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Posts posted by Zeror

  1. 1 hour ago, lazypenguin said:

    Looks pretty good, we tried once to connect all the maps into a big world but they don't quite fit perfectly so would have to create some terrain between them. Need Orlo maps too 🙂

    The maps are too different as well. The only way to fix this properly, is to rebuild the map instance and make new map (ground plan) based on the reshaped terrain. But that is a hell of a job. But, finger crossed/big wish, if the game could make the translation to a modern game engine than updating the terrain can be included.

  2. 3 hours ago, Avatar said:

    I respect that answer.. perhaps when they expand the episode quest to Luna and beyond that could be a reward. Or maybe even a new quest line altogether. 🤗

    Even if your storage has like 2 tabs of slots by default and you can buy up to like 6 additional tabs for reasonable amount of zulie it would be fine by me. Doesn't have to be a reward.

  3. The way WoW does this should work for ROSE too and it's rather easy. When you hover the system menu-icon a tooltip is shown that shows the latency/fps info. See this:


    To give an little explanation for who don't understand this:

    • Latency means how long it takes for two computers to communicate with each other. In this case my computer and the game server.
      Home latency here means all regarding your account and character, like character's position, chat messages, damage/buffs you send and receive, etc..
    • World latency means everything else, like other players positions, enemy positions, etc..
    • Framerate = FPS, frames per second. Clientside only and shows how fast you computer can render the gameframes, the higher the smoother.
    • Bandwidth here means if the gameclient is downloading or not. It's usually a a low to 0 number, but if not it's downloading.
    • WoW supports addons and it also show how much system memory addons are using, which might slow the game down.
  4. Capsule could also be a good base for pets. Like training a Capsuled Pet before it disappear to make it permanent. This gives an extra challenge obtaining pets.

    • Like 2
  5. 27 minutes ago, Bobbity said:

    If a scout is in need of, say, quality arrows and has neither the zulie nor the friendship of an artisan BUT has just enough trash loot to craft basic arrows, I say let them craft their arrows. If they want to upgrade that skill, let them upgrade it - at a higher cost. This could even be an IM skill. A very, very specific IM skill that allows for crafting of more types of arrows per skill level.

    If we let hawkers craft scrolls as special as what was suggested, we'll have a problem, though. After all, artisans don't have this ability. This gives hawkers an incredibly useful skill, essentially the inferior version of a WoW Warlock's portal ability. Not only that, but it also makes people wonder if such an ability doesn't fit the muse class more. So, lore-wise this part of the suggestion makes perfect sense. In terms of gameplay, it's not as clear-cut.

    Arrow crafting, why didn't i think of that. That's an excellent idea for Hawkers. And beside they can still have the teleport scrolls as well. Maybe no teleports to Zant/Junon Polis etc.., but only to some other zones. Like Adventure Plains, Breezy Hills or Gorge of Silence. Zones that have a small settlement.


    How could this work for muses? No-one knows as the cleric class is a bone of contention. But going with what was said earlier, the devil is in the details. Maybe enchanting would only replace the substats of any given item if the enchantment is superior. Adding stats on top of substats and mainstats could be problematic. That's something for the devs to think about, though.

    Just like a buff in item form. When you use it that stats are active for a limited amount of time and then it wears off. It can be anything though. Muses do only weapon enchantments. Dealers do the same thing with armor by crafting Armor Kits. But now i think of it. Maybe my idea for soldier and dealer can be swapped. So Soldier can make the armor kits instead and dealers can train capsule pets into stronger beings.

  6. For a long time I've played with the idea for the planet Skaaj as an lost Love Resort. Once a beautiful planet with castles, gardens, lakes and fields and everything you could think of (in ROSE's universe) to relax and bring the one you love to. But today the planet is lost and fell to the invasion of Hebarn's Army. The castles become fortresses of Hebarn-like vampires, gargoyles and other dark creatures. And the gardens, still beautiful, but became deadly as well as poisonous flowers and plants started to grow there. Remnants of the love resort are still visible and some locations are luckily liberated by the visitors of Arua. But most of the planet is still covered by the dark forces of Hebarn. There could be big gothic castle on Skaaj that is the dungeon of that planet.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, hjvg said:

    but with giving crafting skills to other classes are killing a other class so then instead of 8 classes we will end up with only 6 classes ingame

    Again. I am not trying to kill off Artisan from the game. On the contrary, Artisan is huge part of the game and should stay within the game. I know that and I like that. This idea is for giving each class a minor ability to craft some minor things they and other players can use. Something extra to do to make the game more fun. A minor crafting ability that matches the class. I'm not asking for major class changes, just minor small things.

