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Posts posted by Zeror

  1. 11 hours ago, Rebus said:

    Small correction about some on the list; Pomics have two kings (red one in Valley and brown one in Breezy), Moldies have the Manager Moldie and Kaimans have a big archer as a king.

    Oh, didn't know they were also king-rank, but makes sense now you've said it.

    Personally i choose Candle Ghost as well. Would be cool if the Candle Ghost King wears a crown and holds a sword or sceptre or something.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Wondertje said:

    So basically New Game+ for quests. Unless the quests somehow change, I don't think a lot of people are going to redo most quest for an extra 50% or whatever the max S+ rank is. I could see it as a nifty completionist thing though, so it's not bad per se.

    I see this working for repeatable quests, like the quests for your union.

  3. 1 hour ago, Wondertje said:

    This sounds basically like local area quest boards to me, but with NPCs. Short/Repeatable/Daily/Local quests are always neat and could bring diversity to an otherwise repetitive task. But I don't think it has to be as rigid as one NPC per area preparing you for the next area, etc. We can simply place quest boards in relevant areas, such as Zant, Junon, <insert more places here>. A lot of other servers already do this, it's not new or novel - but it works for the most part.

    Each zone already has one or more NPC's. They could be the questgivers. And some zones one or two questgivers can be added. ROSE doesn't have to be like WoW, which has over 24.000 quests in the game, but a few more cannot hurt. Multiple quests might even involve killing the same kind of mobs. Like one guy wants you to get 20 grunter heads and the other wants a flawless grunter axe, which should be a rare drop. Tons of possibilities.


  4. 13 hours ago, Fezzy said:

    A big reason why Rose Online sucks is because you dont really feel you are working towards something while playing. You are just endless killing monsters and thats not fun.

    I won't say it sucks, but something more to do would actually be a good thing. More quests, that are not in the Episode Questline, are always good to have.


    1. Quest: Kill 12 Moldies to find a clue why they are digging.
    2. Follow up Quest: Moldies don't tell a thing. Maybe try to kill a Moldie Captain instead.
    3. Reward: Random piece of Soldier gear of level 30-40ish. Oh, and are you no soldier? Too bad. Just sell the thing for zulie.
    • Like 2
  5. Dueling wherever you want would be cool to have, but I wouldn't do the betting part. If you wanna bet, just trade Zulie afterwards.

    Maybe there can be two types of Duels in the game:

    1. Normal Duel. Battle with any other player. Winner gets eternal fame.
    2. Faction Duel. Battle with any other player of another faction. Winner gets a Union Point.
      Note: Opponent must be max. 10 levels higher/lower then you to earn the Union Point. You can only benefit 5 times a day from the same account (not character!).

    If I take a look at WoW's duels. That game puts a Dueling flag between the two players upon Duel start and removes when duel ends. Something like that would be cool to have in ROSE as well. It marks also the location for bypassers that there is a duel happening. In WoW a duel ends when opponent has 1 HP left or one of the players moves to far away from the dueling location.

  6. Yeah, i get that. But what needs to be rated?

    How fast you complete it?
    How many you complete it?
    With how many party members you complete?
    Quest level - player level difference, or in other words difficulty ratio?

  7. On 9/8/2022 at 3:31 PM, Wondertje said:

    Someone said (but I won't quote because it was so long ago): "there should be a limit or else all server will join one clan that will make it strong and all other clans will be mostly empty" - this is already the case. Except big clans and groups have multitude alt clans. Same effect as having all members in one clan. I don't really have an opinion on the matter, I just wanted to point that out.

    I have been thinking about this and i think there is a solution to this. I think there will be a lot more clans if Clan creation will be a lot cheaper. From 1mil zulie down to 50k zulie or something.

    By the way; Creating a clan on the WoW-way would nice too. How this works is you buy a Clan Charter at the Clan Master in Junon Polis. Then you need to 5 other players to sign it. Then you can turn the Clan Charter in in at the Clan Master to form your clan.

  8. 2 hours ago, Wondertje said:

    I'm probably in a minority, but it seems to me that this is just another suggestion that removes proper RPG elements and instead moves towards a sandbox game.

    The thing is if there is a way to reset your stats or spells then people are gonna do this anyway. Because it's a tedious job to reassign all those stats and spells it's better to offer a proper way to do this.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, trytoguess said:

    That would also work. Although I do like it when I have to earn something in-game instead of being given something (YMMV of course). Maybe most players they can do a dungeon to get an item drop while the artisans can craft the necessary drop?

    But you did earn it.... By reaching that certain level that unlocks the feature.😉 Some things doesn't have to be over complicated.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, trytoguess said:

    I like this idea. My one hope if that if we need to do a quest to get the 2nd character build slot, then make the quest doable even if you have a non combat build like a craft only Artisan.

    What about no quest to unlock it, but just reaching a certain level and you get a 2nd build option. Like around level 70 or something. Not everything has to have a quest to unlock it.

    • Like 2
  11. On 9/10/2022 at 1:10 AM, Wondertje said:

    I don't like this idea but if it was to be implemented I'd also add this:

    1) A charged scroll that has levels on it can not be traded to anyone who was not in the party when it was created or sold for zulie.

    That way in only benefits the person who actually worked for their party levels, and not lazy people who just purchase party levels from people botting party levels. If the leader, or someone in the party at the time, then wants to continue with their earned benefits, let them.

    And i think these scrolls shouldn't be able kept unlimitedly either. So:

    2) A player can only have maximum of 1 charged scroll in their inventory. The charged scroll cannot be deposited into the storage and cannot be shared across other characters of the same account.
    3) A charged scroll must be used be used within 3 days. After 3 days the scroll is no longer active and can be sold as a trash item to a vendor (the higher the party level, the higher zulie value).

    And i also think it's a good idea that when a party leader want to save the party level into a scroll and reset the party level to 1 all party members must agree on it, so the option cannot be abused. And i think it's fair that all members get a scroll. Not just the party leader.

    But thumbs up for the idea! 👍 I like it.

  12. Would be fun to have ingame and that cards drop from monsters. Complete the collection (or a tier of a collection) for a reward. Ofcourse some cards are very rare. This is like Rose's pokedex or something.

    • Like 1
  13. Yes, i agree. This would be nice to have.

    This is something WoW has since release in 2004. In WoW you have other emotes as well all with matching animations, like laugh, sleep, wave, cry, kiss, bow, flex, sit and tons more to give you an idea. And some fun ones too, like chicken (act like a chicken), train (choo-chooo), rude (give the 'finger' to someone).

    • Like 1
  14. On 9/5/2022 at 12:20 PM, RoseOnPlayer said:

    That's better. RPG is about running around the map. Doing dungeons through menu is just plain boring. Places aren't even visited.

    Doing dungeons through should not be the only thing. But having both; as going to the dungeon entrance or access it by a menu (perhaps accessible through a NPC/board at the cities) would be OK. Also you could give the party leader the ability to teleport the whole group to a dungeon as well (with a dialog to accept to teleport (or decline to stay on location)).

  15. 1 minute ago, Whoop said:

    Why, what is this good for? Someone can just ask what language someone is speaking right? Do we want to communicate as little as possible?

    No, the subject is nationality and player peaks. But it's nonsense to only party/play with people from the same region as people go to school or work on different hours of the day. So if someone works the night shift he/she couldn't play cause the rest is asleep for example. But if nationality is a thing here, then language is probably too. So i thought maybe it's already enough if we can see what language the party is speaking on before hand. Then the nationality seperation is not needed. I mean, i want to join a party where my native language is spoken, then i would choose that party before i would choose a party where language is spoken that i don't understand.

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