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No Account Bound Items


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On 1/12/2022 at 8:29 AM, Trebor said:

I would like to see something that would allow people with accounts linked to the same email account to be able to trade those IM stuff that is account bound between their own accounts only.

Having too many things account bound or even character bound leaves little space to store your favorite item/s and many people, me included there were alot of favorite items.

I'm going to have to agree with Trebor here. Having IM items that is account bound was always a terrible idea in my opinion. Having a way to move it between accounts on the same email sound like an amazing idea. That way you can utilize it to the max, allowing users who spend money on these items to reap the rewards throughout their accounts.

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This entire topic has forgotten that there are item unbinders in the valor shop in game....

and Locked was a specific limitation for very high-end game items and mounts. Which should be rightfully earned, not bought. 

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I've to agree with the bound IM Items but the other, regular, items should be unbounded like in the past.

While Unique weapons are more powerful and therefore can be Account bound, I don't think that's a good idea.

Why? Because you're using it a maximum of 2 times (for both 2nd job character) and then you've literally "high quality junk" and can't do shit with it.

A mechanic to unbound unique Weapons for a price could be a good compromise. Like a Quest reward for high level quests or Union Point Items.

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What about players who don't want to be forced into doing these dungeons? Casual players who just want to hang out in towns but still support the game by buying IM items and just want to be able to share them between their many completely legitimate accounts.

Personally, I have never been in a dungeon. I don't have enough time available to dedicate an hour or more in any session. I rarely get more than 20 minutes of uninterrupted gaming time then have to go AFK for an hour then play another 15 minutes then AFK again.

It's also the reason that I rarely join partys. I can never dedicate enough time to do anything to earn these points.

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There was Valor quests as well. The faction timed quests also rewarded Valor. It was generally speaking, a PvE currency, and dungeons was simply the fastest method to obtain it. 

Also, they planned to remove the Valor and Honor shops, in favor of splitting it into 4 currencies again with the factions [I don't necessarily support that idea, but I do miss factions] so for all we know, it'll just go back to faction points. The point was simply that they were obtainable in-game fairly easily. If someone don't have 10 minutes to play the game, I don't foresee that person honestly spending all that much money, if any, on it. 

I also would like to apologize, but your unique and somewhat abnormal circumstances shouldn't be a basis for a fundamental elements design. I sympathize you don't have any free time but that's a highly specific issue you have. If it was the Na ROSE prior to it shutting down with no changes, I would tell you to buy the valor tickets from IM to do the stones quest in Junon, or do the repeatable Faction quests for Valor. But as I said before, there's no guarantee anything remotely similar will still exist. Or if it would even be necessary. 


Edit: Sorry almost forgot, one of the fastest dungeon clear times was I think 4:11. That'd be within your time frame with a good party and knowing what you're doing, easily done in under 10 minutes as it was~

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I personally don't like the idea of IM items being account bound. Sharing my costumes between my own different accounts is something I'd be doing, and wouldn't want to purchase the costume multiple times. It also takes away some economy for some older/rarer costumes or they'd have to offer extensive amounts of costumes through the game instead of IM which aren't purchasable. 

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On 1/14/2022 at 10:59 AM, OwlchemistVile said:

This entire topic has forgotten that there are item unbinders in the valor shop in game....

and Locked was a specific limitation for very high-end game items and mounts. Which should be rightfully earned, not bought. 

we all remember, but I already stated 2 cents about the trade keys and why I'm still againts it.

10 hours ago, Whoop said:

I personally don't like the idea of IM items being account bound. Sharing my costumes between my own different accounts is something I'd be doing, and wouldn't want to purchase the costume multiple times. It also takes away some economy for some older/rarer costumes or they'd have to offer extensive amounts of costumes through the game instead of IM which aren't purchasable. 

I made a suggestion where we can trade stuffs (no matter what it is IM unique valor gears) to our own account. Because developer already mentioned the reason why they want IM to be account bounds and I understand their reason.

Maybe we can somehow link our accounts together, or account from same IP address can do trade. So all of our accounts can be under one umbrella and free to trade IM stuffs like costumes, etc.


in the end, this is MMO RPG

This is not solo RPG

Trading is supposed to be NORMAL without any hassle.



