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RE: Disable Dual Client


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its true it will be better if they disable the dual client but the sad truth they cant do it you can even open 5 or 10 client in one PC you will just get banned if they discover it but the point is you can do it so even we tell the devs to disable it it will not happen because they cant do it almost all old school mmo can open more than 1 client in one PC


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1 minute ago, Renown said:

I agree dual client should go, I've seen way too many people with 2 characters in a party and the second one is just AFK leeching.

That's your impression because you haven't noticed all the people who play two characters at the same time without issue. Alt tab exists and leveling isn't that difficult, so it can be quite seamless.

If the party isn't full, you aren't harmed in any way. If it is full, you can kick them. You can fit 7(?) people in a party, so space isn't going to be an issue, especially as the game goes on and people spread out across maps.

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6 minutes ago, Renown said:

I agree dual client should go, I've seen way too many people with 2 characters in a party and the second one is just AFK leeching.

Then kick them from your party or create a party yourself and only invite single clienters.

It's not hard to play 2 characters actively, just takes double the amount of effort if you wanna do it correctly.

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28 minutes ago, memey said:

its true it will be better if they disable the dual client but the sad truth they cant do it you can even open 5 or 10 client in one PC you will just get banned if they discover it but the point is you can do it so even we tell the devs to disable it it will not happen because they cant do it almost all old school mmo can open more than 1 client in one PC


That is incorrect it only lets you open 2 clients. You can open as many launchers as you want, but it will only allow you to play 2 game clients.

Edited by prettywomanlover
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25 minutes ago, Buyus said:

Less than 10 days and 70% of Players try to cheat/manipulat the game. Damn!

duel clienting is not cheating at all it has been allowed since the beginning of rose online. Infact, we used to be able to multi client 6+ clients but now we are limited to 2 which is a good thing over 2 is unnecessary and just enables botters. Lots of people like to be able to solo easier and have 2 clients and get the extra support and buffs and level multiple characters at once, or even just craft for your second char or vend while leveling. It's totally legit and people should have the option to do it. 

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Besides I don't see any issue with dual client I think that banning it won't fix anything. 

Anyone can put a laptop next to her/his pc screen and still keep playing two accounts at the same time. 

I am an "alt-tabber" keeping my cleric in party as a free healing source but hey - I still exp these two chars way slower than single gamers who play in various parties buffing each other and decimating hordes of mobs in no time.

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I don't think using a dual client is the problem. People not standing up against it is the problem.

AoE Party with dual client user:
1. The party isn't full with active people because of at least one dual client alt
2. Party is less effective

People could now just leave the party and let the dual client player play the way he/she/them wanted to play ... by themselves.

Now the dual client user has two options. Either they leave their alt out of the party and support themselves with healing or they just leave the alt offline from the start.

I don't see a problem in people using dual client as long as it stays with a dual client. I mean if you really wanna go insane you can create 4 Base Class Characters, level 'em to 100 and you got all class buffs. So with a penta client play you could use everything while not having the need to put any points into the buffs for your active character. If someone wants to do so, leave 'em be. 

You don't have to take someone into your party using dual clients. The moment someone dual clients in your party, your party is slower as without that person. So just kick 'em.

Dual clienting isn't as effective as it was with the old clerics. So leave it be I'd say. Also there is and will always be a way to dual client. If you make it harder to dual client you just make it harder for people to trade between characters.

Best regards,
Jyntax aka JynSup

Edited by Jyntax
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I Kinda agree it ruins certain part of team work in this Game specially But... not sure if Disabling it is the Best option

I was thinking to dual client a cleric+any other class
but so far I'm enjoying being a FS healer muse without a dual client and it makes me more active during parties leveling up,
I saw many AFK's and I can't tell if they are on dual client or actually AFK , 
some players are nice , they tell us they will AFK 🙂 , but other's just AFK (dual client) leeching etc..

Maybe devs will come up with a Better idea for this 

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My take on this is 50 / 50.

First I agree that it will lessen the bot users when they need to level up but on the other side after a month or two  if most of the players are almost  or max level already. How about the new players? Let's be honest most of the users are now old enough or Married and busy at real life. Most probably this is the best way to relax and enjoy their spare time. 

It'll be hard for players with limited time to play to look for parties or new player that needs help from leveling if there are limited players on each map. 

I don't know, maybe add more security system to avoid the auto clicker / bot?

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Crappy idea. Its fine as it is now with a limit of 2 clients. 

If yall dont want to party with dual clienters, either leave their parties and create your own or kick them if you happen to be the leader. 

Also a very good way to give advantage to people with a PC + laptop. If i cant boot 2 clients i'll simply put the laptop next to me and play with 2 clients anyway. 

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Yeah, I actually think all this talk about bringing life to the game by getting rid of it, will actually just kill off a solid chunk of the player base. I know I wouldn't play it if I couldn't bring my healer along. So far the arguments I have read against it, are literally things people can say no to personally. Like adding 4 people to a party. If you govern your own party, don't you get to decide whether or not to invite someone. So, if you don't agree with dual clienting then don't have them in your party, easy fix. That way people like myself, who don't have time to go hunting for a solid party, can go and enjoy the experience, without having to go hunting for a party. I think a fundamental thing people are forgetting is, the game is at a peak, now that it has relaunched, the minute people start to die off again (and it will happen sooner or later) you have basically just contributed to the death of the game. I know I won't stick around if I'm unable to have atleast 2 chars in game. Worth noting, even getting rid of that capability, will not limit people who genuinely want to do it, it will just make them have to circumnavigate the system.

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Personally, I think that dual client is fine, as long as you’re able to control both, sure there are lots of people that go afk on one, or both.

it’s good that there’s a limit of 2, cause in the past I used to quadruple client or more (for people who understand the reason)

now that there are 2 limits there will be more active players.

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On 12/22/2022 at 3:04 AM, prettywomanlover said:

nobody would play cleric if they disable duel clienting. People only use them to support their other character, They are not fun at all and are stressful anymore with no buffs and such weak heals. And if you dont want to duel client then don't It should be an option and has since the beginning of rose. You new players have terrible suggestions.


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