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Everything posted by GodOfEntity

  1. I do not feel under powered. Personally. I'm also still trying to attain endgame. I'm not fully geared yet.
  2. Would you please be able to elaborate? Specifically the spawn time variable. What do you mean? Personally I have an idea to make things even more fair than FIRST HIT, Have it be so that when a person targets the mob, whoever gets first TARGET AND THEN HITS (within 1 seconds of targeting the mob) That is what claims it. If a person clicks it second, but hits it first, the other persons first target will change the agro, and the mob claim to them. Rather than, whoever has the fastest attack speed wins. It genuinely becomes, whoever clicks it first. Which I think is just about as fair as it can get.
  3. You can click to where you are trying wanting to go, and craft while walking. I like that
  4. How is that an advantage? --- Why shouldn't first hit be the only indicator? Why should Kill Stealing be encouraged by Game Mechanics?
  5. I like that nearly ALL the stats I have shows here, however!... So, I SHOULD have %35 stun resistance? --But I cannot visually see that other than just, best guess that is what my stun resistance is?
  6. Even though there are things that are extremely annoying in life. That doesn't mean it needs to be gotten rid of. -The way verification works to ensure your accounts are not compromised, it's important that those tokens are the right tokens on your PC, and not someone that has compromised your computer with a trojin, or the likes. Emptying your cache is going to force you to verify again because it's deleting the verification token. Verification tokens also tend to have a time expiry to them for security reasons. (recently, Linus Tech Tips YouTube account was compromised because of verification tokens being compromised on site) Here's a 14 minute video on basically why it's important those tokens expire. Is it annoying that verification has to happen? Yes. Is it more secure and most likely necessary for the security of your accounts? Also Yes. In other words. This is likely not a bug, just a minor inconvenience. It is working as intended. I agree that the language should probably be changed from saying "New sign in location" -Because that' is not a true statement. The reality is the token expired or was deleted. The 'fix' would simply be to change the wording.
  7. I would absolutely love weapon costumes. Especially weapon effects.
  8. Not everyone is able to check the discord *
  9. Thanks for the Easter Egg hunt @HazDS @Garnet @HoneyBuns --- Even though I was getting titled that I was doing so poorly while everyone else was doing so well. How people found you HazDS in 30 seconds of you revealing yourself is beyond me. My best guess is often they just happened to be near you, and noticed that you were a dot on their minimap not moving. Either way, congrats to the winners! Sorry I'm a sore looser
  10. You're not wrong entirely there. In a game like Predecessor, I view kill securing(kill stealing) as quite important. As it negates damage. It also encourages "moving on to next target". In ROSE, a high level continuing to kill grunter king, even though they didn't get first hit from the "lowbies" while it did diminish the EXP for the group of lowbies hitting it. It ensured that the boss respawned quicker so that they might get the next one. But now they can be rewarded with loot, for robbing the lower levels of that EXP from the boss. Expressing our emotions can be something that is extremely important in this world as long as it is done in a healthy manor. It is important for you or I to express our emotions outwardly for our own personal reflection, for also others to understand where others are coming from. Let me reflect here. On both standpoints. I view this as kill stealing because it's been seen since the conception of ROSE, That first hit is priority. Therefore to take a kill that has been "secured" with a first hit, I consider as kill stealing. --Your view. It seems to me, that you believe that the mechanics of the games dictate the reality. Such as how I view Paragon kill stealing. I'd argue it's not a kill steal because the mechanics of the game encourages this sort of engagement by players. However, my rebuttal to such argument, is that sort of mechanic for a game like this is not good, That first hitting, is in fact, the most fair mechanic we can possibly have. That might be, why I, and many others, believe that mechanic should be reverted to its original state.
