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Everything posted by DoubleRose

  1. Visitor: Axe or Xbow Weakest class + worst weapon (In terms of dps without skills or passives)
  2. Sword should be effective in this situation because Soul Wreck is a six second mute. With a 20m range and only 80% success chance, the odds of it working might be too low, and so no one picked sword. A mage or scout can probably pick off a champ from 30m-40m range, and even if the skill hits, it might not mute.
  3. Not at all a surprise. What's most interesting is seeing the representation of all the classes. Unless I'm mistaken, not a single champ or artisan is being used.
  4. Ruven Token When LVL 250 Knight - DoubleRosie LVL 250 Cleric- Rawrz LVL 250 Raider- AutumnDawn
  5. Matches are best of how many? 3? I assume even a best of 3 set wouldn't take more than five minutes.
  6. They contribute by giving the team soldier class buffs. That's really it.
  7. One of you says his clan has lost some members and the other says he's all alone. Put two and two together guys. There's an obvious improvement to both your problems.
  8. Item grade unique, so it can use unique grade substats.
  9. What is the start and end date for this year's event?
  10. If you were doing 500 damage a hit you would do 540 because of the % bonus. You'll never have enough attack where 3% > 130 from hardened.
  11. 8% offense on unique vs 5% on HAB. That means all damage you do gets an extra (8-5=3) 3% amp. That said, salvation is bad for bc and not worth using. 3% bonus damage is weaker than the hardened bonus.
  12. Arumic Valley with the Coffington npc's quests. Yeti riders are the preferred spot and count toward two of the quests per kill.
  13. Stuff that other people can't get or can't feasibly earn. Like those IM passives in NA that gave +10% to a stat. Yes there were valor ones, but I think you could have both, so you were able to buy stats. Faster mounts/carts same thing. Others can't get those bonuses, so you are buying a permanent advantage. Upgrade success also is p2w like with those rune things in NA and reinforcing in this version. If your odds are unfeasible without the IM, it's p2w. You could consider the most of rest p2w, but I see it as f2p friendly, which would be a better goal for this game. Without some pay to fast mechanics, a lot of players will leave (and already have).
  14. Until pvp scoring changes I recommend against playing knight. It will be a complete slog to get an honor set. Don't use luna as it is a pvm item. You want the unique str jewelry because those give accuracy and you only get fencing stacks on attacks you land.
  15. I don't know how it's possible that you can't kill a thing with 7k hp and 0 defense in under 6.5 seconds. Clerics never have more than like 2 fires out. There is no "active" play. Pressing 12345 on your "skillful" character isn't any more active.
  16. One bourg aoe and all those flames go bye bye
  17. It's time for recreational items to work as costumes for shields/magic tools.
  18. AA was and is complete trash compared to CD.
  19. Can these exalted set threads be pinned?
  20. It's not cheat... it's... cooperative learning.
  21. I think res should be a higher cooldown in pvp, but not fully disabled. If you are getting killed by cold snap, that's on you. It punishes players who were out of position.
  22. One bourg and all of those flames are gone. If there is a problem, it's entirely the team structure.
  23. As a way to combat inflation, how about a nominal entrance fee if you play a GA pvp or dungeon instance? My proposed amount is 25k per time and that amount is refunded if you are kicked or your game ends within 5 minutes of entering. If you were barely in there, you shouldn't have to pay. This would take an almost unnoticeable amount of zulie away from the richest players while adding up in its impact. The cost should be small though because GA game should be among the most profitable things a player can do given that it is gated by GA energy and other players. The zulie fee could be higher, but only if rewards or drops were also buffed. Do not buff the drop rate of blues in dungeons as these are a driver of inflation. I've noticed there are always 8-15 games active when I que for COU, plus other dungeons and AAs are happening of course. Let's say there are 15 dungeons with 5 players each at any given time. That's 75 players x 25k = 1.87m. Assuming dungeon runs average to 20 minutes each, that's 5.61m an hour. Obviously some times of the day will be slower, but it could still mean about 100m a day. Given the small size of the fee and that GA is quite profitable for players, their behavior likely won't be changed as a result of adding this feature. It'll just steadily skim some excess zulie from the top.
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