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  1. I see we're coming back to Hellgate mechanics like shield penetration and shield overload.
  2. That skill in particular needs a cd reduction of 5 sec at max investment, btw ( = 10 sec cd).
  3. in which map was your avatar last?
  4. There is no more easy mode, only meta. I remember the power of those summons. I remember using them to take down bosses. You can't do that anymore. There's been a normalization of sorts re: damage values, summon stats, buff stacking etc. It's very much "work hard, be rewarded a little bit" now. I've actually spent the last 8 years thinking about muse earlygame and Dealer summons for this very reason, tbh. In this instance of the server, bourgs don't have all the summons. They have basic hunters and warriors plus the advanced Third Eye mobile detection summon. As such, this competes with the basic Phantom Sword Cleric summon (low summon cost) and the advanced Firegon (ranged fire attack, aoe DOT flamethrower attack, high acquisition range and aggro) in terms of ROI. Artisans have the advanced summons: Dread Knight, Terror Knight, Sentry (static detection summon unit) and Judgement Knight (Unique, not part of skill tree) which are situationally better than hunters due to the ability to directly control their positioning and attack. They also have some AOEs with debuffs, although we can't control those skills (yet?). The Judgement Knight is pretty strong, too, although its major failing, like the other Knight summons, is that it's a magical summon instead of a crafted-and-deployed unit leveraging Artisan abilities. No upgrades, no PAT modularity, what you see is what you get.
  5. I have some very strong thoughts about this idea, but they're almost all negative, so I'll express them elsewhere and wait to reformulate them into polite speech.
  6. I read this as "I had to buy mats from my parents". Cue interesting thought process involving a stern talking to from your father about fiscal responsibility, and a tearful mother wringing her hands. "He has to learn how to manage his zulie the hard way!"
  7. Nice, I'll go get it again then for nostalgia at least, if not for the SEN. ty @Sparky
  8. It was likely removed then. Thanks. EDIT: FYI, it was the Shadowmoon Set which was char-locked or char-bound, I believe. It was likely awarded as part of the Hero Quest chain towards the end of the Luna arc. Zurn might be able to remember the details.
  9. I don't see the set from one of the Luna quests, the one that gives +SEN.
  10. Bobbity

    Champ or Knight

    HoneyBuns gave advice that's not very useful in this case. Soldiers after their second job choice are very different from before that choice. Champs differentiate more sharply into 2hand, spear and axe, with axe being mostly useless, 2hand being mostly focused on skill power and spear doing well in PvM thanks to Victorious Respite's sustain and the dodge stacks but middling to poor in PvP. Knights generally always do okay at the very least in both PvM and PvP. Some knights are geared for PvP and are merciless killers, so they seem to have their cake and eat it too. That said, champs can gear to be killers too, but aren't always useful in lategame PvM (some dungeons either don't benefit much from spears but do from 2handers, or champs in general without best-in-slot gear overall don't bring much to the table for that specific dungeon.) Until axe champs are reworked or buffed a bit, it's really a 'level as spear and respec to 2hand' meta. Knights are always wanted and useful, though, even if their utility varies based on the current needs of the party.
  11. For the event to work, even low-levels should have impact; things like manning the cannons mounted on the fortifications and so on. I doubt we could get anything like that going in the short amount of time remaining, so either make the invasion slightly safer, less burdensome or, failing that, move it to DoD/ random Junonian town. Let's keep brainstorming this. EDIT: Maybe the invasion needs a precursor, a spy to open the backdoor, as it were? We could have players being approached by red robe NPCs, offering them EXP or something in return for disabling certain city protections. The quest could take the players around the entire circuit of major NPCs, many of whom would be suspicious of your actions. The quest would also be collaborative; when enough protections are disabled by the players, Hebarn invades!
  12. Either you or your target, that is.
  13. Go, @Zurn go! We believe in you! You've got this!
  14. 1. The idea that mages are OP is a misconception. Mages aren't OP. Mages are fake. They're just the magic version of bourgs. In other words, they're trash undeserving of their name. 2. AA generally doesn't allow you to safely gear towards only countering one specific class. You leave yourself vulnerable to the other classes and your team doesn't pick up the slack. That's not due to lack of teamwork; it's because the game itself was never designed for PvP, so we mostly see players just casting whatever skills are off cooldown. Flailing around like muppets. Remember, MMORPGs start off with the idea of 'sameness', they have class templates and you distinguish yourself with achievements and cosmetics, differentiate yourself with Unique skills and maybe your basic build. We know the truth, of course: all the builds are the same. There's no distinctive difference between spell animations and sfx in terms of glance value. The casting mechanics are the same. The sound effects are overwhelmingly the same. Mage skills usually have a relatively short casting time, so there's no risk in casting spells since it's all fire-and-forget. There's no channeling mechanic, no arrays or formations. The only guard skill in the game is Mana Shield; everything else is just a remix of the basic buffs. The game's not diverse enough to set up meaningful strat. 3. Imagine if you had ONE person on your team whose sole job was to take out mages. Maybe a raider, maybe an arti with a highly developed Sniping skill thanks to maxing out a questline or from building a super sniper rifle; either way you'd need a dedicated magekiller, an anti-raider and a bourg-killer. Yeah. We don't have that. Authentic Greek Tzatziki Sauce - The Wanderlust Kitchen
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