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That's not necessarily true Kai, every successful major MMORPG uses item binding and restrictions to preserve the integrity of certain items. 

To be blunt, there is nothing "hard" or challenging about swiping your card for cosmetics. I don't see the reason or need to preserve those items earning integrity.
Conversely, I've seen a lot of players arguing you should be able to trade end-game and unique items. Some if not many of those items, especially once refined are incredibly time consuming or hard to get. It is a show of dedication and skill or a large volume of time to obtain a full set of them. Those are worth preserving in my opinion. 

But, that is the dilemma isn't it.
Do we preserve cosmetics that are effectively swiped for, but not protect end-game, powerful gains?
Do we not preserve cosmetics that don't increase power, but preserve powerful gains and require them to be earned in-game?
Do we preserve neither, and allow people to swipe for cosmetics, sell them, and turn around to buy end-game gear?
or Do we preserve both, and make it effectively a closed economy where you trade for very little outside of materials, and vendor consumables.

I prefer we protect hard earned achievements in game, including rare content-sourced costumes via the account-locked restriction, and IM cosmetics be tradable or bind on equip, which are able to be unbound via the unbinder [you have to put in a very small amount of effort].

Edit: I think I'm going to make a terminology post since ROSE had some nonconventional terms near the end.

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1 hour ago, OwlchemistVile said:

That's not necessarily true Kai, every successful major MMORPG uses item binding and restrictions to preserve the integrity of certain items. 

To be blunt, there is nothing "hard" or challenging about swiping your card for cosmetics. I don't see the reason or need to preserve those items earning integrity.
Conversely, I've seen a lot of players arguing you should be able to trade end-game and unique items. Some if not many of those items, especially once refined are incredibly time consuming or hard to get. It is a show of dedication and skill or a large volume of time to obtain a full set of them. Those are worth preserving in my opinion. 

But, that is the dilemma isn't it.
Do we preserve cosmetics that are effectively swiped for, but not protect end-game, powerful gains?
Do we not preserve cosmetics that don't increase power, but preserve powerful gains and require them to be earned in-game?
Do we preserve neither, and allow people to swipe for cosmetics, sell them, and turn around to buy end-game gear?
or Do we preserve both, and make it effectively a closed economy where you trade for very little outside of materials, and vendor consumables.

I prefer we protect hard earned achievements in game, including rare content-sourced costumes via the account-locked restriction, and IM cosmetics be tradable or bind on equip, which are able to be unbound via the unbinder [you have to put in a very small amount of effort].

Edit: I think I'm going to make a terminology post since ROSE had some nonconventional terms near the end.

seems like you haven't read my explanations well on previous page

I'm not talking about the "hard earned" end game gear like precious, chivalrous etc. I already mentioned I'm FINE with chiva/prec etc being account bound or IM (as long as we can trade between our own accounts). Now I'm talking about the general gear we get from mobs<--- what's the point of making these stuffs account bound?


Like youko said,  not everyone likes getting points. In my case I had no problem during my NArose time because I always do tons on DG and CD. But NOT EVERYONE like it. I'm speaking on their behalf. I CAN be selfish saying things like "Y'ALL WE CAN PURCHASE VALOR TRADE KEYS" but not everyone likes doing that. I'm speaking for the whole community on account, not for myself. Because again, I could purchase as many keys as I want but not everyone can. How about new players? How about people who play the game because they love playing around with the markets, making artisan creating stuffs n vend, or just enjoy casual PVE. and many other reasons. Just becase I or you can buy those keys unlimited-ly doesn't mean that can work for everyone.

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Because there's people misunderstanding the purpose of this suggestion is, I will write what I have in my mind again and I hope it's clearer to prevent misunderstanding. and ofc what I write is JUST a suggestion and my own opinion and I respect everyone's opinion.

PREC/CHIVA etc (the end game gear you've been talking about) -> account bound? I'm FINE with it.  (just hoping I can still trade between  my own alt-accounts)

ITEM MALL -> account bound? FINE!  (however still hoping to be able to trade within my alt accs)

I'm fine if we can't trade END GAME GEAR and IM to OTHER PERSON's acc. 