    All the suggestions people are giving are about upgrading a 18 year old game. The game lacked a lot back in the days or a lot of things were needed to be fixed, but hey, we all enjoyed the game so much. Now the game hasn't aged very well. And the developers of Rednim are aware of that and are very motivated to make something great of ROSE Online to bump it up to more modern standards. Every idea that can evolve ROSE into a better game would be considered. I'm sure of that. And each idea and suggestion posted here will help the developers to do that. A catarpillar becomes a butterfly eventually and that counts also for ROSE. So please stop trolling and complaining and just give us respectfully your honest opinion. And just accept the people here as how they are.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, AhsokaTano said:

    no, as described above the only goal of this setting is to reduce leveling speed to what it was back in the day, when it would take several months to even reach level 100.

    I highly doubt anyone would want to play a character that can't die, or else you loose it.

    From what you describe it's more like a Classic mode. That you can switch between a Classic XP mode and a Modern XP mode or something.

  9. On 11/26/2022 at 12:41 AM, Bobbity said:

    What kind of enchantments though? Can you give an example?

    Muses would be able to make minor weapon enchantments like: +5 INT for 1 hour (= lower grade enchantment). Or +12 CON for 2 hours (= higher grade enchantment). But it's always time-limited. Not permanent. It's like buff in item form which can be applied to a weapon. Or for Dealers' Armor Kit that coould be applied to an armor piece.

    And @Critpeak: This wouldn't damage artisans at all, but it gives other classes something extra to do and to profit from. Artisans always should be the mainh crafter class in the game.

    • Like 1
  10. That Item hire idea a nice one, but then the question: Who can hire? Who long can someone hire an item? Which items can be hired? Maybe a higher ranked member can hire longer then a new member for example.

    And beside hiring there is lot more you can do with a Clan Storage feature. Just a hire feature is too limited for something like this. Hiring can be one of the features of Clan Storage.

  11. 46 minutes ago, Trebor said:

    A shared storage is also a great idea for a clan, but their might need to be some restrictions setup for something like that.

    Not restrictions. Possibilities. Add new clan rules/permissions to assign to roles regarding a clan storage (it's a lot btw).

    • General
      • Can deposit any item
      • Can withdraw any item
    • If a clan storage have multiple tabs. I can imagine a clan having cause a clan needs many storage for all members. Like max. 8 tabs with 40 slots each. Start with 2 tabs by default and can buy 6 additional slots for upgrading storage.
      • Can deposit in Tab X
      • Can withdraw from Tab X
    • Specified by category
      • Can deposit weapons
      • Can withdraw weapons
        • Can withdraw usable weapons only
      • Can deposit any armor
      • Can withdraw any armor
        • Can withdraw blue/purple armor
        • Can withdraw usable armor only
      • Can deposit food/potions
      • Can withdraw food/potions
        • Can withdraw food
        • Can withdraw potions
      • Can deposit materials
      • Can withdraw materials
        • Can withdraw gems
      • Can deposit carts/CG/mounts/pets
      • Can withdraw carts/mounts
        • Can withdraw carts
        • Can withdraw CG
        • Can withdraw mounts
        • Can withdraw pets
      • Can deposit 'other' (which ones am i forgetting???) items
      • Can withdraw 'other' items
        • Can withdraw teleport scrolls
  12. Something like this encourages to have multiple accounts to play the game. I am totally against that. The game should be made in a way only one account is needed per player. A shared storage between accounts is a very bad idea.

    Can't remember if this game had one, but a shared storage for your clan would however be a good idea. So maybe the dev team can invest in that.

  13. On 11/12/2022 at 12:24 PM, Loerslang said:

    So thats means the Smith would also be selling Books and Scrolls for example?

    No, if a shop already sells upgrade books or towns scrolls then it sells simply all of 'm, but the restrictions Trebor was giving.

    I am in for the upgrade books, but not for the Town Scrolls. Towns scrolls should be only sold inside the town or place where they teleporting too.. Like Zant Scroll only buyable in Zant. This encourages exploration more.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 hours ago, Loerslang said:

    I love the idea of having a border around the clan emblem! But i am wondering if it would be visible enough? Clan emblems are not the biggest thing you see around your character, so i'm wondering how you can make it stand out without it becoming to big?

    Maybe something for a clan flag or banner or something.

    Usage for a clan flag/banner:
    Put a clan flag/banner on the ground and all clan members within a certain range gets increased EXP or x% increased Zulie or something.

    Just a tought.

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