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Everything posted by GodOfEntity

  1. So a parent should just never play games, or kids should just never need their parent when the parent is having time to play the game? Emergencies outside of the game shouldn't exist, and players should just completely ignore reality while playing the game because when you play the game, that game is now the only thing that can matter, and if that's not possible, they shouldn't play the game ever. Really... ?
  2. Accepting the fact that people have lives outside of the game was important for me to deal with people going AFK. Still can be frustrating or annoying, but, when I accept that real life is more important than the game, and the game is just a persons enjoyment and being upset about that is absurd in of itself, is a conclusion I had to come to. Not saying you can or will come to this conclusion too, or even that you should. But for me, that helped with that frustration. The botters... Those need to be reported with the support channels and using video's and whatnot.
  3. Even if it somehow manages to struggle to run it natively, you could still probably use it as a second screen. But, the UI updates need to happen before that's more of a viable thing to do imo. Tablet rose is .... idk. It's possible. I recommend making sure you lock your skill bars. But hopefully when the UI can scale it will be ... better Right now I don't think tablet rose is a great experience. (However I use a tablet as a second monitor, and running the game within a VM ensures that when I do touch screen inputs on the game, it doesn't mess with my mouse on my other monitor)
  4. I find Uncommon, Epic, and Dolomite are my favorite three to run with while chem farming. I find that Rare adds too much... other stuff. But test out using rare as well, and not using rare, see which you like more yourself.
  5. Very important things to think about. I read this when it was initially posted. And I'm still thinking about it.
  6. You were kicked from the group for being afk. What you said to that man because you were kicked was pretty horrible. I wasn't in the group btw. I just know what happened. Chill before you make it worse on yourself Gouki.
  7. Entity is me, yes I had help with logging in all my chars for a group screenshot of myself, In order; GodOf3ntity, GodOfEntity, Entity, God0fEntity, GodOfEntityy Knight, Champ, Raider, Cleric, Bourg. But yes, my way of saying "Hi, I think you're cool" is for me to run around in circles and jump up and down when I see someone I like... Kind of in the same way a dog wags its tail. Or a cat goes "Purrr Purrrr" Except different.
  8. Fire/Holly Defensive is the desired defensive Chest element for SoD. Opal7 with this stat configuration will give more gains than INT/MDEFF. (Opal8 is obviously slightly better than 7, but not required) For the WHISPS , you will use MDEFF. I switch set for the other Mobs in the DG. Transcript This is not an optimal build, however this is a "decent" build. --Let any guide that I ever share, be simply a guide, a baseline, to help path you into a better build than I've shown. Thanks for watching, and happy farming.
  9. This didn't exist when you made your post. But if you've learnt other things that you could contribute with it, please feel free to add to the guide that I was working on.
  10. L1 and Right Joystick - Zoom R1 and Right/Left DPAD - Changes Skill bar. DPAD Up/Down - Target Allies DPAD Left Right - Target Enemy. X - Attack targeted, or if nothing is targeted, Attacks Closest Target (it seems) O - cancel, ends npc dialogue, deselects target Square - Pickup Loot Triangle - jump Protip, Use deselect target, and proximity target to help with targeting. (This guide is a work in progress and may change according to developer updates) I'd like to thank @Zurn for his help with this Guide. I'd like to thank @Garnet and @lazypenguin For their work on controller functionality for the game. Other information about controller use that MAY be relevant to you. (PC ONLY)
  11. Exactly, we should also get pay to refine too. Cause eventually you'll hit (20) refine, but for people who don't want to do it, they should be able to just buy lvl 20 refine. It's not pay to win. People can obtain it through farming regardless. (It baffles me the sarcasm has been lost on you thus far)
  12. Yeah, pay for storage wasn't enough for me either. I'd really like pay for leveling too.
  13. I wonder if a solution would be to make it so that after a certain amount healing doesn't stack? 3 cleric heals can stack with each other. But 4? Not sure how that could be coded, but thankfully its not my job. In DG clerics have been nerfed hard enough to suit pvp already.
  14. Exp Quest set starts at Stephano in Anima Lake at lvl 40 The clan experience skill; Neither of which effects quest EXP, which is where most of EXP will be coming from. (often times) Congrats on your max levels!
  15. Is it possible if this quest guide could include some helpful information; Like- What level is required to start the quest. What level does the experience drop off at if at all. Anima lake is lvl 40 required. Rackies I believe has no requirement.
  16. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I think the market of the game is in a pretty decent shape right now, there' are lots of things that can be farmed to earn zullies. Sure, things SEEMS like it's inflated from a month ago, but, the market seems like it's stable for the most part with minor fluxes here and there. The game probably could use another zullie sink, let clan points be bought directly with zullies.
  17. What happened to clerics Fred, and how are you negatively effected by this so much so you dislike the official server?
  18. Bellia(the Gypsy Merchant) -- I drop a lot of that gear near them when its a decent'ish substat, that I don't have any storage space for anymore. (ect. including tailsmans/bindrunes/apotrope) Great list of zullie farms btw.
  19. Which also isn't even the best Charm set, there is better, correct?
  20. Idk what you're talking about. I don't see any nicknames in the original post. ;)
  21. This is my stats while in the middle of final boss fight in CoU. Can you guess my class?
  22. I made this post once before. But deleted it because it sort of got out of hand. A method of scamming people can be to have many stacks be what seems to be a very reasonable price, for a buyer to be like HERE LET ME TAKE ALL OF THIS. Not noticing the one stack costing far more than all the others. I get it, accidents happen, it could of just been an accident. Things happen.
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