My suggestion was to make players able to bind/group their alt accounts together in one big umbrella, so accounts that's logged in from same IP or MAC address can still trade, no bounds within self-owned-accounts.


Now. I'm talking about PURPLE, YELLOW, or BLUE things we get from mobs.

The NORMAL GEARS. I don't see the points of making these <--- account bound.

I hope this is clear enough so we can now stop arguing about the end game gear guys.

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4 hours ago, Kai said:

I made a suggestion where we can trade stuffs (no matter what it is IM unique valor gears) to our own account. Because developer already mentioned the reason why they want IM to be account bounds and I understand their reason.

Maybe we can somehow link our accounts together, or account from same IP address can do trade. So all of our accounts can be under one umbrella and free to trade IM stuffs like costumes, etc.

I fully support this idea. Personally, I suffer a lot with account bound items because I never have enough space in my inventory to store them. I wish I could pass them between my different accounts so I don't have that saturation in just one. 

I hope there may be an option for the excess account bound items to be reduced or there is the possibility of linking our accounts as Kai mentioned. 😭

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18 minutes ago, Kai said:

Like youko said,  not everyone likes getting valor. In my case I had no problem during my NArose time because I always do tons on DG and CD. But NOT EVERYONE like it. I'm speaking on their behalf. I CAN be selfish saying things like "Y'ALL WE CAN PURCHASE VALOR TRADE KEYS" but not everyone likes doing that. I'm speaking for the whole community on account, not only for myself. Because again, I could purchase as many keys as I want but not everyone can.

I still don't know what area I'll focus on the most, but as a new player, this issue worries me because what if I decide not to play DG or CD and I don't get the points to buy the key that removes account bound items, that might be a bit unfair..


On 1/14/2022 at 11:42 AM, PurpleYouko said:

What about players who don't want to be forced into doing these dungeons? Casual players who just want to hang out in towns but still support the game by buying IM items and just want to be able to share them between their many completely legitimate accounts.

Exactly ^

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Valor was earned from Dungeon, Quests and Faction Quests. You could also convert Honor [the pvp currency] to Valor. 
Blue mob dropped gear was beyond easy to farm, and crafted gear was similarly so (Reinforced / Enchanted, Hardened, Darkened etc) 
Uniques are up for debate, I feel they're fine being bound and not locked, though some would argue such a rare drop should be locked on equip, to preserve the rarity.
Personally, the faster and more freely it is to gear up, the quicker most collections will be completed, and we can move onto waiting for new content, or other games again. I'm fine either way. 

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exactly, easy to get, what's the point of making them acc bounds then, just to make new players complaints about how is it a hassle to just trade things between friends.

making EVERYTHING acc bound is too much for a mmorpg. might as well just play solo RPG and disable trade. if everything is really dedicated to be account bound.

In my last day in narose I really liked helping new players who started their rose journey and I remember their complaints so well, about why is it such a hassle just to trade items, because new players are cute, the guy wants to give the girl a good drop he got. Of course they were complaining about why they (WP) made such an easy drop acc bound.

And this is one of the things new players complained the most about. And why I said I'm not saying this for myself because I do CD and DG a lot, I myself don't have the leaset bit problem with account bound items just like owl's said, can aalways be purchased with points.

Keeping the new players around was the only intention I had before WP decided to shut rose down few years ago. I hope dev will see this from their perspective. because Rose isnt just for veterans.


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@Kai Still think its weird u want those few items that should be bound being able to swap those to other accounts. heck ... i wouldnt even want those tradeable to other characters.

end game stuffs needs to be earned on the character itself. so you wont be able to fully gear all ur characters by just playing on 1 character. just seems weird.

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9 minutes ago, Nephenthos said:

@Kai Still think its weird u want those few items that should be bound being able to swap those to other accounts. heck ... i wouldnt even want those tradeable to other characters.

end game stuffs needs to be earned on the character itself. so you wont be able to fully gear all ur characters by just playing on 1 character. just seems weird.

Originally it was Youko's idea and I totally agree.

To me it's weird if you keep talking about the "character" while the actual person "playing the character" is the player itself.

