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Farming in the current ROSE Online versions is dead.


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16 hours ago, hjvg said:

(because why would you kill a worm dragon with 1.2mil hp when its yellow if you can get the same drop when you are lvl 250 and do way more damage)

You make a good point here HJVG. I think that's also one of the main reasons people just rush to max level because we all can't be arsed.

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I feel like it is fair that monsters always drop loot. The downside which is very fair is that it drops less when higher level. I think all this is great just so you can always come back to it and farm whatever you want.

BUT i do agree that some thing should drop by only some monsters. But it is also the case... but maybe not enough...idk:

- ( jabberwock gloves and chest ) only drop from pincers

- (ice shard, luna) seem to be planet wide

- (little angel and demon) all planets because they were rare and sought after? But why not put all feathers like that then...

But i feel right now it is too much of a mix of non specific farms and general loot-tables...

-I do agree with removing the drops from the valor shop. But then again it is very convenient, i never used it. It feels cheap to me. 

- also it does remove the fun of chasing some monsters like the worm dragon. No one goes in GoS anymore i feel. Except for job quest for 2 minutes

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On 1/16/2023 at 7:28 PM, HoneyBuns said:

Remember, this is Evo not iROSE.  Things are different here and always have been.  

Basically the drop system takes into account the classification of the monsters (guard, fighter, ranger, etc) . There are some items that drop from every monster on the map.  Monsters with higher classifications have a chance to drop more uncommon materials/equipment in addition to the map drops. Kings have their own tier of possible drops in addition to the other tiers.  Some materials are planet drops (like Ice Shards on Luna).

So when you kill a monster you have a chance to get several different drops instead of just one. It actually makes farming easier because you can get multiple drops from the same mobs while you are just leveling.  As someone who is working on a dealer-artisan, having those map drops is very useful.  Every material drop that is in the Valor Shop can also come from monsters.  It's a personal choice whether you want to spend valor points buying materials.

  I made a guide to help players who are unfamiliar with the changes in Evo.  Maybe instead of suggesting that we take things back to how they were almost 20 years ago, spend some time to understand how things are now.  I come from a long history of playing on iROSE servers and I can honestly say that I prefer Evo to the cookie-cutter approach the game had in iROSE. 

Its not like nothing drops. 99% of drops are plain useless in terms of money making. At lvl 80, you can farm maybe 50k-100k worth of mats an hour. Killing lvl 60 krawfies is almost 10 times faster yielding 50k zuly per quest. This makes farming mats at other spots completely useless and thats the point. 

Also as said before, bring back the zone specific drops so people actually have to go to a certain area to farm mats. 

For end game players, they have their dungeons raining uniques so they seem to be fine.

Edited by Maathouse
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Agree mostly with OP, but it’s not only about drops. The game is currently set up so that it’s really only viable to play in a couple of zones to begin with.

Don’t want to level up at Fighter Clowns? Too bad, any other option will take 5x longer. Same with Doongas. All other maps are empty.

Don’t want to be broke by level 100? Better join the Krawfy craze.

And then Yetis, Pingus, Pollen… It’s all just a repeatable grind and you’ll spend half of the time returning quests. It grows tiresome quite fast. I was finally looking forward to the low level dungeons, but apparently their difficulty is scaled weirdly and they seem impossible (at least 120–150 CoU).

Now everyone just grind at the same mobs (and literally grind: it’s so mindless that 25% of party members seem to bot their way through) — no skill or good gear even needed until 160. And the places people grind at are so overcrowded they become toxic (ksing, autoattackers, bots, just general hostility) because everyone wants that same spot. Try to go elsewhere and it’s all empty.

Valor points are definitely op too. Lately I have max level people ksing me in Xita presumably for valor? And buying materials with valor is a bit silly too — plus all the OP valor gear IMO takes away from the good feel of dropping good loot or making good crafts.

/rant (I just feel there is a lot of lost potential right now, and the game too much of a grind!)


