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Everything posted by lazypenguin

  1. I think it could be interesting to have a single inventory window instead of the multiple tabs. Don't forget there's a cart tab as well. We're open to a change like this and it wouldn't be too big of a challenge. However, we'd want to hear from the community in general how they'd feel about a unified inventory. I'd also be curious to know the downsides of such a system, I can't think of too many off the top of my head.
  2. There are already some things like this, if you type "lol" in game your character will start doing the laugh emote. Would be nice to have more and more advanced functionality
  3. Looks pretty good, we tried once to connect all the maps into a big world but they don't quite fit perfectly so would have to create some terrain between them. Need Orlo maps too
  4. That's a great idea, added. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. Sorry folks, unfortunately the team has decided not to implement clan reservations at this time. While we respect that our players want to re-create their previous clans, we feel that it's too complex to avoid controversy regarding clan ownership. For example, if you were clan owner in 2015 but not 2019 do you have the right reserve the clan name? What if you were just a member and not the master? What should happen if a rival clan reserves their enemy's clan name out of spite? We recognize that these scenarios could still happen even without clan reservation (e.g. someone can simply create the clan in game first) there are at least some barriers to doing this on a mass level compared to making an online payment (create char, level it to 30, earn 1 million zuly, etc.) I know it's not the answer you wanted but I hope that our community will avoid any conflicts on the clan front or resolve it among themselves. Thanks for your understanding.
  6. We wanted to limit it to 1 client but after talking with players we conceded that two would be better for the time being, main reasons: - Without offline vending, you can't play and open your shop at the same time - Players who like to make an Artisan as a second job like to be able to do artisan stuff while still being available on their main account (e.g. queue for dungeon, game arena, etc.) - With the current storage system, even with max expansion coupons, players who collect a lot of items literally run out of places to store their items These are some of the things we would like to address before considering a 1 client limit. I'm sure there are other reasons but these were the ones that popped into my head.
  7. While we wouldn't specifically use ssh or key/pairs for this we would like to add the login step the launcher and implement a secure way to remember credentials
  8. Hello all, Tomorrow we will be opening the name reservation system! We know many of you are eager to know the details so that you can secure your in game name. We've put together a short Q&A based on some of the questions we've been receiving. Name reservations will be available starting at 9am ET time (2pm GMT)! Visit our website (https://roseonlinegame.com/) for a real-time countdown to the opening of name reservations. Q: What is a name reservation? A: We are inviting players who are interested in securing their in game names ahead of our early access release to pre-reserve their character names for a small cost. Purchasing a name reservation ensure that only you will be able to use this name when creating a new character in game. Q: How much will the name reservation cost? A: These are the current costs for a name reservation bundle: 1 name - $7 USD 2 names - $12 USD 3 names - $15 USD 4 names - $18 USD 5 names - $20 USD At most 5 names can be reserved in a bundle but there is no limit to the number of name reservation bundles that can be purchased. Q: How long can I reserve a name? A: The name reservation system will only be available until we release early access (December 13th). Q: How long will my name be reserved? A: The name will be permanently reserved as long as your account is not deleted. Even if you never create a character with that name or delete an existing character using that name, nobody will be able to use it. Q: Can I transfer my name? A: We encourage you to reserve names on the account you intend to use it on, however if you find that you want to transfer your name to another account then we will accommodate name reservation transfers via our ticketing system at https://support.roseonlinegame.com/. Q: What are the rules for creating a name? A: Names must be at least 4 characters and not contain special symbols. If a name is reserved for nefarious purposes (e.g. to impersonate a staff member) or is inappropriate we will reach out to coordinate a name change. We reserve the right to change name reservations that violate our rules. Please use your best judgement. Q: Why should I reserve a name? A: Name reservations are permanent and this is the only time you will be able to permanently secure a character name. Q: What if I have more questions? A: Please post on our forums at https://forum.roseonlinegame.com/, visit our discord https://discord.gg/roseonline or create a ticket at https://support.roseonlinegame.com/ if you have additional questions. Thank you, Rednim Games