  11. The reality is, kill stealing IS negative and rude. - First hit is king (something that was once said in this game) --- Is something that is only respected in ruins now (by some people) First hit has meant the kill is yours for so long, that any other scenario is a KS. Language does matter. Of course kill stealing is negative and rude. Unfortunately, knowing that fact doesn't change the opinion for some people. We live in a society where a lot of censorship happens to spare people their feelings, rather than being blunt and being direct about things. (which in the end causes a lot more harm in society than anything else, but I've digressed) The update allows kill stealing to happen. This is the reality on how many people view this. I'm not going to sugar coat that fact because some people feel bad that is what they like to do. I like facts. If it can be proven to me without a doubt that it is not kill stealing, I will edit the language. But I think the language is appropriate for its truth. It seems most of the community agrees with this viewpoint. Yes, I do mind editing the options to spare peoples feelings from reality.
  12. Actually being KS'ed as a lowbie at Aqua king is probably one of the worst experiences for a lowbie. To kill 40% of the HP, for a high level to come and over dmg it for a medallion. At least with first hit, a high level can't steal that from a noob. King quest is a weird one, but eh! Let's not argue about that specifically. The point being, yes, low levels can get KS'ed by high levels, and it happens all the time with king spawns. First hit mitigated that. I kind of love trying for a grunter king medallion with a bunch of lowbies for the heck of it when leveling up. Just messing about like that can make the leveling experience great. The nice thing about first hit, is a bunch of lvl 60s can kill a grunter king, and it doesn't matter if a high lvl comes at 60% HP and takes the kill from them, cause they can't really do it. I'm not sure what you mean by there's only one real set of players who want it changed.
  13. I don't understand why it should be any different at different levels? I believe if they're in a party than it's applied by the party, and unless the entire party wipes, the loot belongs to that party specifically. (But I'm not certain)
  14. It seems as though those sorts of things applies first hits (in regards to effecting drops) Including fires. Yes. But not with Medallions (to my understanding) Until the boss dies, or until the player that tagged it dies. So yes, if you're not there when it spawns to first hit it, you risk the fact that you MIGHT NOT have gotten the first hit, and someone else can just gg your loot. (which is kind of hilarious if you're a terrible person like me.) All of my answers are to my understanding, unfortunately I am often wrong. In that case, you should just believe the opposite to what I say.
  15. If a reroll Hammer costs 500 valor. How valuable do you think it'd actually be to smash a grade 7 with it? 10m per hit. I understand your point you're making that Artisans need to be worth it. But. I don't think reroll hammers is going to be the nail in the coffin for them. Even at 100 valor a reroll, that's still 2m zullie a hit, and it's possible to go down substat than up. Reroll hammers were the dumbest thing in the game but I liked them. I think it should apply to all substats. Not just Uniques.
  16. Oh, I'm always confused regardless. I think it made me more curious than anything else. Is there a Junon re-work in the future!?
  17. Hai that Junon is different than the Junon in the game
  18. Man have you even seen what Rednim team did in Unreal Engine before getting obtaining the rights to develop on the original code? Yeah, I am extremely sure that they'll finish the planets.
  19. Your gear should always be at least 7 - 10 refine imo. It'd be nice if fixing the code wasn't such a struggle. I'm not understanding coding anywhere near as deeply as the development team does. But I'm sure it's an issue they're struggling to figure out, but will figure out in time. I'm also sure when they figure it out, there will be an interesting post on their Ko-fi about it
  20. what refine is your armors? - I do suggest trying to just, run around in a little circle in an attempt to kite a little...
  21. So basically, click somewhere, wait about 25-45 seconds. Then go walk forward again. I'm considering making a guide on how to walk through fossil without getting stuck xD -- IT IS possible though But basically, don't go too far, walk around in circles a little bit every here and there(wait until mobs load before going forward) ... haha... yeah it's kinda brutal but works, try it.
  22. I run enough CoU to have farmed all of this: I have farmed 2 Poison Offensives, 4 Poison defense's. 7 or 8 Arachnid mounts. Point I'm getting at. - I have never looted a single PRISMATIC FIBER(that I can recall or find) from a CoU. So it's either not a CoU drop, or just, more rare than all of those things. (Which is possible that, I should be focused more on legendary drop rate, to help butter it out of the boss)
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