Edited by Rootstock
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11 hours ago, Rootstock said:

Valor points are definitely op too. Lately I have max level people ksing me in Xita presumably for valor? And buying materials with valor is a bit silly too — plus all the OP valor gear IMO takes away from the good feel of dropping good loot or making good crafts.

/rant (I just feel there is a lot of lost potential right now, and the game too much of a grind!)


Agree with everything except this last part. Valor's best use is transferring substats, which come from artisans. The other use is providing material for crafting, and hence the origin of this thread. The armor is expensive and you will be better off selling substat scrolls and using that money to buy gear.

Back to the agreement- there's no reason for players on Eldeon to go to maps other than Xita (valor) and ruins (exp). The other maps don't have a special drop, higher base exp, or sufficiently enticing quests. Xita gets further crowded by the game arena's lack of difficulty options, so players who want valor have no other choice but to do quests rather than dungeons. It creates a crappy scenario for someone like you with a character in the 120-150 range because you can't play the arena and now other people who can't play the arena are contesting spots you need for leveling. Everyone is funneling into the optimal leveling route because everything else is so unrewarding.


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The valor system is new to me and I have only the basic knowledge of it, but it seems unhealthy for the quality of life of the game. If the only thing to do in the end game is grind valor and do dungeons, without new dungeons or quests to get valor. The game will become stale very quick.  I also loved zoning out and farming in a spot for hours. Mobs dropping no matter what lvl you are is new too me. I will definitely have to try it out, but seems like it would be less productive than farming valor fast if the drop % is lower because of my lvl. 

Edited by Cam Rellim
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I feel like playing na new mmorpg and players always doing the repeatable quest like, same spot every single day. you cant see player all over map camping. its a one direction game. get repeatable quest, earn easy zulie fast and level fast. . 🙂


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Now that i have hit lvl 200, i gotta agree that it's in a very bad state indeed. A big disappointment compared to when i last played this game back in 2006. There literally is no reason not to be level 250, but the grind is mind numbing and there are no other options but to spam the same boring quests(even in a out if sync map after 180). What happened to aoeing in prison and the other eldeon maps? Why is 99% of all the drops garbage without any npc value? 

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14 minutes ago, ligeia2 said:

Now that i have hit lvl 200, i gotta agree that it's in a very bad state indeed. A big disappointment compared to when i last played this game back in 2006. There literally is no reason not to be level 250, but the grind is mind numbing and there are no other options but to spam the same boring quests(even in a out if sync map after 180). What happened to aoeing in prison and the other eldeon maps? Why is 99% of all the drops garbage without any npc value? 

Exactly. The effort to reward ratio on so many maps it totally out of whack, hence only two Eldeon maps are used by players. Nerf the quests and buff the exp for killing mobs, or add quests to the forgotten maps.

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31 minutes ago, DoubleRose said:

Exactly. The effort to reward ratio on so many maps it totally out of whack

The amount of effort I had to put in just to get me to level 100 had me almost quit playing. There is absolutely no reason to not be lvl 250. I was looking forward to the slow leveling, thinking I was going to farm my way up. Oh boy was I wrong, I've just been doing the same 6 quests for over a month now. Before it was fine to not be max level, because there was so much to do at different levels in the game. Hell you even had to have alt characters at lower levels just to do participate in certain things.

Edited by merc2
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My problem with the loot table is that for any given area, my third inventory tab keeps filling up with all the different types causing me not to be able to pick up some items. Sure you can drop the less valuable items but you lose the ease of hitting the pickup skill. Instead, you have to avoid standing near the ones you can't pick up. More a nuisance than a problem I guess.

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its starting to feel like a Pserver atm idk what to tell you
rose official is rose official and supposed to be Vanilla like NA was
with only little refinement to the system and balancing
but really it feels like a pserver now.... imo it feels so out even without the bugs and login issues
i know its really early i know the game is in his dipers
but for me its not working atm the whole game style.... i still wish it to revert all the way back like NA was
and goodluck to everyone happy gaming guys

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On 1/22/2023 at 5:00 AM, Archtog said:

My problem with the loot table is that for any given area, my third inventory tab keeps filling up with all the different types causing me not to be able to pick up some items. Sure you can drop the less valuable items but you lose the ease of hitting the pickup skill. Instead, you have to avoid standing near the ones you can't pick up. More a nuisance than a problem I guess.

