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HoneyBee (5/14)

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  1. Looking for silk as well, had to make a dealer as no-one selss lower lvl gear in shops
  2. You need to remove all clothing, weapons and jewelry i think
  3. I just choose the artisan path and noticed the passive skills are for both gun and launcher, I guess they will work great with the dealer launcher skills. And like you said, reset is still possible so if I find I lack in attack power, I can reset and try a different build.
  4. Ok, my dealer just hit the 3 digits. Levelled up with launcher but want to go artisan. Can an artisan still use a launcher or do I need to switch to guns from now on?
  5. Same here, I like it still, have 4 chars, all under 100. Still poor, farming for some good gear, shopping for the best buys. No need for me to rush.
  6. I ran into more of those spots, 1 in El Verloon desert next to the pyramid comes to mind. Always wondered what they were for, thanks for solving this mystery.
  7. I got this after I walked into the windmill on the side. There is a shiny patch on the right side after the bridge, not sure where that is for though.
  8. I have seen this on other versions of the game, an NPC that you can search for the item you are looking for. Great implementation if available. Better to steal a good idea than come up with a bad one.
  9. Offline vending and also an NPC where you can find who sells what and where. I hate having to go from shop to shop to find that 1 thing I am looking for... I do love that you can see which store you checked.
  10. Quit and restart from the previous quest?
  11. Quest is bugged, every time you log in or change maps, the timer might reset. Reward is zulie, so just drop it and hunt something else. Found out the hard way when I wanted to turn in all 3 quests he has...
  12. Nevermind, found it. You must walk against the windmill to check that it is working.
  13. So, I started a valor quest for Gortheim, went to the Gorge of Silence, found the windmill near the village, killed the elder stone golems who hung around and then.... nothing. Found a glinstering ground patch but nothing happened. Is this bugged or am I looking at the wrong place? Is there another windmill?
  14. This means you need an active crew of admins roaming the server investigating all reports. It is easier to make mobs to not drop any loot if the level cap is too high. Then there is no need for high levels farming low level fields. I do understand that there must be to keep high levels entertained, but that is what you get for leveling up too quickly.
  15. Max levels ruining the spots for the low levels causes the game to halt, low levels will simply drop out as there is no challenge for them. This is a game for the community, not the select few thelat were able to reach max lvl quickly. With no new players the game is dead.
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