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Everything posted by robroseon-01

  1. I don't know if NA used them or not now. There were at least clan houses available, maybe it was with irose or pre-evo....maybe not at all. The old memory is not as good as it use to be LOL
  2. I never understood why Gravity didn't even bother to try to follow the GDPR regulations and instead dropped everyone in the EU. It made no sense at all and could not be that hard to follow those requirements.
  3. I for one was not much for PVP myself, the good old leveling and some quests were fun. Back in the days, it took time to level and parties was the way to go. Meet all sorts of interesting people and all. Having different servers, I would personally think it would be a mistake, one server for all would be my vote on it all.
  4. Didn't NA get up to a +20? I did like it when +9 for refining and gems to a max of +7
  5. Isn't the old clan house maps a 2 story version of the ballroom map, or is it the other way around? Seems to me, they also have or had a NPC in it that allowed for storage, refining and repair? I could be wrong?
  6. Oh, I know the one you are talking about, that would be a great entrance for the Luna CF for sure!
  7. What if you select a number there in the 2nd picture of how many you want to craft?
  8. I will try my best to see if was able to say anything.
  9. Funny, you don't look like a pumpkin!
  10. @OwlchemistVile I do now remember seeing all of those way back when. Leonis is still a very good friend of mine, I at this moment remember us talking about the Monk one too, besides that, he might have mentioned the other one, but it could have been in passing, I can't remember anymore. I hope the new Devs are able to take it all on and add them to the game, it would be great to see it developed for sure!
  11. Maybe I could have been wrong in regards to what I saw in regards to the 3rd class. It has been awhile since I looked at those files Monk and Sorcerer, I forgot the Sorcerer one, just the Monk stuck to my ole brain.
  12. HAHA, I kinda remember that! It just fits me, even back in the Triggersoft iRose days. But kids at heart for sure!
  13. I know that Leonis was talking about a Monk Class and 3rd Jobs at one of my trips to Gravity. If I recall, there was some stuff being built for the 3rd class jobs, but I could not say what they were. Did any work happen for the new Monk (or whatever name it was going to be) class?
  14. PY, yes I remember it and I personally enjoyed it alot. Would be fun to have here too!
  15. I do like the ideas that is coming up here, have to think what more or less to be done too!
  16. Looking forward to seeing what the team is able to do in the future for sure!
  17. PY, not an option here either. Yours did the same as my son did and got me in game! Now I am the OLD GUY here And everyone wondered why Trebor always looked Old! hahaha
  18. Is it possible to move the Rose ones to the top of the list, or is it just where it puts it?
  19. Welcome Logia, glad to see you here!
  20. Of course Cupid, can't wait to park there. I attempted to convince Leonis to create a statue of me there, but he wasn't able to! LOL
  21. robroseon-01


    Welcome Justin, please feel free to tell us about you.
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