It's really kinda stupid how many ETC. Drop in most of the maps, but thats mainly due to 75% of these ETC. drop everywhere in all maps.

On 1/21/2023 at 6:48 PM, DoubleRose said:

Exactly. The effort to reward ratio on so many maps it totally out of whack, hence only two Eldeon maps are used by players. Nerf the quests and buff the exp for killing mobs, or add quests to the forgotten maps.

I agree but I feel this is a discussion for another topic.

On 1/22/2023 at 12:04 PM, Zeror said:

I agree with this thread.


On 1/21/2023 at 7:18 PM, merc2 said:

The amount of effort I had to put in just to get me to level 100 had me almost quit playing. There is absolutely no reason to not be lvl 250. I was looking forward to the slow leveling, thinking I was going to farm my way up. Oh boy was I wrong, I've just been doing the same 6 quests for over a month now. Before it was fine to not be max level, because there was so much to do at different levels in the game. Hell you even had to have alt characters at lower levels just to do participate in certain things.

I feel the reason why people just rush to 250, is mainly due that high level chars can still be able to drop from grey mobs. Also dungeon is just giving out almost free grade 5 gems, uniques and more to everyone so no need to farm gems or uniques on other spots. Maybe only a spot for refines would be sweet? But thats about it really.


Edited by Thystro
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I'm pretty certain the devs are aware of the issues with the drop table and intent to change it at some point before official release. They've already changed chemicals for example not dropping everywhere, and limiting it to certain areas. 

I think the issue with the droptable is only half of the issue, it's also how the drops are used in crafting and acquired from dissambling. I see shops in junon selling stacks upon stacks of enthiric for very cheap. I don't know where the player gets them, but probably from dissambling certain items. It completely removes the need for the lower tier chemicals as the enthiric can be sold way cheaper. There is also very little use to craft gems from crystals or [1]'s as it's way more efficient to get them from the gem[5] boxes that drop in the dungeons. 

Let's not forget that overhauling these type of changes takes a long time.

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On 1/16/2023 at 8:28 PM, HoneyBuns said:

Remember, this is Evo not iROSE.  Things are different here and always have been.  

Basically the drop system takes into account the classification of the monsters (guard, fighter, ranger, etc) . There are some items that drop from every monster on the map.  Monsters with higher classifications have a chance to drop more uncommon materials/equipment in addition to the map drops. Kings have their own tier of possible drops in addition to the other tiers.  Some materials are planet drops (like Ice Shards on Luna).

So when you kill a monster you have a chance to get several different drops instead of just one. It actually makes farming easier because you can get multiple drops from the same mobs while you are just leveling.  As someone who is working on a dealer-artisan, having those map drops is very useful.  Every material drop that is in the Valor Shop can also come from monsters.  It's a personal choice whether you want to spend valor points buying materials.

  I made a guide to help players who are unfamiliar with the changes in Evo.  Maybe instead of suggesting that we take things back to how they were almost 20 years ago, spend some time to understand how things are now.  I come from a long history of playing on iROSE servers and I can honestly say that I prefer Evo to the cookie-cutter approach the game had in iROSE. 

as you can see ppl dont want that...Idk why dont you guys start lisen to what ppl want...They dont want to be easy obtainable...Is it so hard for you to remove some mats and some EQ from valor/honor shops so ppl can actualy need to farm them?

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i just hit 150, was having a good experience until get into xita, all resps fulls, pinoys everywhere ( nothing personal just cant understand sh** about what they are talking about) and i just got tired of running the 8 quests, thinking on drop of the game, cuz is very repetitive and im new at the game, dosnt know what more i can do to lvl. And farming cash is very dificult for me cuz the drops are most useless and hard to sell


Edited by Nashzin
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As a lower level player and most of the time solo playing, I would wish that drops (ETC/Mats) should ONLY be those that are actually use for crafting items, and remove all of those that don't have actual use in game. And the best is to have it randomly dropped for all level character and maps just to be fair the most.

