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Everything posted by Ashura

  1. Dependent on who you ask the answer will be different and highly contentious. Cleric will always be the same low def etc. Playing a cleric will boils down to what your playing style is, you can play as a summoner class using your swords great for dps or even use your dragons great as a tank or you can try battle cleric which deals DoT using more stat effects (stun,sleep), crit dmg also another option to go where you just use your normal atk as your main source of dmg and you have to have a high atk spd with this one,you can even incorporate your DoT's with this build or summons. The numbers on these builds can be quite tricky because sometimes just adding an extra stat in any of your build could alter the ratio. If you want a more in depth discussion/explanation then i would suggest go on to discord and ask in the cleric tab under classes. Hope that will give you an idea of what it is you want to focus on but stick with your build first before trying someone else's build.
  2. Nice to know i was not aware there were more hammers at lower levels available. Agree with your points regarding the cooldown and animation needs a review, i didn't mean tanky in the sense difficult to kill like in knight level i was referring to i meant in the sense of having to spend a decent amount of time trying to kill them. The bullets i am aware that it does a little bit more damage if used against mobs that are weak to the respective element i meant that over time it will cause a DoT effect due to excessive/frequent exposure to bullets effect especially the fire/ice/poison bullets.
  3. On Luna you will most probably have to go either Yeti Hunters or Igloo Turtles for hawker gear. You are most probably hunting at the party level sight penguins and bears etc.
  4. Its not just a matter of being unable to equip the gear its a matter of even when you are lvl160 the chances of you successfully crafting those items is RNG even with the success rate available, the first hammer you can equip is level 170 fortunately you are able to wear the crown which gives you a 30 Con boost and with all gear having con/sen stats you will likely craft the item but with low substats. If we delve into making arti/bourgs more tankable or have better buff potions then the rest of the other classes will moan that arti/bourgs are OP like they do with cleric/mage, i honestly don't understand why people can't just work things out for themselves on how to beat another player but yeah. Crafting should just be crafting its unnecessary to have 2 (advanced/alchemy) divisions if majority of the lower version is available in the higher tier as well. Bullets should be easily craftable and materials should not be a pain to gather, another benefit would be if the bullets and arrows added status effects after a while not as potent as skill status effects but at least it will be worthwhile to obtain and use a specific ammo. The bag dynamic should also change so that it can be used as an extra storage slot or two specifically for dealers or can be mainstreamed and is accessible for everyone to make it more popular, can perhaps also make it that only craftable bags has this effect.
  5. Thank you for the response HoneyBuns. I am referring to the skill (Weapon Augment) in the bourg skill tree if you opt to go gunbourg route, but the unique skill Augmenting Reflection only indicates it can be used with a gun and not that it is a bourg unique skill only. This in essence make using a gun artisan null and void because the launcher atk spd will be higher than your gun atk spd considering launcher default atk spd is 0.6 and gun default atk spd is 0.7 i cant remember the thread i read regarding the base atk spd's for all classes might have been in one of the patch notes if i am not mistaken. Anyway The other problem is also that if you intend to go the route of an artisan who deals DoT damage/battle artisan or non-crafting artisan most of the skills are limited for choice.
  6. I feel most of the dealer (arti/bourg) skills are inverted and would acutally benefit the one more than the other in my opinion it is just not interesting enough and enjoyable to play these characters because you not only miss a few skills that would make the class decent again. Insane cooldown of bourg skills is ridiculous i do get that the Packed Power should help with this but it is definitely not well thought through in my opinion, also the skill Cannonier's Panic which gives you added m-spd really does not make sense if the max lvl only lasts for 5sec and you have the windstep skill which give you 300m-spd when activated to run away. This should be an arti skill (Cannonier's Panic) for its lack of damage and survivability. This is also true for (Excitable Trigger Finger) which would be more beneficial for bourg's than artisan. Launcher Smash added effect should also change from m-spd down to a stun effect. Bourg gun skill tree should also be available for artisans or should be transfered to the artisan class as it is much more beneficial as well. I remeber asking for weeks on end on discord(supporter chat) and in my clan where i can get the skill book (Weapon Augment) and no one responded well someone said HoO might drop it but only until i leveled a bourg i found out its in its skill tree, yet the skillbook says gun but not specifying that it is a bourg skill only. Crafting - Honestly i do not have a really good solution for this conundrum as i feel it is not beneficial at all to artisan's if they can craft items,armor,weapons for the next level but the success rate is really low so you can't use it or craft an item i.e you are lvl155 and want to craft a new lvl160 set of armor or weapon but you craft it or the amount of materials you can't find or a low drop rate for the materials. So in that regard it will be a waste of time and effort. Perhaps crafting materials with higher quality mats would improve this scenario to increase the success rate but will take a hit on added sub stats due to insufficient expertise.
  7. Unfortunately you wont be able to craft items 10 levels higher than your current level. Well you could attempt to craft but the chance of success is quite low less than 40%.
  8. delete 3ddata in your games folder and relaunch
  9. Thanx for clarification on this matter, so in actual fact they are just flat rate improvement and not exponential growth with the unique?
  10. Thanx for the feedback i have looked into different viable option i am currently using a HAB(+15) with health and mana recovery 6 on my wand. I just want evidence that what they are saying regarding the damage scaling of a unique weapon is better than a hardened weapon apart from the base sub stats you get with each weapon.
  11. You can check in the marketplace tab on the games official discord even advertise on there
  12. Hi guys i read a thread regarding honor weapons not getting enough love and i always hear a lot of OG players saying that Unique weapons are the BIC mainly for the stats on the weapon and also the damage scaling. Currently i am using HAB as my main weapon purely for the damage that it does because i am focusing on BC, i do have Salvation in my storage as a backup and not really sold on the MP reduction on the wand and if i compare it to the HAB i will most definitely go for the extra raw damage i get out of it. I haven't given any thought of the Exalted or Honor iteration of the weapon criteria, so my question i am asking: Can someone give me an explanation as to how Salvation is better damage wise in terms of scaling the longer you use it as appose to HAB or if someone can defend the other too wands and why i should go for as a BC. I guess what i am trying to say is for me seeing is better than just believing. Thanx in advance.
  13. Nice summary like the breakdown of everything some skills are useful some are not. Just have to find the right balance of what we want to focus on.
  14. Drop penalties gets negated via the amount of time it takes a high level char to kill a low level mob. Perhaps a penalty regarding the amount/quantity of an item/s should also be added as a deterent? Or specialized gem effects get negated if player-mob level exceeds a specific level.
  15. Repeating quests will always be redo-able only problem is you will get deminishing returns the higher your level is. Krawfy quest was intentionally nerfed because players exploited the quest for the zulie it gave.
  16. Ashura

