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Everything posted by zstark

  1. a while back obviously
  2. Just behave around the big boss man in The Foot Clan or else you'll be kicked out of the clan ASAP without explanation. -former member
  3. Be like a Doonga King. No weapon no problem.
  4. I remember being spammed with ride invites from random players when I first visited Junon Polis. You can cancel them but you won't be able to get rid of the notifications. When you accept the ride they will drop you off in the water (near the Junon entrance) and you won't be able to get out of the water because of low movement speed. To get out you need to use scroll or relog. I was poor so I relog every time. It's kind of annoying but hilarious though. When I joined private servers before there was a bug where you could merge CG and carts and when you driveskill your character will be upside down riding a CG body and the body parts are all over the place lol. Sometimes this bug can DC everyone in the area. It's good that these issues have been resolved by having only 1 notification from the ride request and having a cooldown when transitioning from cart to CG. Was I proud doing these bugs? Nope, of course not. My view is. If the bugs are there to begin with then they can be exploited. Anyways, what makes Rose Online great is that despite the bugs, issues and moaners, the game is still fun to play and some players are coming back. There are even former players who play with the kids now apparently. Now I feel old lol. Arua is probably still doing wonders for old and new visitors. Levelling at a low level was always fun. I remember just playing the free trial over and over again before the game became a free-to-play game. I couldn't afford to top up because I was still a little kid but exploring new maps while listening to Rose online music was a good adventure. A lot has changed since then. There were no mounts, I couldn't jump using the space bar and there were no repeatable quests last time I played. Right now, I'm playing as much of the content as I can during this early access and I kinda feel like a kid again lol. I'm not sure whether the game can compete with other modern games but I do hope Rednim Games does wonders for the game and make the game fun for old and new players. New planets, new fighting mechanics and more content. Please make Rose Online great again! By the way, sorry that my post is all over the place. I was just writing whatever I could think of. Anyways, have a good day/evening rosarian. See you in game .
  5. Turak king at level 156. No drops are too common. It seems that any drops are rare. Im wearing Legendary Gem and Dolomite asher.
  6. I've tried the re-clicking method but there still seems to be a 75% drop rate reduction for purple mobs with a 21-level difference. No drops are common and multiple drops are rare. This is quite sad.
  7. Thanks for the info. I'll try that
  8. How about red and purple mobs? is there a drop penalty for killing these? I've been killing King Turak while it's still purple and sometimes the boss does not even drop anything. I have dolomite asher and legrandrite marquise gem. I've been using taunt (no dmg) with my max-level knight and killing with my low-level champion ( level 155) is this a bug or feature? @Drezynit
  9. if you haven't got one yet I can craft you one. What's your ign?
  10. I agree, grey mob farming is game breaking. No wonder players just want to max their characters as soon as possible because they can grey farm, camp spots, steal loots etc. Just remove drops from grey farming. Max level players use summons to aggro mobs and first hit (even if they are afk), they do not need to use pots and they likely have full pvm gear to kill kings. They don't care about 75% drop reduction. They will camp and farm wherever they want. How is that fair? Being at the right level for farming is good but should be more rewarding. Well... if grey mob farming was implemented for medallion farming then that's the worse implementation ever. How can low level players farm and solo kings like grey farmers then? You do make a good point about some loots i.e. nymph powder only available for low level mobs. I think to make these loots farmable the drop penalty should be changed. Here is an example: Monster Level Diff <= 15 --> no reduction in drop chance (Yellow) Monster Level Diff <= 25--> 10% reduction in drop chance (Green) Monster Level Diff <= 35 --> 25% reduction in drop chance (Blue) Monster Level Diff <= 45--> 50% reduction in drop chance (light blue) Monster level Diff > 45 --> No drops!! Get lost noob!
  11. If you want a relax playstyle, play soldier. You are tanky and deal good damage. You can solo level easily. Dual client with a muse helps though so you don't spend most of your zullie on pots. Do quests and find parties. I started soldier when I first joined. Then became a knight and I managed to solo level to max which took me 1 and a half month but this will depend on joining parties. Its ok to take your time to learn and play the game. Good luck, have fun and welcome to rose online.
  12. opal 8 is 6% def + 60 and gem 9 is 7% + 60. I don't think its worth but I wanted to try my luck lol
  13. Hello fellow artisans, Its my first time trying to craft a gem 9 and it failed. I currently have 1290 con and when using enthiric the success rate is around 60%. Is it worth crafting gem 9's even with the difficulty to get the mats, high zullie investment and low success rate?. I'm just wondering what your experiences are when crafting gem 9s or higher. If you have successfully crafted gem 9s or higher, whats your con and set? Do you guys just keep farming and trying again, How do you guys cope with failure lol? I feel like my soul left my body. I've attached a reaction video below. WhatsApp Video 2024-01-17 at 07.06.27.mp4
  14. Are you sure its the same player? Thats Honeybunz, the letter at the end is different
  15. My sen is 995 with buffs. Alot. If the stats are not good I disassemble them so I can get some of the mats or costume piece back to craft again. I think its best you try them yourself. Crafting max stats can be tedious. P.S. I did manage to craft dex 20 and and 50ms last night on grade 7 but it cant be transferred to grade 6 items (lower grade).
