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Everything posted by Vile

  1. Artisan craft arrows. I've talked on this point before but the long and short of it is. Wooden Arrow should be "default" and unlimited unless a special arrow is equipped, then it will use those arrows on attack. If you run out, you default back to your basic wooden arrow. I am NOT in favor of removing ammunition crafting from the market, or the list of goods Artisans provide.
  2. Vile

    Mage skills

    The only stat that affects one of the other, are the specifically named stats "Melee attack power" and "Skill Power". All other stats are universal.
  3. Gifting as a work around to RMTing [essentially] opens up too many risks of scams and thus an influx of more support tickets. It's just not cost effective.
  4. RIP lol, Good job Moderation team then, cause I haven't noticed a darn thing.
  5. I haven't really noticed any spamming, have I just missed it?
  6. Crow is just a miss-translation from Bat I believe. Just rename them to Little Batwings.
  7. Vile

    Mage skills

    Attack Power is what both your melee and skills are multiplying by "x"% + ##. It's the core component to all your damage.
  8. It does not reduce critical damage you receive, only the likelihood of being critically hit.
  9. You could try not getting your second jobclass. That seems to be people goal after-all with wanting all zulie sources removed from the game.
  10. Yea well there's more of them complaining that other people have too much money than there are people saying "this is fine". So the team is only going to get 1 side of the story, and react to it. And it'll be a lot LOT more difficult to get them to ADD zulie sources to the game, than it is for them to be convinced to take them away. So just save up as much as you can, and be fickle/frugal with it. I'm quite confident many many sources of zulie will be removed / heavily nerfed in upcoming patches.
  11. You're lucky you get zulie at all at this point. Do you know how many people are advocating for the removal of all zulie rewards from questing? You're only getting half as much from those 2 quests now. And you'll be getting less once they nerf it, and others more. So you'd better prepare to be even more broke, cause that's what you're going to get soon. Just prepare for it.
  12. Artisan can craft items and automatically identify the stats. Bourgeois can farm items and identify the dropped items. If your argument is that Artisans aren't welcome in party because they don't bring anything to the table, that's a thing. But it doesn't mean you should skip logic to justify the change. Fix Artisans actual problems, don't band-aid fix it with trivial QoL thing. I personally wouldn't be any more inclined to invite an Artisan just because they could identify the items. I would however if they re A: Using their cannon AoE's [that's possible to 250 and beyond btw] or B: if they bring a valuable Crit Buff. ... oh... they have those. I won't invite an artisan who only has crafting skills and refuses to do anything other than leech, or single target auto shoot something.
  13. Pigging backing off the the Leveling Speed Poll, I would like to ask a follow up question. How long in hours do you think it should take to get a single set of end-game best in slot gear. I was frankly shocked at how many people think it should take 400+ hours simply to get to max level. I could only wonder how much longer people think it should take to get a single set of end-game gear from Arenas, Dungeons or King hunting/Crafting. Bonus points if you explain your vote and what your vote was on the leveling speed poll for more context. Keep in mind, I mean active time, logged in and playing. Not 4 hours a day and coming back the next day equaling 24 hours. lol
  14. I do want to make sure people are voting how long they think it *should* take to level and not how long it does~ take.
  15. Anecdotally, I've streamed over 80 hours, and offline grinded another 20or so solo, I'm lv181 Atm. I personally, would be fine, if there was more variety in the process, but as for time? It's a bit much for a casual.
  16. The command was cutting off the first letter of the slogan in the box for me, if I didn't put something before the first letter of the word in the sentence, it wouldn't show.
  17. @HoneyBunsThe 3rd image isn't the Clan Skills, is' the basic skills. Also what was the syntax for the slogan command again? Edit: Nvn figured it out @/clanslogan slogan here Note it cuts off the first letter, so add a - dash or some other letter/symbol to bump the slogan forward a step
  18. Give it to Bourgeois instead. They're in need of something unique and they're the ones who are more keen on identification, and exchange of valuable goods.
  19. Fair, and an agree-able reasoning to it.
  20. As the title suggests, I'm interested to see where my views compare to the communities. So, what is it.
  21. Vile

    Muse's buffs

    Learn to heal and support without buffs. It's not hard.
  22. There "sum" opinion was given. Thank Sumbudy your presence is appreciated.
  23. Summons are affected by your characters base Attack Defense Magic Defense Max HP Critical No other stats
  24. There is always going to be an optimal way to level. Make your choice.
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