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Everything posted by MagicianTrent

  1. The maps never flowed here, even after they blew up the bridge in Zant to get more people to use Breezy Hills.
  2. This is sorely needed for artisans. Could of used it many times in wars and in the prison
  3. I thought there was a limitation in the software that didn't allow for stacks to be over 999? I used to carry crates of ammo to save space.
  4. I kind of like the idea of a follow as a basic skill. Going through a gate I would think it would break the follow though. Didn't this get brought up in one of the streams?
  5. I always wanted that dune buggy you see in the videos for rose. Instead of backseat you had a platform to stand on. Scooby mobile!!
  6. Cool art work you have saved. Wasn't there some art work you could download from the narose site at one time?
  7. I actually liked the migrations in storage in NA. I had most everything organized by mat type or equipments, etc. Only thing was you had to buy expansion pages Hopefully it doesn't get changed to much or force how you store stuff.
  8. I always wanted my dealer to be able to hold a gun in each hand, like raider dual weapons.
  9. I'm having a hard time remembering if those NPCs offered much as in the way of gear or ammo or mats, etc.. Maybe thats what was missing from them?
  10. I figured I'd be in the minority. I'm a cart person thru n thru as I love to drive around the maps and give people rides. Once mounts were introduced, it was like everyone forgot about carts and driving.
  11. I don't mind Town scrolls as long as it only for a few main towns. The scrolls to teleport to any map I'm not in favor of in any form. It takes away from exploring the maps/worlds.
  12. I like the idea of mining, specially after seeing the miners on Eldeon and goblins in the cave. I could see it for only certain maps and each one giving only certain mats/rewards. Could even make it a skill you learn, with better mining capabilities as you increase the skills level.
  13. Completely agree, specially with your last part.
  14. Didn't there used to be faction houses in NA? Couldn't they use that map as a clan house? They had plenty of room and I think multiple NPCs (going by my memory lol).
  15. I found a picture of where that castle is located
  16. I like the size of the Luna CF, I just think the entrance to it should be moved. There is like a snow castle on another map (which I can't remember atm) which I always thought could be for the CF. Yes, the other worlds need CF also. All the CF should have level limits, like the old Junon CF used to be.
  17. Name: MagicianTrent Preferred name to call you: Magician Trent Gender/country/age: Rose/125 When did you start playing Rose Online? IRose What do you like the most from Rose Online? I like all friends I made and helping people ingame(buffs, crafting) What's your favorite class to play? (and why) Cleric is first, Artisan second Share your favorite memories from Rose Online! Crafting my first gem 7 Favorite monster: Aqua King Things you hate the most in Rose: Anything you want to say?
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