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  1. I had the same issue. The quest description is not clear. They are not in breezy but in el verloon desert. https://luckyscraftinghouse.netlify.app/maps/junon/el_verloon_desert?id=6647325aedb1ebf665449fcf
  2. Update: - added missing items like "Wings of the fallen Astarot" - updated some required mats - fixed missing simple earring icon - added sub menu's per craft skill - minor ui changes
  3. Hey! I’ve been playing other games like WoW and GW2. Both games have some community-hosted outfit contests. How cool would it be if we could set up something similar in Rose? We’ll pick a theme, and people should dress up to match that theme. Is anyone willing to set up and host this?
  4. Hahaha hell yeah! Same as the floating chars when creating one. Dis you get the job?
  5. Strange it broke since today and worked before. But nice fix share!
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