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Everything posted by GodOfEntity

  1. Personally I think if you can run CoU really fast that's a pretty good bet at farming rock launchers. (although, with the right drop set, I have seen some pretty crazy unique farming in the world)
  2. I feel like zullies could be IM availability. Or you could just do a quest for it. *he says sarcastically*
  3. Why do you feel like that feature needs to be monetized? Why can't all the players just. Have the ability to enjoy the game without feeling the anxiety of a full Equipment tab? I guess I understand why a company would feel the need to have something where players feel like they don't have a choice but to pay for it. But that's what killed old rose. I'm not being dramatic. This is the reality. You start down a path that leads into .... Well... Can we please just, not go there?
  4. Players shouldn't be forced into paying for "convenience" in a game. As someone that gladly buys item mall, also a proud member at https://ko-fi.com/rednimgames I would, stop paying for Ko-Fi, I would un-install the game. I would stop playing the game. Why do you, someone a part of the Rednim team, keep pushing for "pay to convenience" Rednim is supposed to be against pay to win. I respect that. But you seem not to. It's supposed to be a core principal shared within the team. Yes, I understand that stuff in this world isn't free. Yes I understand that Rednim needs to make money. --But they shouldn't be making money at the expense of what makes them a great company. Pay to convenience is just another way of saying pay to win, without saying pay to win. You could argue that an Item Mall auto loot, also isn't pay to win. When you need to argue if something isn't pay to win, chances are, it's pay to win and you're delusional.
  5. I +1 this idea. Hat increases Char head size.
  6. I don't even have a full movement speed set yet. I could also have situational sets in DGs.... (A set for moving through the DG, a set for being at the boss) (which I don't have specifically because I am limited by a fundamental flaw in the game) I get that I could put my sets in storage (I often mostly do) My inventory be looking like this, It just feels restricting, suffocating. What you see here is a Buff-set, a partial movement speed set, My inventory is already almost full from farming. I haz no space. ^Those are my main weapons Dropset weapon Elemental Chest Pieces. I get it, a solution I can do is use storage more effectively. ---But I don't want to have to live beside game storage to play this game. That's absurd. I think if I am to stop playing this game it's because the absurdity of a limited equipment tab. Honestly, it should just go on for forever, having a scroll and just expanding as you need more space, but scrolling. Clearly I really love this game, but this annoyance just cannot be overlooked.
  7. You mean kind of like a shopping mall? I love this suggestion
  8. One Character. (Technically five are farming the DG, but this is my rewards) I've yet to actually go on a Turak run. So I'm not exactly sure how much Lisent U per Turak run gets. But I've heard that when you get lucky in a CoU clear run, it's better than Turak.
  9. Location, location, location. I like that you notice that location matters. Just realize that location in Junon in of itself ALSO matters. That is what makes vending in this game so freaking amazing and beautiful -- When you say, oh, a person here sells for this, but then you go over there, it sells for different. -- This applies for EVERYWHERE in the game. Even refine matts. - Want to sell refine materials at the max price? Sell near Crune. -- Want to sell Carts on the cheap? Do so near Mildun. Want to sell Gems? Near Mildun (why idk) Want to sell exaulted? Near bridge near Mildun. -- Want to pay less for dirtys? Buy them in Zant. Red pots? Near valor / Honor shop for people running DG's/Aram. The shop system of this game is an integral part of the game. - As you recognize. Location is a major part of buy/sell in this game. Being aware of that is what makes some vendors better vendors than others. Auction house, destroys that logistic of the game entirely.
  10. Can confirm that the difference a buffset makes, to having no buffset at all is marginal. (Only effects your team not yourself as mentioned) So I am not showing all of the items, but I am sure what I've shown gives the point. yeah, I am missing about 50 charm (or so) The difference in AP from players on my team is about 28AP more with the buffset (not really worth the 100m zullie investment) - Or the space it takes up. However. The way my friends and I play, minmaxing in such a way, is worth it to us. However, it can be argued that the time we save from the EXTRA AP is lost in the time it takes to change the buffset. Something I have yet to calculate. Near impossible more like it. Haha. Trying to hit 40 charm unique is .... Very difficult is well an understatement.
  11. One of the reasons I came back is because Rednim position on this They do have a deeper explanation as to why (not sure where) - But their stance on auction house is something I am very happy with.
