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  1. - The OCF map is nice for a clanfields map it’s got a similar feel to the JCF map. I would have personally preferred more elevated areas to climb on to like the pyramid in golden ring or more cliffs over certain areas. - I like the difficulty of the imperial mobs. - The daily quest has some neat rewards and is simple enough to solo and that’s a win. - The drop changes and drop gem restrictions have been good overall. - Wing of the Sun look great! The stats are niche though. I can see a few classes utilizing them. - The addition of the missing gems 10-13 is a nice addition as well. - Capping LCF to 180 is a weird change imo. 180s are already out of LCFs level range (135-155), with Astarot King being around lvl 165. Cap should have been 165 to match Astarot Kings level and allow utilizing the low lvl SoD dungeon gear pushing players to do more low lvl dungeons. Or a second version of LCF tuned for lvl 240+ with pesky ghost mobs added in the rooms along side the Tirwins. - Suggestion for some OCF changes I posted here:
  2. Does Bruce actually have the Surfboard as a drop in his drop table? I’ve only seen senior gear drop and Lisent HG so far. Farming him is not fun with his 6 hour respawn timer (sometimes skips a spawn making it 12 hours instead then).
  3. The Golden Crystal can be looted by anyone regardless of First Hit or not.
  4. You need to verify your account to each device you want to play it on. It only takes a few minutes to set up. Once all your accounts are verified to each device you can play as normal. It’s basically similar to google email security.
  5. Great guide as always HB! Any chance in the future to make Robot Dance a unique skill book like Qpid summon? It doesn’t specify that it’s a dance scroll and the price could be increased to 200 to make it worth 410 Lacrima.
  6. When? would be nice to have those unique accs in game and the other goodies!
  7. Press “b” on your in game account or the golden coins on the mini map to open the Item Mall window where you should see your Points inside and available items to purchase.
  8. On Zant map. Mouse over the mini map for NPC names.
  9. Wand Knight is super niche, it’s a nice mix of def/mdef/dodge, low dmg but it’s free ranged and shield slams are available. Viable for event farming Never saw anyone else using it.
  10. Yeah, you need a party to enter. Yes all those bridges are part of the maze. That whole southern chunk of the map is part of the maze as the maze has a divide within it where you can try the bridge part or continue through the zig zag area. The bridge part also has holes in the bridges it’s quite annoying lol.
  11. The giant area in ruins? It’s finished lol. It’s the Turak Maze, you need to talk to Hope NPC at the entrance of it to get a quest. Then you need to be party leader to turn in the quest allowing your party entry into the maze. You then have 15 minutes to get through it and defeat Turak. Only one party can enter at a time. This was Eldeon’s end game for refine mats and higher quality chemicals as the rewards for defeating Turak scale with charm stat. Since it’s a PvP map groups would compete for entry. Due to Turak only having 30k Hp back at EA launch it was abused to hell so his Hp has now been increased to 1m. It’s still a decent farm for those mats for those who don’t enjoy dungeons and prefer quest/boss rushing.
  12. Team: Cheerleaders LVL 250 Mage – Angie LVL 250 Knight – Inni LVL 250 Cleric - Xiomara
  13. If leprechauns are going to be spawning on all planets, then the event NPCs on each planet should offer the same quest as Judy in Zant. Or disable the leprechauns on orlo and eldeon.
  14. Your character weight should not be over exceeded either
  15. This is actually the case. Looking at your storage you kept a lot of these junk drops. Due to the lack of tutorials and ways to figure out what’s actually junk and what’s relevant materials does make it hard for new players. @Luckystriike has made a mod that can show you what are trash drops and what are relevant crafting materials. You can check that out in the mods section! If you don’t like using mods the alternative to figuring out what to keep and what to NPC is to make a Dealer and check each crafting skill option and see what mats are required as well as checking the refining NPCs too for what they need for an item placed into the refining system. You can also dissemble equip drops like gear and weapons for crafting materials too. A lot of the game is currently undergoing changes. Previous development had a lot of pay to win focus which is a result of most of the negative aspects in the game currently. The game having ancient code is also a major issue to many problems as well. The current team have been doing a great job fixing things up, but there’s a lot of work to be done and will still require a lot of time. This is still not the official release of the game and shouldn’t be taken too seriously so trial and error your way through the game and figure things out as you play until tutorials and other helpful changes get added. If there’s any ideas you’d like to add and share that haven’t been mentioned yet post them in the ideas section!
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