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I always make an artisan and I love gathering items and crafting stuff.   But mass crafting can be pretty tedious and this is an idea to make that a little easier.  We had this on the pserver that I played and it was really convenient.  Add a way to set a specific quantity to the crafting window. Then after you drag the materials over, you can click on "begin crafting" and it will just keep going until that number of items has been made.  

The first image is what the current crafting window looks like.  The second image shows in red where that quantity box could be added.  Of course you would still need to have enough materials in your inventory and enough space to hold the crafted items but it would be a lot easier especially when crafting a ton of the same item (like potions or ammo)

crafting window now.jpg

craftingwindow rev.jpg

Edited by Rebus
make title more descriptive of the content
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  • Rebus changed the title to Batch Crafting
  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to clarify something after a discussion in one of the Twitch streamer chats I realized there might be confusion on this. 

Even with this quantity button option, the items will still be crafted one at a time by the game.  All this does is reduces the number of clicks you have to do to craft more than a single item.

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As the suggestion echoes, I'd like to stress that this method crafts items 1 by 1 until the entered amount is achieved, and that it should be done specifically that way. Time to craft items is part of the value they inherit on the market. If you had the ability to craft 1k items in 1 second, their value would plummet. Love the idea HB's.

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1 hour ago, OwlchemistVile said:

As the suggestion echoes, I'd like to stress that this method crafts items 1 by 1 until the entered amount is achieved, and that it should be done specifically that way. Time to craft items is part of the value they inherit on the market. If you had the ability to craft 1k items in 1 second, their value would plummet. Love the idea HB's.

I think that's actually a really good point with pinning value to an item... "Make X" would be nice, but I do suppose the value of multiple crafted items would drop... I put up a post the other day about disassembling items and being able to see what they can potentially be broken down into and the chance of receiving would be good - I remember watching your stream with the HERSIAN grind ahhah and B3 (violent_priest here btw)...  That would be a great update to crafting so to speak...

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2 hours ago, OwlchemistVile said:

As the suggestion echoes, I'd like to stress that this method crafts items 1 by 1 until the entered amount is achieved, and that it should be done specifically that way. Time to craft items is part of the value they inherit on the market. If you had the ability to craft 1k items in 1 second, their value would plummet. Love the idea HB's.

I'm glad that conversation happened in your stream the other day.  Sorry I wasn't more clear (when I made this suggestion) that you will still be crafting one item at a time, it will just take less clicks.   I'm happy it gets the Owl seal of approval  😄

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This is useful but not interesting. It also encourages turning 'support' classes into bots. That's one of the reasons we had the buffs taken from clerics. 

To add value to crafting, make getting to this point of being able to batch craft harder, as in it requires some sort of zulie and time investment. Imagine saving up to buy a smithy or build a factory/manufactory, similar to player housing on jRose. From that point, you own the means of mass production and are a level above crafters that can only craft artisanally.

At the same time we can look at making single-item 'artisanal' crafting more interesting and valuable. Dealers have CON as their main attribute, so spending more time focusing on crafting one item should offer more non-random options and deliver greater rewards than mass production.


I'm glad this conversation's finally happened, as I've talked about batch crafting for a good long while now.

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