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Everything posted by MittelDank

  1. Sup Bri! A Lunchbox with it O.O that sounds epic!
  2. Maybe PurpleYouko will just make their compendium again but I am slowly working my way towards an "ARMORY" I have found the LIST_BREAK stb which seems to show material numbers but I cannot for the life of me find where the materials themselves are at to correlate the list Oh my god I might have just found it! LIST_NATURAL.STB The problem is the "Material No 1" column of the list_break does not match up to anything in the list_natural... as far as I can tell the only thing that is actually unique for the list_natural is the icon number and even that doesn't seem to match up to the list_break..... So i am stumped for now....
  3. It would be very cool to have the uniques perhaps scale with level so they could always be usefull? They look so cool it would be nice to have them be useful beyond the very short time they were before since they are not prolific as well.
  4. I hope so, it was such a good pve thing. The problem with the last version is that they became essentially useless with the level cap. Perhaps with the new level cap they can be slightly reworked or will be useful?
  5. Or just use a vim inspired browser (qutebrowser, vieb) or vim extension for whichever browser you use? press gg for top G to reach the bottom lol... I know this wasn't helpful
  6. It shouldn't be that bad to implement neccesarily either as you can do it simply with javascript: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/scrollY window.scroll(0,0); ^ You then take that on onClick of that button element. It can look and feel pretty with a smooth scroll applied to the html or body tag, or whatever container actually has the scroll. ( Haven't looked at it yet for here but could find out ). https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_smooth_scroll.asp#section1 html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } It is a question of how easy it is to edit the code of these forums, "Powered by Invision Community" at the very bottom. Just a theme or something that takes more control?
  7. I haven't played alpha so I've held my tongue beyond some discord rants...... I agree this deserves a full serious discussion. An obvious middle ground that requires again an overhaul code wise would be buffs are applied on heal/attack. (defensive/offensive) Forcing more active gameplay to aquire said buffs....... Lot of work though..... If we strip a class completely I hope we have an answer to what it is going to do now...... And no "healing" doesn't replace more than half their skill tree..... unless you really ramp up some interesting new things in healing. AKA more complete code overhaul of a class....
  8. So why does the "level" shrink not remove the "need" for buffs? Removing the buffs sounds an awful lot like we have to completely revamp a class when I think the level squish removes the need for buffs while still allowing them?
  9. I think focusing on wine/proton emulation which as a person currently on a 2009 macbook pro I can do all sorts of tests for us. I haven't run any Mac OS since..... 2012 but i have the hard drive space to try again why not. I run full linux and have played almost every version on linux so I'll be happy to "unit" test those options haha. The hard thing would obviously be the newer arm M1 macbooks... which I will not test.... But i'm willing to help others that do have it find a way because i'd seriously doubt there isn't a way! aka almost certainly straight wine would work very well with minimal config. But we just need the bare minimum (dx9 ect)
  10. Played both and I can tell you off the bat, aoe mattered in evo. For leveling, but even dungeons. There are numerous changes to the buff system that I won't gripe about beyond charm over int. Also with the buff system (aka a quick liar) in evo all classes got a "self/party" buff that became ?"standard"? but only those that made charm characters of each class were really useful so don't get them based on prior knowledge.... Unless hopefully new changes makes them usefull without charm priority. Aka if it is your main don't focus party buff. Btw I loved aoe change... maybe others won't remember this but I thought that was one of the best changes. Usually how this worked was one grabbed mobs, ran back to group, group aoed them down. I'm sure others' remember more changes than I do but those just struck me off the cuff.