  16. I spent some time crafting grade 6 and it only went up to 30ms but I might be wrong. For now, its probably best to stick with ms gems. I spen
  17. Looks like he gave up a long time ago. Such a shame
  18. I don't think players have the zullie for this event due to zulliepocalypse and zullie sink events last year. Can the cost of tickets be adjusted? 1 Ticket = 10,000z 10 Tickets = 100,000z 100 Tickets = 1,000,000z
  19. You can use crafting hammer as early as level 125. Also buying accessories from NPCs with con will improve success rate. Farming or buying legendary gear from other players also give con and worth investing in. Have you tried doing dgs?. almost 70-90 percent of players are raiders. They are simply the more dominant class. Once they use stealth they don't take damage from mobs. Clerics/mage and knight/champs are still vulnerable from mobs and still need to invest on potions and good stats (ms,dodge,def) on equipment to get to the boss. Artis and bourgs are at a huge disadvantage as they need alot of ammunition and good equipment to clear and reach the boss which is consuming a lot of resource and time. To put more fuel in the fire, I've experienced being kicked out of SC a number of times because they want to have a 'smooth run'. I did not mention anything regarding buff potions and artis/bourgs needing to be tanky. I mentioned that they need more survivability and mobility skills. It's not about beating another player, its about the experience of playing the class and game generally. I agree that crafting ammunition can be difficult. Some crafted ammunition does have elements that deal more damage to mobs with weaker defensive element and would benefit from slight status effect as you say. However, imo, crafting crates only gives 100 ammunition, runs out quickly, takes up space in the inventory and does not sell well if you vend. Either buffs are introduced to ammunitions quantity/quality/status effects or remove them entirely. Although, I will miss the cold bullets if entirely removed . 100% agree on the bag feature. Also, to make artis and bourgs more popular the reload animation should be changed. Currently, the gun animation reloads every auto attack, which is not realistic. Clerics have an indicator bar for their mana shield so I think it would be nice to have an indicator for bullets before reloading. 6-9 bullets above the hp bar then the final bullet crits 100% succession before reloading. Lets make dealer/arti/bourg class great
  20. Gems- There are gems that drop only from kings and gems that you can craft. advance rein/endow, - i agree Hardened/Darkened/Balanced/Enchanted- i agree Pat craft- yes carts can be obtained from events but these are not always available. Prices of carts have dropped significantly and worth investing in as they are transferable to any of your chars or accounts. Advanced alchemy craft- you can craft them individually using alchemy craft if you don't want to unbox them but crafting crates saves time than crafting them individually. Advanced subitem craft- The majority of the materials can be obtained from disassembling npc items. This saves time from farming. Accessory craft- I think a putting max stats on 140 accessories will be too op and probably make arua and hebarn accessories irrelevant even though the arua and hebarn stones are rare. Crafting- The question is. Can you wear a 160 armor if you are level 155? I think it's reasonable to have at least some difficulty crafting a higher level item. You can simply level up and buy accessories that give more con and always use a crafting hammer. I personally have successfully crafted items from as early as level 30 up to level 240s. I think the crafting system is ok but could be a lot better. I agree that the success rates needs improving and having new skills would be nice too. Artisan/bourg gameplay- I mainly use artisan but I can see why artisans and bourgs can be less interesting and less enjoyable than other classes. Imo, its probably due to requirement of bullets/shells to use their main weapon and less mobility/survivability skills than other classes. I've experienced and seen artis/bourgs using axe or sword when they've run out of bullets and shells in dungeons lol. I think bullets, shells and ammunition should be removed. Also, when I join cou and SC, its kinda sad that artis/bourgs always need be piggybacked by other classes or else we just die trying to go to the bosses. Clerics/mages have heals and mana shield, knights and champs have high def, scouts and raiders have stealth. bourg/arti? a movement speed passive?. Overall, artis/bourgs are unique and still fun to play but they should not be limited to being a crafter and farmer class. I've only recently started doing dgs and it seems like its mostly raiders and clerics that join dungeons. I see champs, mages and knights often however I would also like to see more of my fellow artisans in dungeons too. This is something to look forward to.
  21. Wow whats your build for pvp?, I use crossbow too.
  22. I've done 56 quests and no number 5 . I don't recommend doing this quest unless you want to spend the whole day. Not 'easy' at all.
  23. I love the turkey shooter. I still need to try the Mount Quest. By the way, are turkey shooter pieces 1, 3 and 5 bugged? Darren rarely gives me those pieces.
  24. This is probably the best event so far . I'll be taking a month break. Thanks for the event Rednim games and @HoneyBuns for the guide.
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