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Everything posted by Zeror

  1. Agree. And please give us timestamps too!
  2. This + 'area looting' where you loot all stuff within a certain range at once.
  3. I'm not really against 'dual client'ing, but don't get the point why you want to duel client either. So yes, i also agree that it's good if duel client would go.
  4. Here is another good one for the tag improvement. If you get out of range of the mob for x amount of seconds then the tag gets removed. And here is another idea: The first 5 players can tag simultaneously. Drops can be looted by each of these 5 players. So if there is a drop of Bird Feather, then each of the 5 players can loot this bird feather. If an item is looted by at least 1 player, the drop disappears after 60 seconds (for example). If the item is not looted at all it disappears after 180 seconds (for example).
  5. Zeror


    Looter pet is not the solution. The problem is the fact that looting is tedious. There are better ways to solve that issue. Like area looting, where you loot all items within a range at once.
  6. Yes, the servers are still offline. The devteam need to fix this security breach first before the servers can go online again. Until further notice we cannot play this game. Like HoneyBuns says: Change your password in the meanwhile (and check other platforms where you used the same credentials)! And yes we hates it. No, need to keep making threads about it, guys. Just be patient and wait. Just do what you did before the early access came out. Thanks guys.
  7. Good idea. I've changed my password right away. Maybe it's a good idea if @HazDS@HoneyBuns or someone else update to forumpost in announcement as well to reflect this.
  8. I assume (and hope) that when they know which data and whose data is compromised that they will inform these persons.
  9. 1st: Yes, most MMO's has them. 2nd: Not needed, it's fine as it is. 3rd: Where it is nessecary the exp needs to be adjusted. 4th: Good idea. Maybe an item like the red HP/blue MP restore item. A yellow exp item which gives a few exp points. Drop rate needs to be lower than the HP/MP ones.
  10. It's called ETC.. And if you're asking for more inventory space. Yes, we all want it. But there are better solutions. For example getting rid of the tabs and have one big inventory instead. Several solution has been discussed on the forum before.
  11. The problem is that the downtime was not announced properly. In my opinion a downtime like this should be even scheduled and the players should be notified on before hand. That's the professional approach. Not "Let's take the servers down to install a patch and place a shitty post on discord.". If there was a post here on the forum (and the other platforms too) which said "Later today at 5pm (EST) we are putting the servers offline to update the game. Expect the servers to be offline for a few hours." then everything was totally fine. The devteam could have prepared this a bit better and @Rebus as community manager should have communicated (with your help perhaps) this with the playerbase properly.
  12. Adding a note for each friend could be nice. You put your info in there to remember who someone is.
  13. Adding server status is probably a good idea as well. Well thought out @Sparxzilla!
  14. A lot of questions are popping up asking why the game is down. In your discord you've announced your updating the game with a new patch. Maybe it's a good idea to: Schedule the moments when you put the game into maintenance mode. Strict to the minute. Show that nice countdown timer ingame and such to prepare the player. Show when you are going to do a server maintenance mode within the game launcher. I've included a mockup how that could look like. Show this notification bar two days before scheduled. The rest of the time the bar is not shown. This will make it stand out when there is an server maintenance. The main and most important reason is to keep clear for all players when they cannot play the game. A bit of transparency to the playerbase so there is no reason anymore for questions about downtime, cause it's announced clearly. Oh, and keep your status page updated as well, cause that is showing that game is online, while you're offline for maintenance.
  15. Will be posted here, i guess: https://forum.roseonlinegame.com/forum/36-patch-notes/
  16. I question the design choices the devs took in this game. What is comic sans doing here? LOL
  17. The whole crafting UI can be more intuitive if you ask me. I find the way how crafting works in World of Warcraft is a very pleasant way of crafting. Here is an example of the crafting window of WoW
  18. I disagree on the time based on level. I think it would be better to introduce Vending Tax. When you start offline vending, you can choose how long you wanna vend, like 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours or 48 hours. The tax for offline is 5% for each sold item. So selling an item for 100k, gives you 95k instead, cause 5k is the cut for taxes.
  19. Enemies are dangerous. Ofcourse they will attack. I don't see a problem in that. The long following distance is in fact a problem. That should be improved.
  20. Try SHIFT + clicking on the item instead. You can move items to the storage (or trade window) instantly that way. It does not, however, add materials to existing stacks in the storage. And the storage tab you've opened should have space left.
  21. It may be so, but I'm lazy and i just want to see my local time instead without the hovering part. If time is important for the annual event then i can check the time when i need to.
  22. It would be better if the clock below the minimap shows the local time instead of the server time. Server time is for many players not relevant, because of the living in different timezones. Local time is always relevant. Just swap the two. If we wanna know the server time, we can check by hovering over the clock instead.
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