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Moldie (8/14)

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  1. The server is online again. Happy playing!
  2. Hello everyone, as most of you will have noticed, the server is currently down. We will let you know when it is are back up.
  3. We already have a report for this here: Please use that thread for further discussion / reporting.
  4. I suppose you tried reinstalling and launching as admin? Is your antivirus maybe blocking the exe?
  5. There will not be a dedicated server for Europe. Are you sure the lag is not just due to launch day? If the population is large enough and it turns out to be unbearable even when things have settled down, we may add a relay server for Europe.
  6. Can you see the items in the IM inventory to the left? If yes, open your normal inventory and drag them over. If there was an issue with the purchase, please open a ticket.
  7. Ok just to make sure, you are running a 64-bit Windows 10? If yes, try to download the webview2 loader.
  8. Sorry, I've not forgot about you. Still looking for a solution while replying to other people. I'll get back to you shortly.
  9. Have you been able to figure it out yet? If not, try following what I wrote here: Some people seem to have had success with that apparently.
  10. Sorry about the lag, it's not just a high number of people one has to deal with on launch day. It will hopefully get better soon. The "account blocked"-issue has been resolved about 30 minutes ago at least.
  11. Thanks for the kind words. We appreciate, that you can see past the launch day issues and just enjoy coming home.
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