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Posts posted by Zeror

  1. 10 hours ago, DoubleRose said:

    Adding some cool clan stuff is fine by me, but the cities and server will be fragmented and empty if the big clans are off on their own private map.

    The thing is that a clan house should not contain everything a city has. Only some unique features for the clan and only some convenient stuff. Like clan gear vendor, clan field npc, repair, refine, clan storage or npc to travel to each of the planets. But things like playershops should not be allowed or too many kinds of vendors. Nothing cart, cg or mount related. Nothing union related. Etc...

  2. Got another idea.

    What if we would have a seperate ammo bag? The ammo we use takes space in our bags that non-range classes don't struggle with. So it seems fair we get our own ammo bag instead. The amount of space of the ammo bag can be defined by the Back gear we wear, but by default you should have like 4 slots (no matter what class you are, cause this not something that should be restricted to certain classes. Muses can use bows too if they like. ). Backbags can be adjusted so they can add a couple extra slots, a new quiver back gear can be introduced with extra slots, etc..

    In addition you get auto-reload as well. This means that as long you have the same ammo (type AND quality) it will be automatically reloaded if a stack is depleted.

    In the UI the three different ammo types will be combined to one ammo slot as suggested by Rebus. Also there will be new button to open this ammo bag to see the contents.

  3. On 8/26/2022 at 10:55 PM, Thystro said:

    Also I think it's a good idea to set higher level dungeons into lower level zones. For example Goblin Cave (I know this is not what you guys mean with a dungeon) lets higher level players run through the newbie maps, which as a newbie makes the server feel more alive if you see more people walking around, especially higher level players. It gives you the motivation to keep on grinding and also achieve that gear for example.

    I agree that dungeons for level 20-30 seems kinda useless, you will outlvl it really quickly. Also I hate it that people from a town can queue up for a dungeon, this is what killed modern World of Warcraft. The journey from forming a party and walking towards the dungeon makes the world feel alive, this is why I loved the way Vanilla/Classic wow took this approach. 

    I think it's ok to have one dungeon at around level 30. But lower then this is not really needed.

  4. On 8/26/2022 at 11:17 PM, Rebus said:

    The way I understand this suggestions and it works in e.g. WoW is, that you can only be shared a quest you have not finished and would be able to accept yourself. The purpose of this would be to avoid someone having to run back to town, because they forgot to accept the quest and similar scenarios.

    There were other conditions as well in WoW when you could share a quest or not. See this:


  5. I also like the idea of having a Clan House and the ideas that are posted here. Got one concern though. If there are things that can be unlocked and if there are things to decorate your Clan House. Who gets the fun to do it? Is it only the Clan Master? Or Master and Deputy's? Or can everyone do something with it. A Clan house should be for the whole clan and so does it's features.

  6. On 7/22/2022 at 3:13 AM, HoneyBuns said:

    Zurny actually suggested this in a a few different topics and included where the dungeon entrances could be, which mobs and possible drops:  Adv Plains   Valley of Luxem Tower  Breezy Hills   El Verloon

    Didn't see this post yet. The ideas of Zurn are very good. Exactly what i meant.

    Here are a few more dungeon ideas:

    • Burned Bakery Lair
      • Story: Woopies found this burned down bakery and started using it's basement as their lair.
      • Theme: Old cellar theme.
      • Layout: Small in size. 1 bigger main room and 1 small extra room. Square/rectangle in shape.
      • Location: On top of the hill top right. Replaces the spawn location of Woopie King cave.
      • Mobs: Woopies only.
      • Min. level: lvl 20
    • Aqua Shrine
      • Story: Moldies uncovered this old shrine and set loose of all the aqua's that were concealed inside.
      • Theme: Underground water temple. Goblin cave, but with water and temple-like elements.
      • Layout: One big room and two smaller rooms. One small room is dry, the other rooms has lots of water.
      • Location: Behind the waterfall in Anima Lake.
      • Mobs: Moldies and Aqua
      • Min. level: lvl 35
    • Old Junon City
      • Story: When monsters starting roaming the planet they invaded the city. People had to flee and decided to build themselves a better city to protect (Junon Polis).
      • Theme: Outdoor style, uses town assets of Zant and some smaller Junon Polis stuff.
      • Layout: Has 3 old faction districts (Arumic, Righteous, Junon Order) and a main square with shops. Also a small docks with a ravaged ship.
      • Location: Junon Polis map in the top left corner.
      • Mobs: Porkies, Grunters and Clowns.
      • Min. level: lvl 50
    • Worm Crag Ravine
      • Story: Before the village in Gorge of Silent was abandoned danger came first to the ravine where some of the villages mines were. The mines were connected by rope bridges and many wooden platforms, because there were not much ledges to stand on. The Doonga's and the Worm Dragons, who already lived there, became too much of a threat there.
      • Theme: Ravine with bamboo platforms (like the docks in Adv plains and Kenji Beach) with rope bridges connecting and some mines connecting multiple floors.
      • Layout: 3 floors dungeon. Players start at the middle floor. Lowest floor is the bottom of the ravine where Worm dragons lives. Doonga live on the top two floors.
      • Mobs: Doonga's and Worm Dragons.
      • Min. level: lvl 85
    • Like 4
  7. 10 hours ago, Avatar said:

