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  1. There are a bunch of these skills so I don't think a buff is even necessary. Healing reduction could give some amount of points to incentivize using it. If you wound a target and then they are healed you get points based on how much healing is prevented.
  2. There's no way to possibly out damage those clerics who are all clustered together... Somehow no one has any idea that a 80% heal reduction aoe is incredibly strong. Grievous wounds mechanics in most games only go up to half this value. PVPers are either massively mentally deficient or are trying their best to preserve this meta. As you said, all raiders are katar. Do not waste a moment of your scarce development time buffing/nerfing/restricting when PVPers can't even be bothered to read skills. This isn't the only healing reduction skill in the game. Hawkers have tons of them.
  3. Visitor: Axe or Xbow Weakest class + worst weapon (In terms of dps without skills or passives)
  4. Sword should be effective in this situation because Soul Wreck is a six second mute. With a 20m range and only 80% success chance, the odds of it working might be too low, and so no one picked sword. A mage or scout can probably pick off a champ from 30m-40m range, and even if the skill hits, it might not mute.
  5. Not at all a surprise. What's most interesting is seeing the representation of all the classes. Unless I'm mistaken, not a single champ or artisan is being used.
  6. Ruven Token When LVL 250 Knight - DoubleRosie LVL 250 Cleric- Rawrz LVL 250 Raider- AutumnDawn
  7. Matches are best of how many? 3? I assume even a best of 3 set wouldn't take more than five minutes.
  8. They contribute by giving the team soldier class buffs. That's really it.
  9. One of you says his clan has lost some members and the other says he's all alone. Put two and two together guys. There's an obvious improvement to both your problems.
  10. Item grade unique, so it can use unique grade substats.
  11. What is the start and end date for this year's event?
  12. If you were doing 500 damage a hit you would do 540 because of the % bonus. You'll never have enough attack where 3% > 130 from hardened.
  13. 8% offense on unique vs 5% on HAB. That means all damage you do gets an extra (8-5=3) 3% amp. That said, salvation is bad for bc and not worth using. 3% bonus damage is weaker than the hardened bonus.
  14. Arumic Valley with the Coffington npc's quests. Yeti riders are the preferred spot and count toward two of the quests per kill.
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