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Everything posted by Wondertje

  1. This can be negated with level scaling dungeons, which has been mentioned in other places of the forum. If there's a Jelly Bean dungeon that scales with level and has rare unique drops, people will still play it at max level even if it's located on Adv. Plains. There's also the fact that some community dispersion is always inevitable, I don't see how dungeons would further make it worse. If anything it adds horizontal gameplay which I mentioned in my thread here, and it lessens the dispersion of players. Especially if there are reasons to do them later on. Unique items, achievements, completionist, etc.
  2. Honestly, this sounds like a great little mini-game/recurring event thing, I'm all for it! Having events that are regular, level-scaled and gives some kind of in-game rewards for collected currency (in this case fragments) are yet another great sign if horizontal gaming which I mentioned in my other post, super important for any game. And what you're suggesting seems good in-universe as well, makes sense, etc. I upvote! EDIT: I also see achievements/completionist tasks connected to this. Super easy to add and fun! EDIT 2: And scaling to level also means that it won't be a mini-game that dies after two weeks because no high-levels wants to do it. It'll keep going until the last person never wants to see it again, and it's self-contained.
  3. I think the differenec is that reborn was only available at max level, as a way to just "restart". Their suggestion seems to entail prestigeing at any point we want after level x, to reset to 0 and gain some bonuses. Honestly sounds more akin to how idles and clicker games do it. ---- In either iteration I'm hesitant. I've never, personally, seen how reborn or prestige fits with the universe that is ROSE. It makes very little sense, and when reborn was first introduced on the server I was then playing on, it was merely a way to keep people busy when actual content hadn't been developed yet. It feels a bit out of place, and like focus should be elsewhere.
  4. And that's enough, that's the point. Not everyone has to like everything. These things added to the already existing game will, as I already explained in my post, give all players more optional things to do as they progress through the game. It increases the likelihood of players not spreading out as much based on level and it will definitely be of interest to people. Have you played any other MMORPGs with these functions? They are always appreciated by the community, and those who aren't completionists simply don't do them. These things yield nothing but cosmetic rewards for that very reason. This thread and these ideas are about horizontal gameplay, it's not a suggestion to adding game features which at its core affects the gameplay with stats, boosts or any additional items as rewards.
  5. For what reason? It would make literally no difference to the game. If anything, that's a horrible idea because then we'll just bring our maxed alts to aggro everywhere while we take our time killing the enemy whilst being technically too weak.
  6. That sounds counterintuitive to what the aim of the game is. No player is going to like reaching a brick wall where everything attacks them no matter the difficulty and they die constantly with no chance of strategy because the game doesn't care. The point with the current system is that you will survive a reasonable % of the time if you're at your designated level spot, but you can strategise and go out and kill harder enemies if you plan for it, use the right equipment, etc.
  7. It's come up in quite some discussions and I've always been a strong proponent of non-linear games. What does that mean? It means that it's a game that doesn't make you "finish" an area and simply never return. At the moment ROSE is very linear, once you out-level a map you very, very rarely go back to it. I believe it would be highly beneficial to look into ways to make it less so. It would make the player base less disperse (i.e. not only level 10 character in zant and max level characters on Oro), which I believe would help player retention rate as well. A few things have been discussed here and here already, so I'd like to summarise my thoughts on the matter. Here is a list of previously mentioned and not mentioned ideas with a short summary of why I think it would help. These are all ideas that will open for sideways/horizontal playing, rather than pushing max level in 3 days and skipping most of the game. And sideways gaming is important for any MMORPG to survive. Aside from horizontal gaming, completionist gaming is also a huge thing for a lot of people. Completionist items would be things that would take a long time to finish, and that can be done at the leisure of the player - not something that makes or breaks gameplay itself if you don't want to care about it. Boss Log A boss log would entail almost like a pokedex, best way to describe it. It would be an area (a window) with a list of bosses you've encountered (seen), whether you've defeated them, and what their boss drops (special drops) are. It could either list all bosses openly, or like a pokedex only show the ones you've seen. Achievements This would be a collection of tasks and accomplishments, such as "Defeat a Jelly Bean" (that's a great first achievement). There is an endless stream of things that could be made into achievements. "Finish 10 Quests", "Gather 5 Animal Furs" - really whatever we want. Menagerie (Yes, I shamelessly got this idea from Guild Wars) This would be a map, unique to each player, which has one of every mob you've ever defeated roaming around the map. They're friendly and can't attack, nor can you attack. So for example, if someone is new and have so far only killed a Jelly Bean and a Choropy, they will see a green grass field with those two mobs walking around. This is a great part of completionist gameplay. Other Completionist things include Collection logs/achievements such as "Collect all Launchers" or "Collect the full Dimple Set". Easter Eggs Find all 17 stars hidden in the game These are just a few examples I can think of at the top of my head. The main reasons for this being a good things are It gives a huge boost to the amount of things you can do outside of purely leveling. It makes the distribute of players of different levels much more even throughout the maps. All of these things would yield cosmetic rewards at best, no actual stats or benefits other than being what they are as a mechanic. I personally wouldn't need much more than seeing my log and menagerie fill up, it's very satisfying. Would love to see some opinions and the developers' take on this.