  12. The current shop system is sort of like, what makes the game what it is. Is it kind of annoying? Yeah. it is. But honestly its the little annoyances that makes this game the amazing game that it is. I hate having to go searching for stuff in shops. But the mechanic is just... well.. it's awesome It's awesome because, location, location, location. That sort of thing matters. Which is great
  13. --- Plz no. lol. That stuff is where I make zullies. It' still is now! ... Oh man it seems I need to make a video or stream this.... But, this is what I have right now for refine materials. ^that is literally like 4 days of farming. (If you think I should have farmed more than that in 4 days, you're out of your mind. This material is SUPPOSED to be rare) Your idea of attracting players back to the game. Is to take away the main reason players came back to the game in the first place? And adding pay to win features? Say hi to me in game, maybe we can throw together a group, I can show you how easy Lisent U farming is now.
  14. Pref 50mspeed substats. (or whatever the max mspeed for grade 6 is) yeah, buying this. Full set.
  15. Have you read all of the posts on their Ko-Fi? https://ko-fi.com/rednimgames/posts
  16. I'm not sure how you believe this will solve or help RMT at all. I'm really not sure how you don't see how that will encourage RMT even more. But lets set aside that being a big issue. Let's just refocus the point I tried to make that you completely ignored. Lisent U is SUPPOSED to be valuable. Hitting (20) Refine, is supposed to be a PERSONAL achievement. Just, buying outright end game gear is going to be a reason why people will just be like, ok, well I am end game now, and now I'm bored. How do you propose that player farmed that full amount of zullies? To me it sounds like you want RMT buyers to just be able to buy their way to end game lol. I don't understand how what you suggest helps negate RMT in any way, shape or form. Other than would kill the prices of lisents.
  17. The reason for it being this way is so that the lisent market doesn't crash. So that new players have to refine for themselves rather than buying pre-refined gear.
  18. Basically, Approx. 100 people farming zullies for 3 months straight, 80 of those people cashing out. 30 remaining to stay. Most of the accounts being sold as completely empty, so that zullies can be sold separately. What we're seeing is the results of a final sell off of zullies and accounts by RMT. While I am not completely dismissing that duping zullies could have happened. I am simply arguing that simply doing the math on how much zully was likely farmed by a LARGE group of people min-maxing zullie farming for 3 months, this is the result of the final sell off. I'm also not sure of my position on how I feel about this sort of thing happening. I'm not trying to say this is bad for the game or this is good for the game. I don't understand enough of all the situations of everything to damn people. "Ay, I like facts, I don't like assumin'" -NF (Also not shedding light on this to argue the right or wrong of this, just trying to spotlight where the zullies could have came from)
  19. There are two ways a knight can be effective in AA. - Dealing dmg(charm/burn dmg build) -- Or by means of dmg negation. Unfortunately, damage negated by means of using TAUNT, or DMG DOWN. while it can be slightly effective in helping your team win, it' isn't reflected in end game stats, nore is it reflected in HONOR being rewarded. I think a solution to this problem is to calculate damage mitigated to your team by using numbers of dmg received from an enemy that is taunted. And when you dmg down an enemy, the percentage of the dmg that is reduced by that negation is also reflected. Thanks for consideration.
  20. My buffed inside of a DG stats currently be looking like this o.o
  21. On that note. The people that want a wipe of the server. - Why? Is there something you need help farming? Let me know I will try to farm it with you. I don't want a server wipe, even if there was duping. I've spent way too many hours to have what I have. But if you're willing to put in the time with me, I'm willing to put in the time to farm with you too. This is my left over farm after just a couple of days from farming. Also I make a weapon 15 with the matts as well. I am not Rich in this game. (that's Hide) But, I am more than willing to help anyone else get ahead if they need help.
  22. I think there was a wave of accounts that had lots of zullies on them sold recently. -- All of which was farmed (for the most part) legit. I think what we're seeing is the people that bought those accounts, that have a deep understanding of the game, running the economy. (Running, not particularly ruining) TO be honest though, you don't even need a large capital investment of zullies. Take buy and sell of Lisent U for exampe. 50,000z profit each time it's flipped. Which is weird, but, people ARE flipping this. full stacks. 5-10 stacks, at 50m per stack. 250m per day those Buy/Sell shops are making. Not to mention Scarabs bought at 30k per, and sold at 50k per. -- What a lot of people do, is they reach end game'ish- Then they decide it's time to vend. It is interesting where this zullie is coming from, but, get 4 "Farmers" on 2 to three accounts each. - Spam leveling, this is 600m zullies every 3 days. Now do that with 100 people. You're looking at 3,600,000,0000,0000 ---- That's about how much zullies has entered the economy over the past 2 months. The inflation is reflecting that. As I said earlier. It's going to be a point were people stop farming zullies, they will start farming items. Items seem expensive now, I strongly believe it'll take a nose dive. As long as I'm right, and people aren't actually duping the zullies ( I suspect it could have happened, but from what I'm seeing. It genuinely seems like people are just hyperfocused on farming)
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