  9. Visitors, Save the date! We are pleased to announce that ROSE Online will launch into Early Access on December 13th, 2022! Will you choose to follow the light of Arua or will you succumb to the darkness of Hebarn? Whether you take the path of the Dealer, Hawker, Muse or Soldier, adventure awaits! Follow our website, forums or discord server for the latest updates. https://www.roseonlinegame.com/ https://forum.roseonlinegame.com/ https://discord.gg/roseonline FAQ: Q: Is the game free-to-play? A: Yes, ROSE Online is and will always be a free-to-play game. Q: Where can I download the game? A: The game will be available for download from our website shortly before the early-access release Q: How can I access the game? A: Players must register an account online at https://www.roseonlinegame.com/ to access the game. Q: Can I reserve my character name(s)? A: We will be releasing a paid name reservation system on November 22nd that will be accessible on our website at https://www.roseonlinegame.com/. Q: Can I play from Europe/Asia/Middle East/etc. A: Yes, we will not restrict players based on their geographic location. Q: Is ROSE a "pay-to-win" game? A: No, ROSE has an in-game item mall that only contains cosmetic and other similar items. Q: Does ROSE run on MacOS/Linux/Steam Deck/etc? A: We currently only provide official support for Windows. However, ROSE is compatible with other platforms by using compatibility software. We will provide more information about this at a later date.
  10. We agree, would be nice to be able to find available quests on the map easier. The mini-map is sometimes a bit too...mini...it can be hard to notice these kinds of indicators.
  11. Thanks, we've updated this in our alpha changes and it will now say "Email Address", "Password" and "Remember my email address"
  12. Hello all, we recently had an impromptu stream where we shared some of the development updates since the alpha stress test. It was streamed on twitch but the recording is now available on YouTube!
  13. You are too quick, we hadn't had a chance to post it in the announcements yet!
  14. In the future, either closer to early access release or soon after, we will create more sections in the discord channel and that will likely include a suggestions section. However, if we do create a suggestions channel in the discord it is very unlikely that we would adopt it as the official way to make suggestions. We would still ask players to post them here if they want to be sure the team will review the suggestions.
  15. Hello @everyone Thank you for your patience, we know that many of you have been eagerly awaiting an announcement from us after our alpha stress test. Since then we've been hard at work processing all the information and feedback we've received. A big thank you to those that participated in the stress test and to those that completed the alpha questionnaire. The stress test was a huge success for us but we couldn't have done it without our wonderful community! For those of you following on Ko-Fi we will have a more detailed post on the stress test soon. At a high level, we had a peak of 3.4k unique visitors to the site during the stress test weekend with a peak of 232 stress testers actively online at once and a sustained average of 100 active players the entire weekend. Those numbers actually exceeded our expectation for the stress test and signals to a bright future for ROSE Online! The take away from the stress test is that we are not ready to do a traditional closed beta soon due to a number of outstanding issues in the game (code and gameplay). As most of you are well aware, there are issues with the game that have been here for more than a decade or two! As a team with limited resources, we're not in a position to create a "perfect" vision then implement it in the traditional alpha/beta/release model. Therefore we have decided that we will not be having a closed beta! Instead of pursuing a closed beta/open beta model we will be aiming for an "early access" release. What this means is that we will prioritize getting the game ready for players as much as we can and accept gameplay imperfections until we have a chance to improve them. We will focus on work that impacts the ability to play the game (such as crashing, exploits, etc.) and work on the gameplay over time with player feedback. We've heard you loud and clear: you want to play ROSE again. So our priority is to get everyone playing and enjoying ROSE again while we iterate and improve the game during early access. However, there's one big twist: We will not be doing a full reset of the game after the early access release! It's not motivating to play a game knowing your progress will be wiped. The MMORPG experience is an ongoing, evolutionary experience and the team will adapt to the ever changing nature of the world we release. A