    Muse's buffs

    The status effects being reduced from 10-15 to a mere 5 seconds is a major problem which was not announced (Mana Bolt amd Hellfire both reduced to 5sec effects and Voltage Jolt/Storm 2sec) I do not mind the longer cooldowns for spammable skills but status effects drastically down when a ghosts or shamans effects lasts for 20secs is definitely unfair.
  17. Nothing will change as the community is in control of the market although you are not forced to buy the items being advertised, it will be detrimental to you as a new player if you are falling further behind with the ever changing market.
  18. You create them via alchemy craft skill
  19. No one is forcing anyone to do repeatable quests or hog the best spots in a certain area. I for one know of many different areas where the xp is great and the mobs are a little bit tougher the game is made to explore not just rinse repeat what you have been doing for years. It may not be the same areas people are camping in previous iterations but it follows the same narrative. Find a place with uniques then that can become a Hotspot or this area gives more zulie let's camp there, this place gives better xp let's camp here. It's a player flaw not a game design flaw. I can't bet you 1m zulie that when people make alts they follow the same route because it's easier for them. I am not gonna go into the mobs section because I feel I will argue this and feel stupider at the end eventhough I am right.
  20. A lot of players tag the mobs then leave it for others to kill as well
  21. As I am writing this there is so many things going through my mind as to what I want to say regarding this post and I do not have the time to write an entire essay on your post. I am a cleric main, actually I main all my characters I take the time to understand its pros and cons and build according to my liking of playing the class do I take a deep dive into the class and try and make the perfect build? No I don't because I have an actual life and family and friends that want my attention as well. The little time I do have to play I try and enjoy it as much as possible. This might sound rude to you but I am still going to say this. If you are opposed to what the team is doing then go play a pServer and complain about the dificiencies their server has because that is how it goes in every single version/server of the game. Better yet why don't you go to Gravity and make a proposition to them, have a roadmap handy to show them what your vision of the game should be. Who knows perhaps they will grant you permission to be in direct competition with these guys and maybe something far better will come out of it all. It's easy to say why don't you go this route that route with the game implement this and that make this or that, but where is the time to do all those things nevermind resources and staff to Jetstream it in let's say by the 13th of December when Rednim launched EA. Those are all things the devs have thought about and no matter how much you/we want to know how Rednim came about the license for the game. The only mistake I see the devs have made was announcing the return of Rose and didn't expect this much interest in it but that is also a very good thing it means they can grow and we as a community should help them grow. I hear what your concerns are and understand it all trust me I do, but please take time to listen to other opinions that do not align with yours, stop just throwing your toys of the cot. You want the devs to respect your concerns and wishes so do the same. Play the game and decide afterwards, don't just be part of the heard and just shout without thinking things through I am sure if you want the devs to explain why the changes and what their ideas are behind it all they will take the time to explain and if you don't like it decide what is the best course of action for yourself. I read in discord how a select few are trying to question the legitimacy of the team and question their ability to handle the project. (Major gaming companies take years making a game with bigger staff and deeper pockets and still fail). Give them time to prove you right or better yet give them time to prove you WRONG. The few changes they have made already shows that they care about the game. Sorry Bobbity for the lack of grammar in this post.
  22. Depends on what the devs do with it. It can be for aestethic or it can actually improve mercs dmg output.
  23. The main issue is that a lot of new players are joining and do not read the faqs and just jump straight into general chat and ask the same questions.
  24. The devs are trying to promote socializing ingame and not make this iteration of Rose another carbon copy dead pServer. They listened to what the issues were when it closed and made (still making) changes to combat and improve the game. They have said it countless times that if the changes aren't well received by the community them they will revert the ones deemed not favorable. The alpha testers are currently giving feedback on the changes so for now that will be the lone voice until the community participates, until then current changes will remain. They want everyone to experience the changes first before making a final decision.
  25. You can still acquire low level material from low level mobs, it's just that the drop rate is lowered significantly because of level gap but you can still get materials from all mobs
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