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  • Birthday 03/16/1997

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  1. I am also a ko-fi supporter and have seen the same plans as yours and I am still no concerned. Again, there are plenty of games with cosmetics only item mall systems that work great. IM points obtained through a premium subscription or by a one time payment is still revenue, it doesn't really matter which way a player would pay for them. I'm sorry but to me it is clear why very few companies implement such surveys to get IM points or equivalents, it is simply too hard to implement correctly because you depend on other's surveys that can be sketchy and that is not good for the user experience.
  2. I am not concerned because they have also talked about premium accounts with a monthly fee, cosmetics of course, and there are plenty of games who are successful that way, even if they aren't the games that bring the most income, which I think is not their goal. They are focusing on the quality of the game and the user experience from what I understand. I used to do these survays and a lot of them were very sketchy or didn't work properly. I highly do not recommend.
  3. I'm going to reiterate that I asked lazypenguin about this and he told me there would not be 2x exp events. Now that might just have been a quick answer and it might change. However, we're diverging from Trebor's suggestion which is about displaying icons for exp rates and drop rates. If you want to suggest something like double exp/drop weekends or happy hour I'd recommend creating a suggestion for that because it hasn't been made yet!
  4. I have actually asked the devs over voice chat if they would do double exp events or double exp event and lazypenguin told me he did not see the interest of having double exp events if the exp rates are already balanced. I did not ask about double drops though.
  5. Which is why there are many issues with VoIP implementation unfortunately. Without recordings, if you report a player using offensive language (racism, sexisim, homophobia, etc.) there is no way of knowing if they were actually doing it or not. If you just assume they did do it, then you get the problem of people being reported for no reason at all, which is another problem. In my opinion, it would be one more thing to moderate for Rednim and would just give them a lot more work than they already have. Discord is already a valid alternative and kind of a standard when it comes to gaming and voice communication.
  6. What I'm suggesting would not make bonfire heal more on average. Healing, for example, 50 HP every 10 seconds or 25 HP every 5 seconds has the same Healing over time value and heals a total of 300 HP total per minute in both cases. A very exaggerated equivalent (which I am NOT suggesting) would be healing 300 HP every 60 seconds, which would mean waiting an entire minute before getting any HP. Another one (which I am also NOT suggesting) would be healing 5 HP every 1 second, which is way too often but still the same average HP per minute.
  7. Currently, bonfires heal a certain percentage of HP every 10 seconds. I would suggest that they heal either half as much, but every 5 seconds or, They heal 30% as much but every 3 seconds.
  8. All classes are good in their own ways. The classes that are considered "strongest" are not necessarily the most picked. It really depends on what kind of gameplay you like
  9. To be honest I am 100% on the remove RNG fully from rose, but I think that some RNG should stay, with the % rates that should be incredibly better, like never below a certain percentage or something. I beleive the RNG is a somewhat exciting thing for some players... It's so true that drop rates and refining were purely made for p2w. So yes they should be adjusted. For drop rates, I think a simple guarantee to get at least one drop from mobs would be good enough (When we tested with a few testers the Moonbrother for like 30 minutes and then got no drop, we all agreed on that lol) For refining, I would love to see the refining rates be guaranteed but require more materials. That being said, If that's implemented, I think the maximum refine could be higher than 9. I kinda liked the +15, since it was a journey and could probably take a very long time to reach. For crafting, I think that the % should somewhat stay, because the success rates are also partly based on level. So it would be strange to have 100% chance of crafting something at level 10. but they said "and drop from mobs"
  10. There is currently already a features that allows players to "take care" Of their gears. I mean when you have 36 durability on your item, it's health is based on that durability, so 36/36 when fully repaired. You already have to repair your gear pretty frequently, which costs zulies. I'm just curious, how exactly would this system be different other than requiring materials and being available from artisans only? Could you give a concrete example so we can better understand your idea?
  11. I just wanna point out that INT does not affect buffs or healing, charm does, as I mentionned in my reply from yesterday in this thread... I just think that saying should remain the way they are "because that's the way it was" doesn't make it a good argument.
  12. Hi cyan, please make sure you read the rules before posting on the forums. First off, I don't see why a cleric would go with str because of some of their passives which highly favor dex builds for dodge, attack, block rate. ANd clerics do not scale off of int for buffs and heals, they scale off od charm. Second, there are already so many different builds for every classes, so maybe you can elaborate a little more?
  13. Removing all bufs ecept 3 from cleric does not kill the solo aspect of cleric. They have a lot of magic offense and most mobs have terrible magic defense. Spreading buffs across all the classes was to do just that, remove the need to dual client. Remove the need of having multiple characters as well as making sure all class are viable solo. Soldiers have attack power, defense, max HP and strength buffs, so they don't necessarily have most useful damage buffs. I doubt clerics would go for a STR build to tank. With their dodge rate and block passives that scale on dex, dex is much more viable. Also, dex does not give any movement speed or attack speed. Finally, a cleric with a pure int build would have terrible healing, because healing scales off of charm, not int.
  14. Vexoi

    hi guys

    Hi Shyland! Welcome to the community! I see you weren't too shy to introduce yourself badum tss... The whole project being brought back to life by the new shiny dev team is the most exciting thing!!
  15. It's true, the max refine was +15 for the longest time. To be honest I like the different glow that items used to have a +13 to +15, it wasn't as ugly and overwhelming as +10. Other than the visual aspect of it, I think bringing it back to +15 max instead of +20, as well as implementing some changes to balance refining, it would be a good compromise. (I really liked your suggestion VIle, of making refining 100% success rates but requiring more ressources, equivalent to the average it currently requires with the % failure system. The RNG aspect of it was really not rewarding and based on a purely pay to win element. However, I would be okay with some chances of refining failing, without ever decreasing the refinement level or ever breaking the item.)
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