    Heck yes! I love how elaborate this is.. it’s really good stuff. 

    The creatures that are created for these invasions should be the same creatures we see when Hebarn or even Karkia comes out. It would be cool to visit their planet and fight them on their home turf. I hope this invigorates them to continue on with planet developments. 

    Maybe it's a cool idea to add another rank above King which stand for a direct descendant of Hebarn himself. Killing enough Kings within a certain amount of time makes this mob spawn during the event. Getting this guy to spawn should be a true challenge and not easy at all. He always drops 1x Hebarn's Gold Fragment, 1x Hebarn's Silver Fragment and 3x random colored fragments.

    • Like 1
  8. I have this idea for a new and recurring event in the game where Hebarn invades randomly certain zones with a lot of enemies (like the Space-time distortions in Pokémon Legends: Arceus). All mobs are scaled to your level, so everyone can join in the fight, and are a mix of random 2-3 different monster families. Kings and Captains spawns more often then usual during this event. The area used is only a part of a zone and has a size similar like the center square in Junon Polis. The event occurs randomly in any zone (except adv. plains and city zones) regardless of planet 1-3 times a day and lasts for 1 hour.

    Each kill rewards the player with a special token called Hebarn's Fragment. Each planet gives another color of the special token to give extra variation to the system. Killing enough Kings within a certain amount of time spawns the Descendant of Hebarn. This guy is much harder then King grade mobs though.

    • Junon: Hebarn's Red Fragment
    • Luna: Hebarn's Blue Fragment
    • Eldeon: Hebarn's Green Fragment
    • Oro: Hebarn's Orange Fragment
    • And if these planets are ever added:
      • Karkia: Hebarn's Purple Fragment
      • Skaaj: Hebarn's White Fragment
      • Hebarn: Hebarn's Black Fragment
    • All Planets have also a chance of dropping:
      • Captains: Small chance of Hebarn's Silver Fragment
      • Kings: Slightly bigger chance on Hebarn's Silver Fragment or Hebarn's Gold Fragment
      • Descendant of Hebarn: Garantueed 1x Hebarn's Gold Fragment, 1x Hebarn's Silver Fragment and 3x random colored fragments

    These Hebarn's Fragments is a new currency for a new vendor, who is a mysterious figure from Hebarn himself. His name is ???? (yes, his name is unknown). You must find him each day, because his location changes each day (hint: He spawn somewhere in one of the zones where the day before an invasion has taken place).

    So what's he selling then?
    He sells recolors of existing armor (from beginners armor to high-end armor) mostly in the colors black, red or purple (colors of Hebarn). These armor comes with a item appraisal on it which still needs to be appraised and require no minimum level. For some items you need only one kind of fragment to buy, for other items you might multiple kind of fragments. He sells also special items like wings/backpacks, weapons, jewelry, cart-parts or CG parts which require the silver and gold fragments.
    There is a big but with this vendor though, cause he sells only 8 random different armor pieces and 2 random special items in his store. This makes his items truly unique and ultra-rare to get. Also all items bought at this vendor cannot be traded to other players. So it might take a while before you get a complete armor set.

    • Like 6
  9. I found this screenshot back. I'm actually the character on the right so this screenshot is technically not mine 😛. This was the first or second day of iRose back in 2004. Me and guys wanted to visit Junon Polis to check how cool that place would be. Every higher zone was still new for everybody. In the early days Zant was the place to be.



    Another fun one. Trio dressed the same during some Xmas event 😛


    • Like 4
  10. I'm personally against a prestige system where you start over again from level 1 (like the reborn-system that is used in that one private server). The reason is that it's a cheap and boring way to extend gameplay. I think there are better ways to achieve to improve end-game gameplay. Like having a harder versions of the dungeon maps when you reach max level. For example a level 250 hardmode version of Forgotten Temple with same gear drops as before, but recolored and upgraded for level 250 characters. Or there could be done a lot more with Clan Fields and Union War.


