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Everything posted by DoubleRose

  1. I like the quiver, mostly for the cosmetic effect, but scouts could also use the slight buff. Plenty of people have noticed that bows and xbows are a little too slow for hawker weapons.
  2. There's no need to take away what I and others enjoy when there are other fixes to your problem. Spawns are lacking and soloing is terrible. Fix either or both. Have spawns with powerful sub bosses to make single target dps and healing more useful. It'd make sense to add more monsters similar to yeti horsemen that you straight up cannot fight without a cleric. One cleric per party would hurt the game because cleric is the most popular class.
  3. Lots of threads on this with similar ideas. Devs should take note that they keep popping up. People want ammo in pat inventory, bigger stacks, or infinite of the most basic type of ammo.
  4. No. If they want to be a suboptimal party but dual clienting inefficiently, let them.
  5. Speed is even worse because shields lower attack speed by 10%. All weapons should have at least .55 base speed imo.
  6. I tried looking up the rose online compendium because that had stats on all monsters, but it isn't around now and I don't know if the info is up to date. Wayback machine only has the first page archived.
  7. Pabel should at least sell the kind you can buy in Junon Polis.
  8. Durability is how long an item lasts until it breaks. For armor, higher durability increases the item's dodge. For weapons, it increases accuracy.
  9. Arua jewelry set for lv 160+. Gives attack and critical
  10. Talk to Spero. The quest doesn't show up until a certain lv, I think 18 or 20. It then has you killing monsters in Zant, Breezy Hills, and El Verloon.
  11. Holiday cheer from Eva's (Junon Polis npc) questline during the Christmas event. Won't be available until next December.
  12. A reset is magical thinking that all your problems will be solved. The goal should be to fix the glaring issues such as login, drop table, and repeatable quests. A reset wouldn't change any of that. Let's cure the cause not the symptoms. Once things are fixed, all the old issues will be fade away to nothing. Players will want to make new characters to farm in specific spots and everyone won't be concentrated on the same quest areas. Most importantly, people will be able to log in.
  13. Blue mobs should still drop loot at about a 25-33% rate because according to the game they are something you could level against. White should not drop anything at all.
  14. If you think there are too many, resetting the server won't change anything. In two months, prices would go back to what they are now (assuming most of the player base didn't quit). If you want to lower the supply of uniques, you make them account locked again. There's so many because players can use them and then sell.
  15. "A couple quests were nerfed, so the only reasonable thing to do is wipe everyone's progress. Punish the people who worked hard to level their characters, punish the clans who worked together to grow, punish the players who grinded hard to get rare items and skills, and so on. It's not fair that they have more than I do. A reset would fix it and they definitely wouldn't get ahead of me again. Not a QQ thread at all." You can get a unique for a couple hundred thousand a level twice as fast as I did the first time. You can then sell your dirties for 20k each. Yes, just a couple drops and you can gear your character with a huge advantage the first players didn't have, but tell me more about how the economy is broken. You have a far bigger advantage with access to dirt cheap goods than the first players did with their high amounts of zulie that only have the intrinsic value of being able to travel between planets and refine.
  16. lol even though battle clerics got buffed and quick medic lost 7.5% attack speed. Swords give them a strong early game, but too op for soloing is an oxymoron. Parties are significantly faster than soloing, so a class that can solo well still doesn't level fast. Bc lacks the aoes to be an op pvm class.
  17. Change mage's enhanced mana shield skill so it gives bonuses based on your active mastery stacks (fire/wind/water). Like fire could burn nearby enemies, frost could slow nearby enemies, wind periodically microstuns.
  18. I want xbow attack speed buffed from 0.45 to 0.5 at a minimum and for the attack speed passives to be buffed up to 25%. It is the slowest weapon in the game and is slowed down even more by shields. You know how much attack speed they get from their 20% passives? 0.09 extra attacks per second. Compare that to a regular weapon like spear that has .7 base and 25% attack speed on their passives- they get .175 extra attacks. That's twice as good for the same number of sp. Feels bad on xbow scout too. The buffs I propose would bring the passive up to .125, which is still not amazing. Or buff scout's passives while keeping knight's passives the same with a new a aoe taunt instead, thus differentiating xbow knights and scouts.
  19. Only a couple mobs currently have stealth such as the Rupers and Sikuku assassins. These mobs aren’t popular to fight because they have an advantage over the player. Making it possible to surprise them would give players a little more variety in leveling and provide a reward for outplaying the monsters. Revealing a monster via skills that dispel invisibility or camouflage should stun them and lower their defenses for a few seconds, plus give a small exp bonus for the kill. Must be a destealth skill or your third eye summon. AoE attacks don’t count. To make this mechanic more worthwhile, it’d be good to add a few more stealthing monsters such as Camo Golem in Gorge, Shimmering Orpe in MoG, and Burrowing Asper in Golden Ring.
  20. Exactly. The effort to reward ratio on so many maps it totally out of whack, hence only two Eldeon maps are used by players. Nerf the quests and buff the exp for killing mobs, or add quests to the forgotten maps.
  21. Recreational items only work as costumes for other recreational items. It's not a bug, but it probably should be changed to work for shields and magic offhands.
  22. It's supposed to apply dual layer and jury-rigging in a single cast. Jury-rigging adds attack from your con and str, so it has different text formatting from regular buffs that give % of a stat. The skill probably applies both and just has an incorrect tooltip.
  23. Agree with everything except this last part. Valor's best use is transferring substats, which come from artisans. The other use is providing material for crafting, and hence the origin of this thread. The armor is expensive and you will be better off selling substat scrolls and using that money to buy gear. Back to the agreement- there's no reason for players on Eldeon to go to maps other than Xita (valor) and ruins (exp). The other maps don't have a special drop, higher base exp, or sufficiently enticing quests. Xita gets further crowded by the game arena's lack of difficulty options, so players who want valor have no other choice but to do quests rather than dungeons. It creates a crappy scenario for someone like you with a character in the 120-150 range because you can't play the arena and now other people who can't play the arena are contesting spots you need for leveling. Everyone is funneling into the optimal leveling route because everything else is so unrewarding.
  24. Reinforced is a good value gear. Not amazing, but a decent bang for your buck. It takes a decent amount of effort for an arti to upgrade gear. Reinforced gear is nice for leveling, but it's fairly middle of the road in terms of quality. Better than blue drops and that makes sense because there'd be on point in it otherwise. Valor and brave gear are better for their uses. Dungeon sets also tend to be better. I'd say endowed gear needs a buff because there's no reason for anyone to use it, unless maybe in some mana shield build.
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