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Everything posted by Ashura

  1. We are well aware of that fact. In my previous post i mentioned why i would love a auction house and there is room for both to co-exist, on Lazy's previous stream he mentioned that you would be able to vend and grind at the same time i would like to suggest adding a messaging system where you get a notification when an item is/was sold not something too crazy just something like a message in your mailbox because that is also another under used facility in the Rose community and i know people are going to jump in and say they constantly use the friends message system etc. but yeah just an idea.
  2. That is why we asked for an auction house the fats and effectiveness of it all is what makes it enjoyable. I dont want to level up and then have to siff through countless shops looking for an item where i could have leveled in that time i wasted perusing shops. its not something that rose is known for but it will help alot with the economy because you will have different prices for the same item and it is your choice to decide whether you want to pay that price or negotiate a better price.
  3. I agree to some of the changes you have mentioned Shogun although, i think that the people who are making the most noise regarding clerics are people who do not really play the class and just use the (2nd client) class for buff purposes. I main a cleric maybe not as great as other players who went in depth with different builds etc. but i never play a cleric just to stand around and wait until party members call for buff i know clerics are weak that is why i always buy health pots to supplement for my lack of def so i will run out of heals far more frequently than even once having to use a mana potion. I loved the fact that i could buff myself and heal, but i could not take on a lot of mobs at once or even solo a boss close to my level or even orange for that matter. I have learned to deal with my char deficiencies and worked around it as of many with the other classes that you play with, why must the class that is played the least be punished the heaviest out of all when none of the other classes gets "nerfed". I understand the need for interaction and social advantages but yet again it is a choice to party with other players and not an obligation. This is just my point of view on the matter i am only speaking for myself and no else. Others will have a different and a clearer PoV what will and should work/
  4. It would be awesome if the login screen could reflect the planet you are currently on or perhaps when the housing system is implemented could reflect that. Just a suggestion might post it on the forum later on.
  5. I don't think i can stress this point enough anymore. Everyone has their own opinions on what should be implemented and what not, pservers have their own ideas and some are good and some are bad but you learn to take the good with the bad at first i was also arms up in the air regarding the changes being discussed and made i was so pumped to apply for beta but i am trying to cope with not being able to play the game i spend countless hours on because i didn't want to force my opinions on how the should be for me and just slump into bad habits of quick lvlng and doing the same things on every single version of the game i played. I want to play Rednim's Edition of Rose so that is why i refrained from talking about what i would want in the game and its just selfish of us trying to force our ideas and habits on what they have in mind of what Rose should be. Just be patient and see what whether the journey with Rednim is an enjoyable one or an experience you most likely want to forget. You can always go back to a pserver that will satisfy your needs. #TrustTheProcess!!!!!!
  6. I think that is a brilliant idea because a lot of people have advantages by knowing Junon, Luna etc. like the back of their hand with an Event Map it will be a level playing field even for newcomers to the game.
  7. I wish they could add piercing a lot sooner into the game as that would be highly beneficial to artisans and scouts specifically, also would want the status effects to be more effective like the poisonweaver or predator spiders in xita.
  8. I totally agree with the crafting item as arti's already have so many skills to use that you hardly have enough skill points for absolutely everything not that i want to craft everything just the issue with having to choose between adv armor or adv weapon crafting being an issue for me personally.
  9. Hello Everyone so nice to meet you all. I hope that we all will enjoy Rose Online game when its official launch start. Thank you once again to Lazypengiun and the entire Rednim Team for bringing back this childhood fantasy of mine. See you all ingame.
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