  8. The game already has an aggro level system, which (at least used to) goes hand in hand with the difficulty rate, and drop rate (that colourful list). Yellow and above are more likely to aggro you than lower level mobs. Or at least that's how it used to work and everywhere I've played. Unless NA changed it.
  9. I can assure you that spamming the forums (or anywhere) will more likely hurt your chances than increase them. Simply be active, come with suggestions, discuss thing, etc. That's what will get you on santa's good list.
  10. This version requires Windows 10+ at least, so that's a difference.
  11. What? What did I miss? Where was this announced/confirmed?
  12. Just zoom in and make it all blurry, ez.
  13. There is no indication as to why this would be the reason. I don't believe the PAT tab is any different from any other tab when it comes to being able to keybind the item if it's a mount. If that's a hurdle, I have all faith the devs can fix that. Seems kinda backwards to not even try just because it might've been different at NA.
  14. Maybe it's an NA thing then, but on other servers I play they can be hotkeyed from the PAT tab as well. @ZerorYeah EDIT: Only just now realised the typo, lmao.
  15. Somewhere between weeks and months for closed beta as far as we're currently expecting. If I had to guess I'd say around a month / month and a half based on how they've talked about how the stress test went - and they've previously aimed at closed beta at the end of summer. But that's all speculation.
  16. When a character is deleted, the name should be instantly released to be reused. Back in iROSE this was the case, characters would schedule for release with a 30 minute timer during which you could change your mind, after that the character was removed and you could instantly use the name to create a new character. This was extremely handy for those of us who changed out minds and wanted the same name but on different characters. I did it several times myself when I "migrated" my names around. Other servers have zero public policy on when the names become available. When you delete a character it can "take several months" before the name becomes available, and they can't do it manually, I can only assume how horrible their internal system is for that to even be an issue. So, I'm kindly asking to make sure that names are instantly released upon deletion of a character.
  17. That old Junon fountain one was awesome and that was a big hit of nostalgia. Characters sitting down meant they were scheduled for deletion (30 minute timer), so concise and clear.
  18. I think it just mimics click and play to a T, since the game in ROSE is a steady cam that doesn't follow the character view. Don't even know if backwards movement is a thing that exists yet, but they could implement it.
  19. That's already the case regardless of where in the inventory they are, unless I missed some secret difference between the two storage areas? And as far as I know they can be keybound themselves so that wouldn't be much of an issue.
  20. Pretty self-explanatory suggestion: Mounts should go into the PAT tab in inventory. Why? They, just like cars, are part of transportation and there's no reason for them to take up an inventory slot elsehwere. EDIT: I noticed this during the alpha test at the last hours when I got a Choropy mount, thought it felt strange and off when I literally lost it in my inventory for a second, lol.
  21. You should find both windowed and windowed maximized in the game settings (those are the two options I have), both of which combined with "allow resizing" should make you able to launch two game windows and align them by preference. Thoough, there seems to be a bug with game settings in general, not everyone seeing them / all of them or them not staying when the client is restarted again.
  22. Yeah pre-evo was pretty short. Really just a stepping stone for evo to come
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