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Everything posted by DoubleRose

  1. Agree with everything except this last part. Valor's best use is transferring substats, which come from artisans. The other use is providing material for crafting, and hence the origin of this thread. The armor is expensive and you will be better off selling substat scrolls and using that money to buy gear. Back to the agreement- there's no reason for players on Eldeon to go to maps other than Xita (valor) and ruins (exp). The other maps don't have a special drop, higher base exp, or sufficiently enticing quests. Xita gets further crowded by the game arena's lack of difficulty options, so players who want valor have no other choice but to do quests rather than dungeons. It creates a crappy scenario for someone like you with a character in the 120-150 range because you can't play the arena and now other people who can't play the arena are contesting spots you need for leveling. Everyone is funneling into the optimal leveling route because everything else is so unrewarding.
  2. Reinforced is a good value gear. Not amazing, but a decent bang for your buck. It takes a decent amount of effort for an arti to upgrade gear. Reinforced gear is nice for leveling, but it's fairly middle of the road in terms of quality. Better than blue drops and that makes sense because there'd be on point in it otherwise. Valor and brave gear are better for their uses. Dungeon sets also tend to be better. I'd say endowed gear needs a buff because there's no reason for anyone to use it, unless maybe in some mana shield build.
  3. NA rose had cat ears in the item mall, so they'll probably return again.
  4. Yeah but I and most people would buy twice as much, if not more, if prices were half their current values. Not saying to cut that much, but a high price is intimidating. With games, the goal is to get the player to make a first purchase. Once they break the seal, they are vastly more likely to keep buying things, especially if prices feel low.
  5. Some stuff seems too high. Wings used to be $3 and gave 90 mspeed, but now they are $12 for a pure cosmetic. I want black angelic and diligence astarot wings, but they aren't in the IM here, so I just won't buy wings.
  6. The drop system has its pros and cons, with the cons seeming to weigh more heavily. It makes the game more linear, just like the repeatable quests. If everything has the same drops, go level in the optimal repeatable quest zones. If there's a drop or two you miss doing that, just bring your high level character back there to farm the drop. There's almost no point in going to maps that aren't el verloon/anima lake questline, kenji beach, arumic valley, mana snowfields, xita refuge, ruins, and fossil sanctuary. It's not even that those maps are crazy fast. The other maps just give no reward for your efforts. edit: Pros is easier farming and thus cheaper goods.
  7. Make the other maps not completely outclassed by sanctuary. Currently, why would anyone level anywhere else?
  8. Soloing vs a party is at least a x5 difference in speed, if not more. Soloing has you take your time killing one thing at a time, meanwhile parties lure in a huge herd and blast them all. Parties also have lots buffs available to them, while a soloer might have a couple self buffs at best. I've found parties to be more fun and much faster. Probably something should be done to make soloing/small parties more rewarding. The luna grind solo is the worst thing you could possibly experience in this game.
  9. Could buff some offensive skills to deal bonus damage to shields, preferably on classes that aren't seen as often. Axe champ and dual raider come to mind.
  10. Some people have quit, but that's because of the server crashes and downtime. That's the bigger problem than (dare I say transitory?) inflation.
  11. I don't know how strong it is in pvp, but it seems balanced in pvm. If it does need a nerf, hopefully the change could just affect pvp
  12. Discount lowers the buying price and merchandising raises the sales price. A bourg pays .75x the cost to buy and sells for 1.3x.
  13. Sell to the npc for 30% more. If a drop can be sold for 100 zulie, then npc will buy it from a bourg for 130 zulie.
  14. We'll see how tunes change when people start sharing their average zulie cost of getting a max level piece of gear to +20.
  15. Separation drill from the valor shop is like that. I don't remember if it also destroys the equipment or not.
  16. Bourg because of stockpile (and to a much lesser extent, discount and merchandising)
  17. As I said in a previous thread, there should be more repeatable quests and each should be limited to being turned in a couple times total. That creates a discovery bonus of sorts for each type of monster you fight. The player will be encouraged to go to more places because the first few monsters of a type will give extra zulie and experience. For example, kenji beach should have a kaiman quest that you can do up to three times and it rewards 30k each time. Now everyone won't just spam krafwies.
  18. I think all repeatable quests should have level ranges, and those ranges should be fairly generous in size. It is too easy to farm zulie with high level characters by one shotting everything if there is no level range. Then no one gets to fight there. Perhaps more importantly, I'd like to see repeatable quests have a limited number of times you can turn them in. The point of the repeated quests should be to encourage leveling in all sorts of places, not just parking at the best quest spot forever. There should be repeatable quests for all sorts of maps and monsters, so the first x number of that type of monster you fight is more rewarding.
  19. The cart quest has you kill fighter clowns and that doesn't even start until level 50. The intended level range of clowns is mid forties up to late fifties.
  20. The third version is a good map, but not the plains most players know and love. Too big for starting players, but that also means lots of cool places for exploration and quests. It'd be nice to see it reskinned and used on a different planet.
  21. Dex is the best stat because of the steam arm passives that give extra attack for each point of dex. You just want enough strength to hold your shield. Strong points are second class skills. The stun arrow and poison shot skills have great utility, plus you get an ok aoe. Xbow scout is weak imo and needs slight buffs. Xbow knight has more skills, and having to use shields slow attack speed by so much that your autos aren't that fast even though you are a scout.
  22. Let's make the faucet better via improved allocation without increasing or decreasing. I'm all for nerfing the bone quest IF it means we get npcs in gorge of silence paying us to collect gems from golems, marsh of ghosts paying us to collect crystals from miners, etc. Give us some zulie options everywhere, not just a couple good things that make everything else worthless.
  23. I'd like to see an automated banner at the top of the forums and discord that shows server status.
  24. The clown quest was the opposite direction the devs should be going. They should be preventing high lv players from plowing through these quests and stealing the spawns for easy money, so upper limits are fine. Preventing players who are in the level range of the monsters from doing the quest ruins the quest's intended purpose, so I say partial revert to make it start at lv 40.
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