I do respect those players who love zone farming but it is sometimes becomes abusive in essence specially in PK areas.

So for me ONLY, the most random it could get, the best so that monopolies will be lowered if not totally prevented. Also lower level players could get chance to pick high priced item or loots for a chance to get a nice payback.

So this is just a small slice of "I wish it should". 😁

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On 1/31/2023 at 10:31 AM, HLAJR said:

As a lower level player and most of the time solo playing, I would wish that drops (ETC/Mats) should ONLY be those that are actually use for crafting items, and remove all of those that don't have actual use in game. And the best is to have it randomly dropped for all level character and maps just to be fair the most.

I do respect those players who love zone farming but it is sometimes becomes abusive in essence specially in PK areas.

So for me ONLY, the most random it could get, the best so that monopolies will be lowered if not totally prevented. Also lower level players could get chance to pick high priced item or loots for a chance to get a nice payback.

So this is just a small slice of "I wish it should". 😁

every mat is usfull it's just pointless to have some be droped since ppl jump so fast between lvls that those mats are not used for craft...to lvl from 55 to 80 is 2h or so you skip so many weapons/armors...Exp from 80 to 120 is easy aswell skipping another set of weapons and armors that is the problem...Repeatable quest are pain in the ass...Idk why devs are so hard headed to realise what ppl want...They say we talk with the comunnity but it's actualy "we make what we want not what you guys wish" and that is sad...I wish they had opened new external server that does not have repeatables and to lower the exp rates.Also to fix item and mat drop...Wtf is this feathers every where...Devil feathers only from CoG! or dragon scales only from wdw no valor shops! WE WANT THAT!

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On 1/19/2023 at 12:03 PM, Rootstock said:

Agree mostly with OP, but it’s not only about drops. The game is currently set up so that it’s really only viable to play in a couple of zones to begin with.

Don’t want to level up at Fighter Clowns? Too bad, any other option will take 5x longer. Same with Doongas. All other maps are empty.

Don’t want to be broke by level 100? Better join the Krawfy craze.

And then Yetis, Pingus, Pollen… It’s all just a repeatable grind and you’ll spend half of the time returning quests. It grows tiresome quite fast. I was finally looking forward to the low level dungeons, but apparently their difficulty is scaled weirdly and they seem impossible (at least 120–150 CoU).

Now everyone just grind at the same mobs (and literally grind: it’s so mindless that 25% of party members seem to bot their way through) — no skill or good gear even needed until 160. And the places people grind at are so overcrowded they become toxic (ksing, autoattackers, bots, just general hostility) because everyone wants that same spot. Try to go elsewhere and it’s all empty.

Valor points are definitely op too. Lately I have max level people ksing me in Xita presumably for valor? And buying materials with valor is a bit silly too — plus all the OP valor gear IMO takes away from the good feel of dropping good loot or making good crafts.

/rant (I just feel there is a lot of lost potential right now, and the game too much of a grind!)


Aside from Fighter clowns being a good option for lvl'ing (there are better options) This is a pretty good point. But, allow a different perspective if I may. 

 I think, leveling is something can either be, time taken to do, just enjoying exploring, and killing all the different mobs, OR power lvl'ing. And of course, power lvl'ing is going to feel like a grind. 
-if you expect to level fast, the other option is going to feel slow. But, it's supposed to be.  I think so anyways. 

I've been power lvl'ing because I generally want a toon at max level. - But, I do intend on doing the slow, enjoyment leveling as well. Just because I think that's a part of the game I'm missing out on. You're not particularly supposed to be power leveling as fast as what is currently possible imo. But, we're lucky that it's an option. 

Maybe I'm not correct, but to my understanding, this is a shared opinion. 

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