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Posts posted by Zeror

  1. Terrain in ROSE is sometimes edgy and rough and your character can get easily stuck inside the environment. Especially if you're an explorer and wanna check out all the nooks and crannies of the map you can get stuck easily in the most uncomfortable situations.

    It would be helpful to add an 'Unstuck'-option to the game. This 'Unstuck'-option can be a spell named Unstuck in the skillbook under Item Mall (next to stat reset etc..). This spell just teleports you to the nearest respawn location to unstuck your character.

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  2. 1 hour ago, MikeOC said:

    The extra SP could be great. Those eight extra points can be used to improve 4 levels of a passive skill or could be used to to improve more active skills. Both these could then lead to improved playstyle versatility and a much more enjoyable time actually playing the game.

    Or add Class quests that reward extra Skill Points instead. Like doing a questchain of like 4-5 quests and get rewarded with 3 skill points or something.

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  3. On 12/16/2022 at 9:29 PM, TastedlikeChiken said:

    a) multiclient feels odd, having to click twice for your character to move is weird.

    b) offline shopping.

    c) ctrl should let you see item names on the floor.

    d) auto pickup maybe item/pet.

    e) click on the minimap to take you where you click.

    f) follow option?

    a) this needs to be fixed, i guess
    b) if you mean i can set up a vending store and then log out, then yes.
    c) Would be nice, yes
    d) See QoL nr 7 for my idea
    e) Don't agree on this. Click on minimap should open an enlarged size map of the zone.
    f) Would be nice.


    On 12/16/2022 at 10:43 PM, Noriega said:

    #1 is vital, i cant believe after all these years that wasnt touched. 


    EDIT: Chain questions icons are grey above NPCs (randomly) and sometimes do not show at all. If the next NPC for a chain quest is available, they should have a distinctive icon (green probably) so it is obvious that its the next chain. 


    Repeatable ones (so far) have the same yellow icon as well, it should be distinctive (like blue)


    Mainline quests are lit up as red on the quest list, but icons once again are yellow. Making them red would be better. 

    I agree on these points. Added to the list.

  4. 2 hours ago, lazypenguin said:

    We agree the lockout is too long, we are going to look into it. Also it seems first hit is too powerful, even if you do most of the damage first tag locks the drop.

    The first tag on quest mobs is also a thing right. It might be an idea to change that as well. That everyone who have hit the quest mob gets credit for the kill and quest item, but not necessarily the dropped items. Otherwise you will always get a group of players who are standing in a queue to slaughter the quest mob. Which is not a very fun game mechanic, if you ask me.

  5. This isn't a good solution for the real problem. The problem is that looting takes too long. A better and proper solution would be Area Looting. Loot one item and you automatically loot everything else you can pick up that lies with a certain range.

    Using a pet for auto loot is a really bad idea. Let me explain why.

    1. It's already crowded everywhere. If there is for every player also pet walking around then the crowd will be doubled.
    2. What kind of pet loots for you? A new special loot pet? Or use the current pet system and expand it? It's another decision to make.
    3. Pets are always following you and that doesn't always go well. AI in this game isn't the best unfortunately. Looting might take as long as looting yourself or maybe even longer, cause pet get stuck or something. So what's the gain here?

    That is why area looting is much better and quicker.

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  6. Here some of the Quality of Life improvements for the game i could think after playing the game again.

    1. Add a seperate WASD toggle in the interface options
      Let the player decide if they want to use WASD controls or not. Independently of the gameplay mode.
    2. Make the quest title in the quest tracker clickable to open the quest in the Quest Journal.
      This makes the quest details easier to reach.
    3. Give us a full and anlarged version of the zone map.
      For example, when you right click on the minimap you get a window showing that same minimap, but in it's full enlarged glory.
    4. Make the way drops/dropnames look different based on whether the loot is pickable by me or not.
      I thought ROSE had something for this, correct me if i'm wrong. If ROSE doesn't have anything for this then it's a good idea to add it.
    5. Seperate Hotbar Lock option into Lock Hotbar and Lock Buttons options.
      This way you can lock the bar from moving, but are still be able to change the spells and stuff on the hotbar for example.
    6. Add a 'Smooth Camera' option to video settings
      Kinda a technical thing. When the Performance-Quality slider in Video settings is at it's lowest setting then you won't have the smooth camera the game has on higher settings. Not having this smooth camera makes the game feel less slow in my opinion. Making this an option would make the game better.
    7. Add Area Looting to pick up multiple items at once.
      The idea is that when you loot an item you automatically pick up all items that lie within a certain range from you. You can save time on looting, cause looting each item separately is tedious and not fun.
    8. Show base stats and the bonus stats seperately.
      On the Character Info window you see your stats like: STR [45]. Change it into: STR 33 +12. The +12 is the bonus STR that came from the items. Pressing [+] to increase a stat will raise the base stat, but keep showing that +12 as bonus stat.
    9. The !-mark above NPC's head for repeatable quests should have a different color than the normal quests. Same goes for main story quests !-marks.
      In WoW repeatable quests have blue !-marks and the normal quests are yellow. So they are easy to distinguish. Could work for ROSE too. The !-mark for main quest could have a little decoration to show it's special and more important (WoW does this with a 🔰 with a !-mark in it for example).
    10. Quests in the quest tracker should be toggleable on and off. The quest tracker should be have the option to expand or collapse.
      Sometimes you accept a quest to do it later or you're not questing at all. It's nice you can hide what you want in this case.
    11. Add adjustable keybindings to the game.
      Let us, players, decide which keys we wanna use instead of having it hardcoded into the game. It will make the game much more flexible and friendlier.
    12. Add 'Viewed' or 'Not yet viewed' status to vending Shop labels. Also add buying, selling or buying and selling status to this.
      Adding this makes it easier to see which shop is selling and which is buying or both. And which you haven't checked yet.
    13. BIG ONE, but must be done: Introduce a new scalable UI
      Current UI and UI system not of this modern times. The higher the resolutions get on monitors, the harder the UI get to interact with. This should be high on the priority list to fix.
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