. From experience though, even when playing very information heavy games *cough* Runescape *cough* it really doesn't take all that long, and people usually gladly help explain things on their Discord/In-game chats.
  15. I would love to see some kind of boss log. A place where you can see which bosses you've killed, how many of a specific boss you've killed and potentially even a drop log for that boss to see which unique items you've dropped. As a completionist player this would add another layer to the gameplay that would hurt no one but add to those of us who are completionists - and a lot of people are which is why these things are so popular in games to begin with, alongside achievements which I'd also like to see. Developers could make these aspects of the game as easy or difficult as they want. Some games have extremely grindy achievements and logs, others focus on more easily obtainable ones. I personally love grinding and working hard for achievements and logs - but that's just me.
  16. Lucky for you I have 15+ years of ROSE experience. Since you like 'fact' dropping so much. Not that I agree with you of its relevancy. It's a sign of an intelligent mind to entertain other people's point of view, and I agree that compromises are important. That does not by any means mean I have to agree with the full scope of what is currently being changed. Luckily, you're not a developer so you're not the one I have to convince or explain my thought process to. I'm sure the developers here are both smart enough, and dedicated enough to read what's said by everyone active here on the forum and take it into account when they do their work.
  17. There's no L given, sweet of you think so though. I recommend Zoe Bee on Youtube "Facts DO care about your feelings" - you might learn a thing or two as she explains why you're wrong (along with Ben Shapiro and others). Your 'experience' is no more valid than anyone elses. Everyone in this forum has plenty of experience, stretching over decades and more usually - you're not unique or alone in that. There's nothing objectively wrong (or right for that matter) with what you think would happen if something changed. These are not territories that were tested in NA, these are different and the obstacles and variables are different. Hence why it's called a change.
  18. Interesting whataboutism, I disagree with your assessment though. It's pretty simple, you think something, other people think differently.
  19. Not sure which part you haven't understood of what's been previously said by me and others. Clerics have buffs, classes have buffs, buff scrolls exist, all buffs are equal. If you wish to play fully solo you can use your class buff and/or scrolls, if you wish to play with a party you can get more people's class buffs (they do this in their streams a lot) and/or fill out with scrolls and if you wish to play solo multi-client you can also get buffs. No one is without buffs, no one is a slave to anyone and everyone has the option to play exactly however they want. Solo. Friends. Randos. You make the game what you want it to be and what best suits your needs. It's not really that complex of a concept - full access to everyone in whatever way works best for them.
  20. I agree with this sentiment. I'm assuming no one is proposing that we simply reward high level players for being AFK/Offline. The intention must surely be to increase engagement between high level and low lever players.
  21. Do point out where in my text I said that cleric buffs would be better. As far as I'm concerned the cleric buffs and class buffs can be totally equal - just different sources of obtaining them for different players. Options, options, options - the one thing all games need to survive.
  22. I don't think occasional, reasonable buffs in drops/exp is what will make or break this game. Lots of games have versions of happy hour, bonus weekends, etc.
  23. This sounds like the beginning of the most toxic gaming community out there. ROSE communities are already toxic enough.
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