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Everything posted by GodOfEntity

  1. So far, personally, I have a 169 Champion, 169 Cleric. - 106 Artisan, 74 (becoming Borg) - a lvl 1 becoming Scout. I do wonder how many people here only have one, and only intend on having one. Although I think having one is a perfectly viable option, in fact, it's nearly impossible to gear multiple chars to the best. It's as though, one of the job classes will surely be lacking. Am wondering though, what everyone's favorite class is, sort of eager to hear lots of Artisans. I'm also interested to hear how many people are simply dedicating to, just one job class.
  2. This can solve your problem. It was suggested to me, and now I suggest it to you. Enjoy never having to type your username and password ever again, and being able to log into several different accounts in the snap of a finger.
  3. Ancient Scarabs - You can get them from Disassemble of other Uniques
  4. Oh. I meant that, what the command /unstuck would do- It would cause your char to die, but then revive (to reset it) - but also move away from the place it is at. hopefully in a better location. Not a worse location where you are even more stuck. I guess it would be better to have an /suicide option, that would just allow your char to die, where you can reset at current field, or save town.
  5. imagine! /unstuck Walla, then it's like your char suicides, but comes back to life at nearly that exact same spot but in a slightly different spot.
  6. I duel client with a cleric. I don't think everyone should do this, but I like it when 2, 3, or even 4 people in the party do it. There are good reasons to do this. Even if I decide to ONLY heal on my cleric, there's still a chance, (if I'm solo cleric) depending, that I can't outheal damage. Having a second cleric ensures that it's more likely to outheal it. A third means that one of those three can be a total space cadet, and still have team live. A fourth? Well, that means that quest turn ins can be staggered without coming back as a cleric needing to rez everyone. Personally, I'm quite upset when a person believes that my cleric is with me only to afk to leach exp. Maybe I'll go through my vods and clip every time my cleric has come in super clutch with a heal. I take great pride in how well I play two accounts at once. Is it absolutely necessary to have clerics with the party on a duel client. Well... No, it's not. But the idea that this is breaking the game to have is a very toxic mindset to have. IMO.
  7. Obviously this will never be a thing. But, I dream in color.
  8. Aside from Fighter clowns being a good option for lvl'ing (there are better options) This is a pretty good point. But, allow a different perspective if I may. I think, leveling is something can either be, time taken to do, just enjoying exploring, and killing all the different mobs, OR power lvl'ing. And of course, power lvl'ing is going to feel like a grind. -if you expect to level fast, the other option is going to feel slow. But, it's supposed to be. I think so anyways. I've been power lvl'ing because I generally want a toon at max level. - But, I do intend on doing the slow, enjoyment leveling as well. Just because I think that's a part of the game I'm missing out on. You're not particularly supposed to be power leveling as fast as what is currently possible imo. But, we're lucky that it's an option. Maybe I'm not correct, but to my understanding, this is a shared opinion.
  9. That was quite a share, hope to see you around. - Do say hi if you notice me in game please! 3rd job is something that was being considered though, no? (Maybe not now, but in the original roadmap?)
  10. I'd love to see more photo's of all the players being posted here! ... I've already posted up one, but here we go in hopes of seeing some more ROSE Online faces!
  11. I believe I remember DeeBee. - They disconnected me because I didn't immediately go help them when they were being PK'd in ruins. So I DDOS'd them back. Shutting down their internet. - Which resulted in them shutting down the internet node for my entire city. (took my ISP an entire day to restore the internet) If I remember correctly, before rose went pay to play, they taught me how to use packet sniffing tools, and how to alter packets to do things I shouldn't of been doing. All these things I've mostly long since forgotten. Maybe it's a different person. But from what I've been reading. Sounds like it was them. Back in the days of TeamSpeak/Ventrilo. Ages ago. Anyways, thanks for the reminiscing. CutiSimmone. Was a fun throwback. If you see me in game, make sure you say hi!
  12. I think this should be Artisan only. Not dealer. But, agreed that this needs to happen.
  13. Is there a way to check login server, without actually logging in? - It would be nice when rotating accounts to be able to check that, before doing such
  14. Thank you! I really hope you Enjoyed my stream. I'm really trying to put effort into it. I'd like to even try to do more with it. I'd love to be a GREAT streamer when I stream. I'd also like to be more consistent in my stream. I do really appreciate the viewers that have been consistently on my stream every time I stream. Streaming to me is EXTREMELY draining. But I do very much enjoy it. I think focusing on the fact that the VODS are there, and knowing that replay-ability with my stream is there, that I just need to always play like I am playing for someone that's watching! .. - TL;DR, I wish to improve on my stream. - That is really all we can all, always do. Is just, improve. There's always room for improvement. It's kind of fortunate that I'm not good! BECAUSE, SO MUCH ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT! Cheers.
  15. Thanks! I made it to having a lvl 120 Cleric, a lvl 120 Champ a lvl 83 (was becoming) Artisan. A lvl 30 Scout. -- all this in less than a week! ... I learned a lot about this game. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  16. Name: My real name is Paul Michael, but, because my nickname is GodOfEntity, many people prefer to call me "Entity" or "GoE" Preferred name to call you: Entity/ GoE . Gender/country/age: Male, Canada Ontario, 1989 When did you start playing Rose Online? 14 y/o Who introduce you to Rose/ What brought you to Rose? I played UNREAL TOURNAMENT under a server called ROSEBUM. A post was made to check out a game called ROSE, What do you like the most from Rose Online? MULTI-CLIENTING!!!!!!!! What's your favorite class to play? (and why) --- I kind of enjoy all of them. Share your favorite memories from Rose Online! The time Rosita made Chris actually buy me a pizza, and then his credit card got marked for fraud the next day. Favorite monster: SC boss's Favorite places in Rose Online: TOP SECRET, only people that get to know me, will know. Things you hate the most in Rose: How I behaved in my past. Anything you want to say? I incurred several bad accidents where I broke all of my limbs. Then broke both of my arms after recovering from breaking all of my limbs. - I also broke my face and lost two of my teeth. From Scooter accidents.
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