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Everything posted by Zeror

  1. You can use this in the meanwhile: Make two shortcuts for each account, and pin them to you desktop/startmenu or something, so you can easily log in with the account you want. Use the launcher for updating the game.
  2. Agree would be a nice thing to have. Then you can check when there are connection problems if the issue lies on your side or the server's.
  3. What's with the rotating login screens btw? Couldn't make a choice?
  4. If you're a streamer i can totally understand that you want to hide this information. ----------- edit: Just adding to the discussion. There are more ways to hide this information when you are streaming. Like turning off screen-sharing for second. Or using OBS (or whatever software you use) to make a rectangle or something to hide this part of the screen. So the question is if it's necessary to add this to the game.
  5. The crowd is a delight to see.
  6. This is how a EA launch should be LOL Total chaos, everyone running around like fools trying to get credit for their kills, etc.. I love this launch.
  7. I'm in for spicing up PvP in ROSE, but the way you suggest can easily be lead to abuse. I mean the deleveling part and losing other stuff. So i'm not a fan of that. This is how i would spice up PvP within ROSE: At first on your character info window there comes a toggle where you can PvP mode on or off. PvP on means you can PvP anywhere except in sanctuary-locations. In PvP zones this setting PvP setting is on by default and cannot be turned off. Some maps have sanctuary locations, like within the city walls of Junon Polis. These are locations where the PvP setting is turned off and cannot be turned on. Also respawn points are santuary locations. You're safe as long you stay there. The rest of the zone is danger. When PvP mode is on using a teleportation scroll has a casting time of 10 seconds. Attacks can interrupt this casting (the scroll remain unused and is not consumed). So this way no 'unremarkable stone' is needed. And PvP is game wide if you want to.
  8. Maybe disassembly needs to be improved so you can use old or bad gear a bit better to get materials to refine your gear.
  9. Zeror


    The team can still work ahead and provide a list of texts. And UI related texts are not the biggest task here. It's all the quest texts, NPC names/titles and item names.
  10. Maybe by default launchers, guns, crossbows and bows have infinite ammo (with empty ammo slot), but you can craft specialized ammo which isn't infinite. Like ammo with fire burst or explosion on hit, or freeze a target to slow movement down or something. This way you can always continue, but specialized ammo is preferable for more damage or support.
  11. I am coming online like 1-2 hours after launch i guess. I have a dinner planned that evening (it's evening here when it launches), but after that i come online.
  12. OK guys, early access launches in a few days. We're counting down to the big moment we can all play this lovely game again. Who joins on the first day upon launch? What's your launch plan? Let us know.
  13. Maybe you could split it into: Game Suggestions Class Feedback Or something?
  14. Yeah, exactly. Here is an example of WoW in how far you can go with this.
  15. Maybe a cool idea to have this when you get your first job, because you start as a visitor and then you register as certain class. You get a Arua Passport having info like this: <Charname> of <Clan name>, Muse #00032, dec 13th 2022
  16. Infinite ammo plz! And only be able to change cosmetic side of ammo.
  17. I know what you asked. But i like to think outside the box and think of future-proof solutions. Unifying the tabs gives that more bagspace you want by using the space you already have. Sometimes one or tabs are full, but one has always space available. It would be nice i can use that space for something else. Unifying and dropping the boundaries between the tabs do exactly that without adding more inventory slots. My last post was about implementation of this idea. And we are talking about expanding the inventory space, but you can extend this idea even further. Like expanding your storage in a same kind of way. Or expanding your vendor stall so you can sell more. Enough possibilities to think of.
  18. Upgradable bag space can solve that issue also, at least for the lower levels. Weight is not longer needed. To make a calculation. You have 5 tabs in total (equipment, consumables, materials, costume and PAT). Each tab has 30 inventory slots. Together you have a total of 150 slots if unified. That a lot of inventory space, really a lot!!! But before you cheer, the amount of slots can be broken down. Let's say each tab is a bag with item slots. When you start the game at lvl 1 you could start with 1 bag with 30 slots. For a starter this amount is totally fine as you wont have much items on low level. When achieve your first job you could get the second bag. Now you have 60 slots, still a good amount. Somewhere along around lvl 50 or together with completing the cart quest you unlock bag 3. With second job you get bag 4. And bag 5 can be unlockable with a achievement or finding a rare thing or doing a hard thing on high level. Note: Yes, I know different bags would keep the tabs, but can be integrated easier within the current layout i guess.
  19. Would be cool if each class had his own summonable dragon. Like Soldiers a red one, Hawker's a green one, Muse a blue one and dealer a purple one for example.
  20. Sounds like too much fun for a class exclusive thing.
  21. Honestly I don't see any cons about this. A unified inventory means more space across categories. No longer one tab full, but other tabs lots of space. You give players more responsibility for managing their own inventory. You can farm longer, because the boundary between the tabs is gone.
  22. Zeror


    In my opinion purple uniques should character-bound and not be tradable at all.
  23. The only problem with changing the UI, in this case the inventory window, is that the whole UI is static and fixed (it's just transparant images stitched together basicly - i know this bc i have done some UI modding in the past). The whole UI system needs an overhaul first to make the UI more modern and flexible. After that an overhaul to the inventory system can be made.
  24. I would overhaul the inventory system completely and combine the three tabs (equipment, consumables and etc) into one big tab, which can be expanded by adding bag capacity through items (like a backpack that adds a tab (or just bagslots) for more inventory space or something).
  25. Emote wheel is a good idea, but the downside is that it's gonna cost an extra keybind and/or extra onscreen button. And an emote wheel could be so much more as well. Not just emotes, but more like a quick action wheel, where you can choose yourself if you want to fill it emotes or cart ride skill or vending skill for easy access. Just like 8 - 12 slots on the wheel where you can assign stuff to.
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