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Everything posted by Zurn

  1. I honestly hope they go through the quest level requirements and adjust them, or remove them, from lower level areas. zant for instance has a few quests you couldn’t do unless you went directly there after getting your job, I think 18 was one and 15 for Lena and I want to say Cornell or maybe spero. (Fetch quests) usually your around 20+ if you do the quests or level in luxem.
  2. Not sure if they will leave the rewards of the quests there or not but they were worth it in my opinion!
  3. From what I remember it’s the equipment that controls color which is why that was never done, no one wanted to go through every armor/outfit and put multiple color schemes in and then somehow make them automatically adjust to each character’s preferences. It would be nice if it was available though, never heard someone complain about to many options for creating a character~
  4. They said they plan to bring it back once the game was released again, not sure if that means beta or full release though. id lean towards full release though or people would try to sign up and login and not be able to
  5. I like this one, entirely, darker set is nice and the hair style is cute
  6. Probably start with hawker then move to dealer after getting some material for crafting
  7. As far as I know the current map is this (no entrance to Luxem) If they would adjust the maps to go through Breezy Hills they would need to redo levels as well (basically swap zant with breezy hills levels). If you can level fast enough or have nice enough equipment you really don't need to use most of the maps, as we've seen with max level cleirc buffs in the past. I agree with Vile here, but with all maps more or less. (Different planets using the ship/quest to use it)
  8. Would it be possible to make ammunition stacks be 9,999 (or more) to save space in your inventory for drops? alternative idea (which I believe was Leonis’s) make ammunition an item that doesn’t consume, like craft or buy 1 and it never runs out. Pro - SPACE in your inventory for crap you probably don’t need or want, but can sell for more stuff! Con - people who sell ammunition types as a source of money will lose out, crafters lose an item to make ’zulie sink’ is lost (if you buy arrows/bullets/cannon balls)
  9. Kinda surprised that wasn’t just added to the dealer basic skills tab from the beginning, granted it’s a mostly worthless skill until later on (pvp)
  10. I mean at this point in time this is a moot problem since only Junon will be released but still! And by remove I mean revert to being not invisible~ Go go go!
  11. I believe it was, but it also practically killed the map
  12. Probably somewhere and mentioned before but can we remove the invisible ranged mobs in prison. Once that was implemented the usage dropped to what seems like just boss farming. pro - they suck if you don’t have a way to reveal them, I think they had a stun which could wreck a party pretty quick. Con - removes potential diversity in mob behavior that gives you different gameplay from normal.
  13. https://web.archive.org/web/20180424085550/http://www.playroseonline.com/Downloads/Wallpapers.aspx
  14. Or the mounts that your character becomes, like the ghosts they just hang on your back!
  15. I don’t believe there was an armor/weapon seller there but I could be wrong. Ammo, hp/mp, and scrolls I think were all from the same person.
  16. I think they changed it since the character amount per account went up, but maybe they could have a kind of page thing to hold 5/5. I miss this too
  17. Those are most likely what trebor are thinking of map wise
  18. There were npcs in them but I don't recall them having anything besides exchange dialog and leave map options. Not sure what private or Japanese servers had but na I don't believe had maps dedicated for this, it wasn't something available
  19. Ballroom event used the Ballroom map, but it was only for a small portion of time every year. They could copy it though instead of making new maps from scratch
  20. I dare say a max button should be added, like the calculator thing during buying/selling/storage
  21. I know, I don’t like pvp so dungeons were the only real ‘end game’ for me. I usually just started new characters and did quests to see if they gave anything fun as rewards
  22. Because people want to skip leveling and go straight to pvp or end game stuff
  23. If they knew or were told about it
  24. With monster spawning (if its like the moon child) they would have to look at changing how that works experience wise since Gravity removed experience from them
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