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Everything posted by Zurn

  1. Zurn


    It would be nice if there was a tab added into the character status for pets with a toggle to free up space, maybe even have a list to pick from in that tab If pets have a buff skill like some summons did and you could level them up and choose to improve them a little or say have movement speed as the main buff maybe be able to get an accuracy buff as a secondary
  2. Hi me, how are you doing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zurn


      Yeah! You too huh? I’m not sure what I would do if I couldn’t hear those voices 😞

    3. Zurn


      It’s okay, I’ll always be here for you! 

    4. 1 Corinthians 15 1-4
  3. Zurn


    Now we need player homes to display the pets, and pet homes you can customize, like a turtle gets a water/beach biome!
  4. I’m also curious how they planned to do the auto sorting, I believe I heard mentioned in a stream. material based on type, quality, both!?
  5. Zurn


    To level up your pet feed them crap you don’t want from your inventory or drops you can’t pick up, from having to much crap in your inventory! moldie that eats metallic junk becomes a metal moldie!
  6. Surprised they didn’t just make an international section and copy the discord for all the sub forums
  7. I like the idea, they could use the Union npcs as a way to start those quests and use the points (Union or Honor/Valor whatever they plan to use these days). They could also use the current quest mechanism that makes the rewards better for whoever completes them first (or faster?) though I think I remember LP saying in a stream they already planned to give more inventory space, but even more space is always welcome!
  8. I thought it was pretty fast based on how LP streamed and he was solo, imagine having 6 people with the party level bonus working
  9. I can see fighting the little garbage baggie things and Bruce while in the water now
  10. I think there is something called Durability on all equipment, it used to be a bigger part of ROSE to get things repaired every so often but I believe they lowered how much it went down over the years
  11. Happy belated birthday!
  12. Should make the subclass/type of weapon into this too
  13. I’ve been around for a while just don’t spam the discord a ton, we’ll see what happens when the game opens up!
  14. Finally somewhere to post stuff that can be found easier!
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