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  1. Mental Focus and Valkyrie don't increase attack or spell power they "enhance damage" which I don't think you can see from your character page. Despite this I do think they work. Personally I have mental focus but not Valkyrie because it's a self buff and in groups you should have a cleric anyway and they always pick up Valkyrie.
  2. Its a +12 . Wearing an exalted weapon and gear.
  3. Since you said you hoped I would remember I made myself do so! Without further a do... This is my terrible mage's stats. I have to say his gear isn't good and defo a work in progress ( need some more scrolls apart from anything). I'm tinkering with the stats still, I figure some SEN might be worth while but I' m not sure. Some CHA might benefit me due to fire dots but I'll keep tinkering. This is completely unbuffed (not even self buffs, not that those affect my ATK power on my mage).
  4. We can still figure out your stat allocation easily if you leave the allocation cost visible I love your attack power tho, puts my mage to shame. If I remember I'll post myn when I get home!
  5. I wish I could say what is best mate. I think I got my build from the old Warportal forums. It's possible that SEN might be good but I've not tried it. I've tried to get as much ATK power as I can. It's important to note that DPS on a mage is different. We don't have an auto attack so our damage comes only from our spells. My thoughts are Mage is about AOE so more attack is more AOE damage. I'm not sure if trading power for crit will be worth it? I mean you'd need quite a bit of SEN to make any noticeable difference. It's possible CHA might be more effective for a fire mage to increase your DOT damage but again I've not really tried this. In my opinion so long as you have maxed INT because of the affect on your damage and mana pool, increasing the effectiveness of your mana shield and have enough CON so that you hit reliably then your good. The rest is just minor variations. I'd love to hear what's working for everyone else!
  6. Thankyou very much for taking the time to format and present this information for us sir! I just finished leveling a mage to level 250 this week and it's been a blast. I can't wait to see your ideas on builds. I'm currently running 2:1 INT and STR with about 120 CON for extra accuracy. I started with wind which I love and is definitely my favourite style wise. However people want pure AOE and I found fire to be a tad better in groups. I might also add my PT members got annoyed by all the bugged mobs i produced as wind. It seems that one of winds AOE skills has a chance to stun which causes the mobs to bug (if a mob dies when stunned it just stands there with no HP). I hadn't played mage in previous versions of Rose having started as a champ and then mostly mained a cleric with scout alts. Im definitely converted to mage now!
  7. I love your guide sir! I'm following it a tad but making my own adjustments. My adjustments preserve as much of the DPS as possible whilst taking a few support points (bons and heals). I prefer to play more of a hybrid. I can do similar damage but I can save my friends and throw out bons for people. I think playing cleric without any support spells is such a shame because we're the only class with most of these types of spells. For example (as far as I can see) the bons regen is a flat % not affected by any stats. Your throwing away the ability to literally regen your whole party's HP and MP at a rate of 6% (if I'm not mistaken) every 10 seconds. Just to have those awful sword summons. In my opinion we can pump out DPS, even lure and still offer tons of support. It's our greatest strength. I love your build and I'm having tons of fun with it. Kindest regards.
  8. I'll take a look at this when I get home. I'm 82 and hit Luna last night and I'm loving my battle cleric! Thankyou for sharing.
  9. Given the contents of the general section at this moment in time I'm going to go on a limb here and say we should limit users to posting 1 new topic every 5 minutes or something.
  10. darthtomski

    Muse's buffs

    I don't think we're ruined. Firstly try leveling in an AOE group without a support muse/cleric. We're very much in demand. Additionally my battle cleric style muse packs quite a punch and has massive self sustain. Im enjoying what Rednim have done despite being quite apprehensive about it.
  11. Thanks mate, feels better knowing I'm on the right track ^_^
  12. I'm leveling a support cleric, I'm not entirely sure but I think CHA is more important than INT. I was thinking as much INT as I need for my weapon then dump the rest into CHA but you do need some INT for your mana pool. I'm not sure if my idea would leave you without enough mana, I'll let you know when I finish my character;)
  13. This made me giggle . I can't deny coming back regularly to check for updates. ^_^
  14. Just wishing everyone a happy holidays period! We've all waited a long time for Rose to return and I just wanted to thank all the developers and community moderators for your hard work in bringing this old and priceless game back to us! Back when I was a teenager a friend introduced me to this game at college. There wasn't a euro version yet and he was learning Japanese whilst playing it. I showed my brother and he loved the art style and carts. When the euro version launched my brother was there and for some reason this game resonated with him. I couldn't get him to play other MMOs as much as I did try (I wasn't a big rose fan at the time). Over the years I've played with my brother just to play his game with him and now I can say I have an affinity to this game as its something I could play with my brother. Well Rose is back and I've been playing it with my brother (we're both now in our 30's). So thankyou Rednim from me and my brother. Long live Rose Online and the somewhat odd community which this game seems to have created around it's self. I love you all!
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  15. I don't know if this has been discussed before but I just wanted to put forward a suggestion for adding a server health or status page as some other games have. It could include a feed for dev announcements relating to server status along with the health or status of the character, world and login servers and maybe additional channels. Also, thank-you very much Devs for all the hard work in bringing Rose Online back for the fans!
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