    Btw, here is an interesting article to read about this subject:

    • Like 1
  11. Regarding UI scalability. I just read that World of Warcraft is starting use Slug Font Rendering Library (https://sluglibrary.com/) for their new expansion. Slug uses the GPU to render fonts and emoji's into a crisp readible text. Maybe this might help the devteam too for ROSE to make a new UI?

  12. I like the ideas. You can really go wild with it.

    Like having exploration quests. Go visit every POI in a zone to complete the map exploration. And complete all maps of a planet rewards you with full planet explored reward.

    Defeat a boss (King) in each map would be another fun one to do.

    • Like 1
  13. Eldeon and Oro are fine, but on Junon and Luna the aggro might be a bit higher if you ask me. Let the danger start from El Verloon Desert and so on. Make the mobs a bit more aggressive from that point.


    2 minutes ago, Wondertje said:

    That sounds counterintuitive to what the aim of the game is. No player is going to like reaching a brick wall where everything attacks them no matter the difficulty and they die constantly with no chance of strategy because the game doesn't care. The point with the current system is that you will survive a reasonable % of the time if you're at your designated level spot, but you can strategise and go out and kill harder enemies if you plan for it, use the right equipment, etc.

    It should not be based on difficulty in camparison to level, i mean. If your level 200 and you are in a Gorge of Silence. The mobs should still be aggressively attack you.

  14. I think the game is too peaceful if you look at the aggro of the monsters. Aggro should be build up from the first couple zones. I agree on that, but when you're past Zant the introduction of the game is over and the real danger can begin. Mobs should be much more dangerous from that point. No more passing or skipping certain mobs for speedy leveling or something, but being attacked by the mobs cause they are a threat to you and you are on their kill list.

    Levels of aggro (should not be based on difficulty):

    1. Peaceful - might attack sometimes.
    2. Will attack you if coming too close.
    3. Will attack if nearby.
    4. Will attack if in targeting range.
    5. Will attack and alert nearby mobs to assist.

    Level 1 and 2 are perfect for the first couple of maps, Adventure plains to Zant. After Zant level 3 should be active. The higher level zone you get the higher aggro level the zone should have.

  15. 13 hours ago, Ashura said:

    I love the concept however i am a bit confused with the speed ability, I think animal mounts should be faster dependent on the type of mount you require and should be faster than CG and some Carts, animal shouldnt have combat ability therefore i would suggest faster than the other two.

    I understand what you are saying. Of course there could be faster animal/monster mounts as well, but you shouldn't be able get those earlier then around the zones that match with the level requirement for carts. So around halfway on planet Luna i guess. Mounts you can get before cart-level should be slower or else Carts would be a joke. Everyone would try to get animal mounts instead. So maybe there could be rare versions of the animal/monster mounts that are slightly faster then carts, but the regular animal/monster mounts should slower if you ask me.
    Keep in mind that ROSE Online ads from back in the days are selling the game showing the Carts and CG as the superior vehicles. So i think Carts and CG should be that way. That's the theme of the game, not the animal/monster mounts, they came later. Those are not part of the original idea of ROSE Online.

  16. 8 hours ago, Bobbity said:

    That's all good and I support that but have we actually come to a proper conclusion regarding the ammo slots UI suggestion Rebus proposed?

    I still go for removing ammo from the game. I played World of Warcraft for long time beside ROSE. WoW removed ammo from the game in 2010 when their 3rd expansion Cataclysm released. They wanted to replace the ammo system with something that would be more a compelling element of game-play. When that didn't work out, they removed the ammo completely and the classes that uses the ammo didn't have get ammo again for their ranged weapons. It surely did improve the game if you ask me.

    In Rose ammo can be removed too and just have 'unlimited ammo'. The ammo visual effects can be added to the weapons itself or the different kind of ammo's could be changed into costume-options instead So you can still swap out different visual effects.

  17. On 8/16/2022 at 12:37 AM, Bobbity said:

    😞 Why is it we always come up with weirdlogic solutions to simple problems? Let's see, so far we've got:

    • infinite ammo
    • make ammo free again
    • make basic ammo free but higher-grade ammo craftable-only and really cool
    •  infinite ammo for auto-attacks but not for skills

     Let me add more so we don't lose sight of why we're worrying about ammo:

    • make crafting ammo really cheap and easy
    • make the ammo UI slots map to different types of ammo defined by the player, not dedicated arrow/bullet/shells slots

    Here is another one.

    • Ammo-system automatically reloads ammo of the same type. Not just per stack. If you have 10 stacks of bullets. The ammo slot shows 9990 (10 x 999) bullets.
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