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  1. Was that supposed to be the sunburned face from the event instead?
  2. It will increase the success technically but it can still never of 50%. Critical damage is a separate stat which can only be increased by certain skills/passives, citrine marquis and some exalted sets that give it as a set bonus.
  3. How crit works: Your critical rating stat gets converted to a percentage based on level; the higher level you are, the more critical you need to increase the percentage. At level 250 26.9 critical = 1% The maximum amount of crit rate you can acheive is 50%, but your total crit can exceed that. There is also a critical defense stat which is subtracted from the attackers critical rating befote being converted to a percentage. Because of critical defense, the crit percent in your character stats is a little misleading. If your character has 1345 critical it would equate to 50% crit rate in your character stats. But let's say you are hitting a target with 250 crit defense, your true crit rate would actually be 40.71%. Because of this it can still be beneficial to raise your crit above the 50% mark.
  4. Not necessarily. You won't use a peridot on skill based classes and can consider another gem for mixed attackers (using both skills and autos) also the pierce change gives those gems more viability in pvp. Regarding the initial proposal, I do think limiting the amount of clerics is necessary but I think we should cap it at 5 instead of 3. Yes 5 cleric games have alot if healing but if we're too restrictive then people will be detered from playing their class which also can lead to a lack of clerics at the same time.
  5. So while I do think this will make the actual AA games healthier and more inactive it does come with some issues. What is the magic number to limit? You need to differentiate between Support and Battle Cleric. NA Rose originally checked this be checking if the clear had a heal and buff skill, I would suggest checking if the cleric has the skill heavenly grace in this case now. That also leads to an issue like a team having 1 support and 2 battle clerics and reaching the cleric quota, but is not nearly as much healing as 3 support clerics which also makes me think capping the number of clerics a 4 to be safer because limiting people who main such classes is an issue as well. So I think having more active counterplay to things is a good approach in the long run. More skills that apply wounded or reduce healpower, particularly aoe oes that can deter a team from piling up on top of eachother. Consider a skill that leaves behind a hazard in one spot that debuffs received healing if you stand in it. the sikuku catacombs slime already has this mechanic in game. Another counter is some type of skill/stat that penetrates block like you said, without it necessarily being super high damage to non shield classes. The more that I think about it, you could apply the effect of pierce defense to penetrating block like this: This would reduce an opponents block physical stat by 50% - 270. The knights Block Physical stat would be lowered to 1705, the block rate would remain untouched. The pierce def/magic stat is relatively underwhelming, this also gives it more value in pvp. This does however change the dynamic of pvp as such classes with high pierce stats will do much better damage vs knights and clerics, so that can also lead to potential balancing issues.
  6. The economy prices of certain stats vs others is just supply and demand. The reason the dex ap sells for more than the int ap is because more people want the stat therefor pay more therefor the price goes up.
  7. It's going to be too luck based on the randomization if you don't. A team of 4 support clerics is just something that needs to be avoided
  8. You should probably try to do it in a way that distributes classes somewhat evenly
  9. Overall probably crossbow scout. Axe champs are really low, probably even more in pvm. Gunbourgs are pretty common in pvp now
  10. It's cool that you put this together but there's definitely some....bias? Like how does a support cleric have offense? Even if you count the sleeps and mutes a battle clerics has the same one plus actual damage. Artisans are also not that bad, theyre still doing more damage than champs and knights in the average AA game
  11. Not really a fan of including separate stat buffers in a tournament but it's your decision. 10 v 10 with a week's notice, is there even going to be enough entrants to host a proper tournament?
  12. Gotcha, didn't know there were mods present to teleprt people
  13. What happens when there's a stalemate? Allowing 2 of the same class can lead to teams like double cleric knight or double knight cleric, which probably won't die to a team of 3. How do you deal with interference? Since it's in the people could easily get in the way just by standing near the combatants, getting in the way of the target enemy skill or weakening aoe damage just by being hit by them. Not to mention hawkers could just stay in stealth that aren't playing and get in the way of aoes.
  14. Any consumable item can go in the skill bar, I think ammo can be placed there and reloaded if you click it
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