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[Guide] The Clan System


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The clan system is very different from the system in iROSE and some players might not be familiar with it so I hope this little guide helps.  

Making a Clan
1.    You must be at least level 30 and not be in a clan already.
2.    There is a fee of 1million zulie and the character making the clan must have that amount on them. 
3.    Talk to [Clan Manager] Burtland to create a clan. He is located in the City of Junon Polis at (5289, 5264) near the Honor Shop NPC’s.
4.    Choose your clan name, clan slogan, and clan mark NOTE: Clan names have a 16 character limit
5.    If you want to add a color or change the color of your clan’s name, you can choose from standard colors by talking to Burtland. The price is 10 million zulie.  

At first your clan will only have 10 spaces in it. One of them is you, the clan master.  
To add someone, open the clan window (alt + N or N)- members tab. Click on the person and the word “invite”. They will receive a pop-up message asking if they want to join the clan. When they accept, they are added to your clan. 
clan invite message.jpg

You can also add a person remotely by typing the following in the clan chat in-game 
/clan invite name (of the person you want to add)

Another option to invite someone remotely is by typing the following in the general chat
@/clan invite name (of the person you want to add)

To kick someone out, click on the person’s name from the clan list in the clan window and then the word “expel”.  

Ranks Within a Clan
There are 6 possible ranks in a clan. The clan master decides who is given a rank and how many people will have that rank. Each rank has abilities that are set by the game itself, so be cautious when choosing to promote clan members, Here is how it breaks down. 

Clan Master and Deputy Master
Both the cm and dm’s can do all of the following: add members, kick members, promote/demote members, change clan mark, change clan slogan, change MOTD (message of the day) and can increase clan skills by using the clan points earned by the clan.

Can add members, kick members, promote/demote members and can increase clan skills by using the clan points earned by the clan.

Can add members and kick members

Veteran and Rookie
No special abilities. Everyone starts off as a rookie.

NOTE: A member can only promote/demote other players with ranks below their own rank.

Clan Commands
The following commands can be executed in the Clan Chat tab, depending on clan rank.  Follow each command with a space then the player's name.   These commands can be used remotely (when the person is not in front of you)

/clan invite 
/clan kick
/clan promote
/clan demote
/clan entrust (only the Clan Master can do this)
/clan slogan (only CM and DM)
/clan motd  (only CM and DM)
/clan leave

Clan Points
With this system, clan points can be earned by everyone who is level 30+. Fighting monsters around your level will earn clan points for the clan.  You can see how much you are getting per kill in the system chat 
clan points.jpg

Placing the cursor over a clan member’s name in the clan list will show how many clan points they have contributed in total.

Although it is no longer necessary to farm for clan points in a clan field, monsters in both clan fields do still drop them. 

To enter Junon Clan Field, you must be between level 30 – 89 and have the rank of Commander or higher. The only requirements to enter Luna Clan Field are that you must be at least level 70 and be in a clan. **Junon Clan Field is currently closed**

There are also repeatable killing quests on Luna and Eldeon that give clan points.

Clan Skills
There are no more clan grades. Instead, clan points are used to raise clan skills including the skill to expand the number of people in the clan.  Each clan can choose which skills they want. When you first create a clan, a clan tab will appear in your skill window (alt + S)
Place your cursor over each one to see what it is, and how many clan points are needed to unlock or raise it. Some clan skills are permanent while others are temporary 
clan skills.jpg

Personally I prefer to do clan actions in the clan window itself because there is a confirmation popup box but in addition to inviting people remotely, it's also possible to do the following by typing in the chat window:  promote, demote, kick, and leader (to give the clan to a clan member)

If you use the "All" chat tab, you need to press @ first then /clan and then the action and the person's name.
If you use the "Clan" chat tab, you can just press/clan and then the action and the person's name.
 Thanks to @Zurnfor sending me the list of these.

I think that covers the basics. Please let me know here or on Discord if you have any questions about the clan system.

If you want to give your clan name a color, talk to [Clan Manager] Burtland. This can only be done by the clan master and the cost is 10 mil zulie

@Trebor suggested that I add the information on how to disband your clan if you ever have a need to do that and I think it's a great idea.

Go to Burtland in Junon Polis, the same NPC who helped you create your clan.  Choose option 3 " I would like to disorganize my clan" then follow the steps in the spoiler below.


Option 3 looks like this
option 3.jpg

Next, pick option 2 (unless you have changed your mind ofc)
option 2.jpg

The clan must only contain you, the clan master.  If there are other players still in the clan, you will see this message

Expel the others until only you are left in the clan, then talk to him again as indicated above. This message will pop up,

Confirm that and there will be one more warning- one last chance to change your mind.
last warning.jpg

Confirm that final one and poof, your clan will disappear.


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1 hour ago, Bendersmom said:

What is the maximum number of members in a clan? At what level do you get to add more over the original number, etc.

This is the same clan system we had at NA before it closed but with some modifications.  Clans start with 10 members (increased from 5 that we had at NA).  The maximum number of members in a clan is 100.  There is a clan skill to expand the clan so if you make a clan, you may decide to use the clan points that have been earned to expand.  I'm sure the costs of the clan skills will be reviewed and changed since at NA it was possible to buy clan point boosters from the Item Mall and that will not be the case anymore but no other details on clan skills have been announced yet. 

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5 hours ago, HoneyBuns said:

I just verified that and you're right.  I'll check to see if this is intended or not and edit the guide if necessary.  Thanks for letting me know

Wasn't this always the case? 

Different perms for different roles, you have Deputies with responsibilities like that. While the Captain role is to make people you trust maybe slightly less to invite people, but you don't trust them enough to not kick people randomly.

I think this is intended.

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29 minutes ago, Lulullaby said:

Wasn't this always the case? 

Different perms for different roles, you have Deputies with responsibilities like that. While the Captain role is to make people you trust maybe slightly less to invite people, but you don't trust them enough to not kick people randomly.

I think this is intended.

Possibly but this is not how it was at NA.  I'll get it clarified one way or another


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@HoneyBunsThe 3rd image isn't the Clan Skills, is' the basic skills.
Also what was the  syntax for the slogan command again?

Edit: Nvn figured it out
@/clanslogan slogan here
Note it cuts off the first letter, so add a - dash or some other letter/symbol to bump the slogan forward a step

Edited by OwlchemistVile
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11 hours ago, OwlchemistVile said:

Edit: Nvn figured it out
@/clanslogan slogan here
Note it cuts off the first letter, so add a - dash or some other letter/symbol to bump the slogan forward a step

It actually doesn’t require the - or anything after the first letter, just type what you want! To bump forward you could probably just use space now 

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14 hours ago, Zwodo said:

As pointed out, the third image is basic skills. Can we get an overview of clan skills? I'd like to know if it's worth for my small group of friemily to create our own clan. Thanks for the guide!

I'm hesitant to post anything specific about clan skills because there might be changes before the official relaunch.  

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