  11. Exactly. Makes you wonder what good design over nerf design could be right?
  12. Even if you don't dual client you may play multiple accounts over time and remembering all of that is.... annoying to always have to input, at least the account names
  13. The right tools as you mentioned would include not ruining the entire party because you lagged out for a second
  14. To add to what Vexoi has said: Do you like to craft? Artisan. Do you like to smash? Champion. Do you like to fast attack? Raider (melee), Scout (ranged). Do you like to heal? (cleric). Do you like spell damage? (mage). Do you like to "earn" money? (Bourgoeis). Do you like to tank? (Knight). Super simple layout but might help
  15. Haha says the two with the most .... likely choosen names I could see this being nice on the one hand as your forum and in game names are the same making everyone a little better known in both places instead of having to figure it out. On the down side I agree 0 development time should really be put into this as I don't see it as a very important feature towards making the game. I suspect that you will get your names just fine honestly. Could be wrong but maybe not. You both picked the forum name as the placeholder spot. What about people who haven't been to the forum yet? Is that not the same argument as first come first serve to those that make it in game? If you want this it seems you already got an advantage that others that may be known by the names you picked did not have the prior knowledge or chance to know about before you took first mover advantage of.... I will say if you do this I agree with needing some sort of reputation here as some kind of deterant to abuse. Good luck
  16. This screams addition for new planets. Along with other AI changes allowing people to have both worlds. It can also fit into your story by specifically being something focused at an endgame audience with the rewards. It would really suck if you are new and no one is around and the evil crystal keeps beating you down when you are a brand new player on Junon
  17. Haha many have brought up good points: Splitting the community A rework of levels and item drops already underway An attitude that a solution is simply fix the grind by having increased rates which means really the core mechanics should be looked at not a bandaid approach. Leading into things like reborn, which I agree is a blight. All that being said "hell" doesn't have to be brought into it everyone! Clearly you all mean "hebarn" no! and I for one hope we do get to explore it one day! haha
  18. If you are who I think you are (big assumption) then we had our fair amount of chats haha! We actually worked out quite fine and clearly both just wanted to see the best for the game! Actually had some fun there at the end of NA before the oro update in some dungeons! I would say it feels bad you have to call yourself out like this because that drive and opinion was always founded in a passion to see the game grow! Glad to see you are here, the amount of valuable insight and experience can really help bring a well thought out opinion to the community driven design! Cheers!
  19. Shouldn't it be: puts "Hello World \n" Edit: So I just looked it up and there is print as well.... I have used ruby extensively and I just clearly got mixed up with other languages. So forgive the puts debugger follower!!! I guess I just never used print that I can remember as opposed to the million times i've put puts around all over. Rip byebug too lol. If anyone asks I was clearly looking to come up with the most concise ruby "hello world" Bwhahaa
  20. Name: MittelDank Preferred name to call you: I had so many names over the years but lets just try to stick with MittelDank for this reboot haha. Gender/country/age: Male/US currently/31 When did you start playing Rose Online? I started way back in the Korean beta which was 2004. Who introduce you to Rose/ What brought you to Rose? I had some online friends from some iirc chatrooms that brought up this cutesey new Korean mmo that they were certain was going to get big! I saw the classes and fell in love with the idea of being a rich dealer with mercenaries that would fight for me while I scrooge mc duck swam in the Zulie my minons would bring in! What do you like the most from Rose Online? I would say the unique class design structure from other mmos. While staying close to a simple dmg/tank/healer, having super unique skills outside of that paradigm really sparked an on-going to this day interest in seeing it flurish even further. Yes I am a crazy amount of buffs, power trip fantasy, grind for unique gear/weapon supporter. The feeling of the power fantasy along with the yearning for it when you are low starting out and interacting with those that have attained it already just makes you want to be one of them one day . Lets not forget all of the helpful members of the community over the years and versions that guided me and helped me along. Such a unique group of people that sometimes may have their passion misconstrued for vitriol. That may or may not include yours truly What's your favorite class to play? (and why) I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for dealer/bour/arti. I would say in the end I really love cleric the most. Being able to meaningfully help low players with advice and chat to pass their grind is one of a kind . Also had some fun with wand battle cleric in late na, they weren't that good but passable for single target. Of course I am sure I never played it the best meta way. How did you discover Rose Online for the first time ?i Essentially answered by: Who introduced you to Rose/What brought you to Rose above. Share your favorite memories from Rose Online! I would have to say the time in beta where we all were scrambling along blind in what the game really had to offer yet and we were having the first moment of bliss and sheer excitement of the unknown yet to be explored ahead! Those first groups working so hard to take down Aqua kings were one of a kind! Favorite monster: Definitely Krawfies, first time you saw them I had a mixture of joy.... and dread when I learned I shouldn't be taking them on at lvl 30. Shouldn't have even been in that area at all then but I just wanted to explore so badly! Favorite places in Rose Online: I am sorry but I can't just pick one! Goblin Caves Oblivion Temple Forgotten Temple Sikiku Ruins Things you hate the most in Rose: Can't deny that the insane grind for levels with no real help in between when leveling up the first time and are a solo player or haven't made friends yet. Also the blatant p2w was incredibly demoralizing. I have a lot to say but I think I should slightly hold my tongue lol Anything you want to say? Hi everyone! Looking forward to a restart and a new direction. I have seen quite the strong opinions about keeping/changing old ways. I would just say lets try to truly give this reboot a chance to try things we might not prefer. Hopefully we can have a R.O.S.E that can stand the test of time while honoring the vision of what made it so unique before. The team seems quite commited to having the community be a part of the development which I think is a great thing even if it might be a bit of a headache for them from strong opinions on topics haha. Cheers! MittelDank
  21. @Cigojnar The Korean open beta was around then. When the site was sevenhearts.co.kr ! The Na which i think most are referring to, didn't happen till 2005 I think.
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