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High Rate Server -


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Another server, (not channel) along side with the low rate server, some people prefer higher rate servers to go at a faster pace through the game, not by much maybe 5-7x rate higher. The reason I mentioned server is so that the high rate characters can't be played on the low rate server. Having them completely separated. 

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That's a hell no for me brother.
A high rate server would literally kill the server population, and i base this conclusion upon my observation of other servers that did the same.

Also from what i understand with the level squish the team is trying to tailor-make the leveling experience.
The rates will not be "low" its just gonna be the way the game is mean to be played.

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The basic XP rate on the old NARose server was WAY too high IMO. What it needs is to be balanced a little so that it's just slightly less grindy at higher level but MORE grindy at low level

Next you will be asking for ..... Reborn.    ugghhhh!!! That's the kind of crap that has ruined Rose for so many players over the years. They come in, level up to max then have nothing to do so they leave.... forever... with a bad taste in their mouth.

I'm afraid this is a Hell NO for me too.

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1 hour ago, DaSaab said:

Another server, (not channel) along side with the low rate server, some people prefer higher rate servers to go at a faster pace through the game, not by much maybe 5-7x rate higher. The reason I mentioned server is so that the high rate characters can't be played on the low rate server. Having them completely separated. 

First of all imo it makes no sense to split the community like that but more importantly, this is the official ROSE server.  The rates on this server are what pservers compare to when making high or low rates, not the other way around.


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3 hours ago, Avatar said:

The level cap will be set to 100. Making it high rate will make that attainable in less than 4 hours or so. I don't think this suggestion will even get considered. 

I did it in under 4 hours at normal rate.

On a high rate server you would easily hit level 100 in 10 minutes. Some of these really high level PServers allow you to hit max and reborn in 30 minutes. It gets SOOO boring

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8 hours ago, DaSaab said:

Another server, (not channel) along side with the low rate server, some people prefer higher rate servers to go at a faster pace through the game, not by much maybe 5-7x rate higher. The reason I mentioned server is so that the high rate characters can't be played on the low rate server. Having them completely separated. 

Eighty-six this immediately!

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I understand where this request is coming from, but it really should not be needed with all the reworks that are planned. Not everything needs to be finished quickly. MMORPGs are not meant to be played through like a singleplayer game. The devs will make sure, that the journey is fun and enjoyable. This game will not end up being one big grind like in the olden days.

Furthermore, the audience for a high rate server and this game as a whole is just not big enough to make this sustainable.


Hopefully the lack of "high rates" will not stop you from trying it out once it comes out. 💪

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Haha I'm going to play regardless! I was just saying from past experiences some people preferred to play both high and low rate servers for whatever reason, I prefer to play the low rate. My thoughts were to the general community out there, and believe it or not, many to prefer high rate servers. To each their own though! It was a suggestion only. Glad to read the opinions of all to understand different mindsets people have! 


Thanks all for the feedback!!


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Haha many have brought up good points:

  • Splitting the community
  • A rework of levels and item drops already underway
  • An attitude that a solution is simply fix the grind by having increased rates which means really the core mechanics should be looked at not a bandaid approach.
  • Leading into things like reborn, which I agree is a blight.

 All that being said "hell" doesn't have to be brought into it everyone! 😉 
Clearly you all mean "hebarn" no! 😄 and I for one hope we do get to explore it one day! haha

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12 minutes ago, Zurn said:

Because people want to skip leveling and go straight to pvp or end game stuff

And therein lies a large proportion of the problem, ROSE never really had much end game content to keep players interested. They skip over all the fun stuff, quests, lore and so on to get to PVP then it's just a giant snore fest until they quit playing

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23 minutes ago, Zurn said:

I know, I don’t like pvp so dungeons were the only real ‘end game’ for me.

I usually just started new characters and did quests to see if they gave anything fun as rewards

Same here.  Despite what some people think, not everyone likes pvp so dungeons and the daily quests were nice pve options

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53 minutes ago, PurpleYouko said:

And therein lies a large proportion of the problem, ROSE never really had much end game content to keep players interested. They skip over all the fun stuff, quests, lore and so on to get to PVP then it's just a giant snore fest until they quit playing

Lol, this is so true! 

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I for one was not much for PVP myself, the good old leveling and some quests were fun.

Back in the days, it took time to level and parties was the way to go.   Meet all sorts of interesting people and all.

Having different servers, I would personally think it would be a mistake, one server for all would be my vote on it all.

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No not good for high rate even in splitting the server, the game will not be much enjoyable and fun. No challenging when the level get fast up some of it i know who play other mmmorpg gets easily bored when it level up fast and with hour or days they got bored and stuck up in game. Others leave like a half months because nothing to do just my opinion 🙂.

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