Your characters, no matter how much you have, they're all played by YOU, unless if you pay another person to play your chars~ lol

I don't get it why you kept talking about the "characters", but not the "1 player who play those characters"


Your raider got the hard earned precious raptor set. is it ONLY the raider? as if the raider is played by bot?

it's YOU, it's YOUR hardwork. not the 'characters'


if next week you decided to make another raider on another account YOU have all the right to trade that hard earned precious raptor set to YOUR other account.



and again I don't wanna talk about END GAME GEARS hahahahhaha I already put colors bold maybe I have to combine with italics. 


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ok so you have an end game raider and with alot of partying / grouping and putting in alot of effort u get that end game gear for your raider... yeh! ur Raider has the most extreme gear in the game now and doing that end game content has gotten massivly easier because u got all that gear. well good for you 🙂 this means u can farm that gear easier but maybe go for the rare extra stat here and there on the pieces.

now imagine you get a champ up to that same point. instead of you having to put in the effort again to get that end game content done and actually EARN that gear for your champ... u just go to your raider. get the gear the easy way. fully dress up your champ and BAM. champ has done 0 end game content and you have the max strength gear.

in MMO's its all about the replayability of the end game content or the max lvl players are gonna be bored out of their minds REALLY fast.

making all that stuff tradeable makes the prestige of seeing characters with that gear so much worse.

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7 minutes ago, Nephenthos said:

ok so you have an end game raider and with alot of partying / grouping and putting in alot of effort u get that end game gear for your raider... yeh! ur Raider has the most extreme gear in the game now and doing that end game content has gotten massivly easier because u got all that gear. well good for you 🙂 this means u can farm that gear easier but maybe go for the rare extra stat here and there on the pieces.

now imagine you get a champ up to that same point. instead of you having to put in the effort again to get that end game content done and actually EARN that gear for your champ... u just go to your raider. get the gear the easy way. fully dress up your champ and BAM. champ has done 0 end game content and you have the max strength gear.

in MMO's its all about the replayability of the end game content or the max lvl players are gonna be bored out of their minds REALLY fast.

making all that stuff tradeable makes the prestige of seeing characters with that gear so much worse.

You seemed to miss the whole points. 

so this is totally irrelevant to what I have said so I'm not gonna give further reply because what I wrote on the top can actually answer you.


I'd rather this thread to focus on what I had written up there (in colors, bold, and with underlines.)

I don't have any intention to talk or argue about END GAME gears any further.'

I respect people's opinion but we're all agree of END GAME gears being account bound so I don't see why we need to argue about END GAME GEARS.

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Why would you have 2 max level Raiders is the better question. [The only class I can see a legitimate reason for having 2 of it Artisan if you wanted a battle Artisan]. The core of the problem isn't gear being or not being tradable. It's why you would want to have more than 1 character of that class. 

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Just now, OwlchemistVile said:

Why would you have 2 max level Raiders is the better question. [The only class I can see a legitimate reason for having 2 of it Artisan if you wanted a battle Artisan]. The core of the problem isn't gear being or not being tradable. It's why you would want to have more than 1 character of that class. 

my example was about 1 raider and 1 champ. but it basicly goes for all different classes of course 🙂 

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But guys.. I think Kai's talking about this:

1 hour ago, Kai said:

The NORMAL GEARS. I don't see the points of making these <--- account bound.

I hope this is clear enough so we can now stop arguing about the end game gear guys.

His point is focused on new players who have to deal with account bound items when they're new and low level. Everyone keeps talking about end game gears, why is everyone so obsessed with it? Hahaha

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4 minutes ago, OwlchemistVile said:

Why would you have 2 max level Raiders is the better question. [The only class I can see a legitimate reason for having 2 of it Artisan if you wanted a battle Artisan]. The core of the problem isn't gear being or not being tradable. It's why you would want to have more than 1 character of that class. 

simple, I like testing and KEEPING the different builds.

but again. dont wanna talk about end game gears.

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4 minutes ago, Koala said:

But guys.. I think Kai's talking about this:

His point is focused on new players who have to deal with account bound items when they're new and low level. Everyone keeps talking about end game gears, why is everyone so obsessed with it? Hahaha



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