wipe is a nice cheat code for the developers but we have come to believe it's a punishment for players. Since we will be in early alpha there may be minor rollbacks or resets if anything truly game breaking occurs but we are committed to a release with no resets. While this was not our initial plan we are excited for this new direction. Unfortunately, this means that we'll have to create new timelines as we have new requirements that were not there previously. At this stage it's likely that the early access release will be closer to November or December but we're hopeful we can achieve it sooner. For the next weeks these are the high priority items we will be focusing on: - Service stability - Administrative tools - Major gameplay bugs - Drop tables - Kings - Item mall After early access release, and once we feel the game is ready, we will have an "official release" with a big marketing push to the wider gaming community and bring in a new wave of ROSE Online fans! Of course we know that a delay is the last thing our players want to be reading right now as they eagerly await to play ROSE Online again. As such we're making plans to have players be able to play before the early access release in some capacity such as playing with a streamer, participating in a PVP event or more. We are open to all suggestions so please send them our way. We hope you are as excited about or new plans as we are. As always, we are grateful to have such a wonderful community and are working hard to bring back this beloved game. We will keep you updated of our progress as we go along! Sincerely, Rednim Games
  16. Dear Rose Community! Thank you for everyone who participated in our alpha stress test. The feedback and insights we have gotten have been immensely valuable for our future release. As a team, we are striving to return the game to its true potential and these sort of tests help ensure we can meet our desire for a high quality release. I hope that the event was fun for those who participated as much as it was fun for us! With that in mind, we've put together a questionnaire to gather some more detailed feedback regarding the alpha stress test. We would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment to fill it out and share your thoughts: https://forms.gle/3MFstLCBmLoNNquHA Thank you!
  17. Hello all, Sincerest apologies from the team for not making this announcement sooner but the alpha stress test is underway and will end tomorrow at 6PM ET time (12am GMT). If you'd like to participate in the alpha testing, here is the information you'll need to get started: Download the client installer from: https://updates.roseonlinegame.com/RoseOnlineSetup.exe Once the installer has completed, run the updater which will get the latest version of the game At the login screen, please use your roseonlinegame.com email address and password to login Have fun! We highly recommend joining the discord server at https://discord.gg/roseonline to get real-time updates regarding the alpha stress test. FAQ - Q: Will I be stuck on birth island - A: Yes...unless you find out how to escape... - Q: My updater is stuck at 100% - A:The updater may get slow down in the 95% - 100% or appear stuck at 100% for some time. This is a known issue that we are working on. For the time being, please just wait until the play button activates. This can take several minutes in some cases (5+) - Q: My updater immediately closes when starting - A: If the launcher auto closes it means it doesn't have enough permissions to update the folder you selected - Q: The update gives me different kinds of error messages - A: For the updater we don't support windows versions older than "Windows 10 Anniversary Update (also known as version 1607 and codenamed "Redstone 1")" - Q: How do I login - A: Please use your roseonlinegame.com account which is your email address and password - Q: I can't login - A: Please make sure you use your roseonlinegame.com email address and password. There's a current bug where if your password is more than 32 characters you won't be able to login so please reset your password if it's longer than 32 characters - Q: My updater has been stuck at 100% for 15+ minutes - A: There are still some bugs with our updater, if it's at 100% then create a file called `bypass-launcher.cmd` file in your installation folder and use it to start the game. The file should have this line in it: - Q: My updater exits with an error - A: If you're having issues with the updater, please use this link to download the full version of the game and use the bypass-launcher.cmd to start the game: https://discord.com/channels/679185885903978520/727855190270804021/1007704353383129143 We will try our best to respond to support requests on the forum but we recommend using discord for real-time support. Hope to see you online!
  18. Thank you, what section did you intend to post this in?
  19. The suggestion came up a few times and I think it would be nice but we'd need to find a way to prevent it from being abused for quest rewards.
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