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Would it be possible to make ammunition stacks be 9,999 (or more) to save space in your inventory for drops? 

alternative idea (which I believe was Leonis’s) make ammunition an item that doesn’t consume, like craft or buy 1 and it never runs out.

Pro - SPACE in your inventory for crap you probably don’t need or want, but can sell for more stuff!

Con - people who sell ammunition types as a source of money will lose out, crafters lose an item to make

’zulie sink’ is lost (if you buy arrows/bullets/cannon balls) 

  • Like 4
On 1/20/2022 at 6:22 PM, Zurn said:

Would it be possible to make ammunition stacks be 9,999 (or more) to save space in your inventory for drops? 

alternative idea (which I believe was Leonis’s) make ammunition an item that doesn’t consume, like craft or buy 1 and it never runs out.

Pro - SPACE in your inventory for crap you probably don’t need or want, but can sell for more stuff!

Con - people who sell ammunition types as a source of money will lose out, crafters lose an item to make

’zulie sink’ is lost (if you buy arrows/bullets/cannon balls) 

Would certainly make life easier for anyone who uses ammo.  I would be happy with either option you mentioned.


I like the max ammunition, but the problem is the weight i play the artisan before for the crafting and anything, but when my capacity of the bag is overloaded and that's my problem 😒

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Having to restock ammo and losing inventory space on ammo is outdated imo. The zulie that will be removed from the game through ammo is nothing compared to potions and repairing i guess. Would be nice if it will be an item that wouldn't be consumed, like Zurn mentioned, and in addition functions like a costume to alter the bullets or cannonballs appearance.

Edited by Dylan

So far we have:
Either Stack Size 9,999 or "Enchanted Arrow" that never runs out. 
Ammo weight set to 0.
And Costume slot for ammo.

Stack Size: Saves inventory space.
Enchanted Arrow: One and done forever / removes ammo from the game as an item to work for.
Ammo weight set to 0 no longer encumbers your movement when preparing for a long grinding session.
Costume ammunition: all the benefits of physical / elemental arrows, with the style you want.

Universal: Needs to be coded.
Stack Size: Can't really think of one.
Enchanted Arrow: One and done forever / removes ammo from the game as an item to work for.
Ammo weight set to 0 removes weight consideration / limitation meaning moving bulk amount of items off hacked/compromised accounts is easier, in addition to over loading vendors no longer encumbers them requiring time to place all shops [?]
Costume Ammunition: Can no longer identify which element opponent is using in PvP, making reactively changing chest pieces at respawn void [only works in TG/JC ~ an unsupported rewardless activity for fun]

Additional Notes:
I made the vast majority of my zulie late-game / near ROSE's end of life from Ammunition sales. It took a HUGE amount of effort, to legitimately restock and keep supplied a stack of ammo crates for every elements, and BiS physical quality arrows and genuinely kept me busy for hours. This is to say, ammunition Artisans are not as "unemployed" as you might think. 
Consequently, you have to keep in mind that ROSE NA has the elemental affinity system, meaning Lightning arrows weren't just cool arrows that did a little more damage. Most elemental arrows did the same damage prior to the elemental check in the damage formula. Meanwhile Physical Arrows [Bone, Wooden, Serrated etc] actually did change your damage.
The kicker is that this meant you had EXTREME amounts of flexibility with Ammunition based jobs. You could keep your weapon neutral element [none] and swap for elemental arrows when needed [since the ammo is the final "check" of what type of elemental damage if any, the attack does] OR to save on expensive ammo [I did this first until I could afford one of each weapon type] and Enchant the weapon with the "expensive element" [It was wind cause storm arrows take forever to grind and craft] and carry a good variety of ammo to swap between. [If your weapon was enchanted and you used neutral arrows btw, the shots were still elemental] This meant using ironically the Valentines day event Heart Arrows with element on the weapon, resulted in the highest potential elemental damage; since Heart Arrows had the highest quality.

As you can see, Ammo is complex and provides a lot of options for customization and economy. Personally, I would like the simplest of fixes. 
Change the Stack Size to 9,999. Set Weight to 0 OR make the Ammo Dispensers [crafted boxes of ammo] weight 0.
Lastly, I'm middle of the road for the cosmetic / costume arrow option. Personally, I like it but PvPers won't, and this isn't a game only I would be playing.




To be fair, we don't know yet whether we will still have the elemental system like we did in NA but if so, it does add a degree of complexity to any ammo changes.  Still, something really needs to be improved so maybe increasing the stack size would be the best solution.


If they have the old rose system it would stick to 999, the bad thing is  stack has a leftover sometimes that the system don't stack from the new system. Inventory UI  needs to be polish in order to make this happen. 

5 minutes ago, lLinkl said:

If they have the old rose system it would stick to 999, the bad thing is  stack has a leftover sometimes that the system don't stack from the new system. Inventory UI  needs to be polish in order to make this happen. 

I don't think that's a issue anymore, but if you could explain it in further detail I could most likely tell you for certain if that's a problem. 

  • 9 months later...
Posted (edited)

any news if they remove weight on ammo or is it stackable to 9999? I hope we could carry more ammo in low levels and not go back and forth to buy ammo.

Edited by Gnoski
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