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About Trebor

  • Birthday 06/21/1957

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Grunter Captain

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  1. All, I am one of the Game Moderators in game [MOD]Trebor (Yes I do have a character also named Trebor) I have been getting the same questions asked over and over, so I thought I would say something here Can I get a Buff or Rez? - No, not allowed Can I get an item, mount, weapon, food, armors, anything? - No, not allowed Can I add you as a Friend in game, Have you in my Party, add you to my clan or whisper you? No, Not allowed. Can you teleport me to another location? - No not allowed What can you do for me? - Answer any questions we are able to, of course we still can't tell you anything that is coming up, when or what it is like. Again, not allowed. We are there to be visible, try to educate people so they are NOT botting or causing any trouble. We may be visible or invisible and you may or may not know we are there too. If in a party and we come up and say Hi, please do answer, it will be in all chat, so you will see it no matter what. Hopefully you are not a bot. Yes, you may think there is a lot of restrictions on the MODs, but it is there for a very good reason, not to show favoritism to anyone by giving something to someone, to assist them in a party, etc. I/we are there to assist the GM Team as of course they cannot be everywhere at the same time. Hope this helps you all understand why we keep saying NO. Enjoy Rose Online! [MOD]Trebor
  2. Good day to you. I don't recall that, but it was long ago too!
  3. Offline vending is coming, just not here yet. Watch for the updates on when it will arrive.
  4. There has been talk on Discord about these and it was suggested to add it to the Suggestions: For the Boss mobs, make the times they appear completely random and not on a regular timer. Also, because many might "camp" these mobs, how about making these Mobs appear randomly on the map, so people would have to search for them. Don't give set spots, but make it completely random? Please give ideas, suggestions, thoughts on it.
  5. Interesting idea, so what would happen if they do 3rd jobs
  6. I do like this idea as well, maybe something extra showing what was checked out, who checked it out and who was the owner? just a thought
  7. I know, that is the Treehouse Map, it was not meant to be a regular map for people, so only the GM's and MOD's went there. I saw many of characters get banned there as the GM's would teleport characters there while they were botting, then get the ban!
  8. Here are some pictures from RoseNA.
  9. I have a couple of friends who use to Play Rose on a PC, since then they don't have a PC, but a MAC now. I see the part on how to update Rose, but is there something on how to install on a MAC? Thank you.
  10. I would like to see the screenshot location maybe configurable within the client. One issue I see with it currently is when you use the snipping tool, all of those go into the same directory as the Rose pictures. Early on in the testing, it was under Pictures/Screenshots/Rose but someplace it changed to Pictures/Screenshots. If it cannot be configurable, how about placing the Rose Screenshots in the Pictures/Screenshots/Rose instead? Thank you
  11. Would Charm help in all classes for the Buffs each class can take? Not just the Cleric?
  12. Makes sense Lazy, thank you for the update.
  13. I am wishing for this is why the suggestion. No it has not been announced or anything, but hopefully it can be used. This would not be needed to be removed after the 13th of Dec, but can be left up forever.
  14. Welcome back and it will be great seeing you in game once again!
  15. The Dev team already said we can have 2 accounts logged in at one time, no more that 2. A shared storage is also a great idea for a clan, but their might need to be some restrictions setup for something like that.
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