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Halloween Event Oct 13 - Nov 1


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This is a fun event with some unique and very different quests.  We have a bunch of Halloween costumes in the Item Mall this month. As mentioned in the October Item Mall Update Topic, the 5 boxed sets on the first page of the Featured Tab (Fable, Fairy Tale, Love Story, Storybook and Tea Party)  have special event quests connected to them.

The other Halloween costumes in the IM (Devil, Frankenstein, Mummy, Vampire, Werewolf, Wicked, and Zombie) also have a special connection in this event. More about all of that in a bit.

During this event, monsters around your level can drop a Spooky Looking Box. It will go into the consumables tab. NOTE: Before you start opening these boxes, be sure you have several spaces in consumables as well as some in the equipment tab.   

Spooky Looking Boxes will contain one of the following:
Halloween Candy Bag
Halloween Grab Bag
Candle Ghost Summon
Scary Looking Box

Check in the spoiler below to see what could be in each of the Halloween Bags and the Scary Looking Box.


Halloween Candy Bag
This bag will contain one of the following items, in quantities from 1 - 10.

Chocolate Treat HP 200
Halloween Candy MP 260 level 40 required
Hard Candy HP 940 level 43 required
Soft Candy MP 640 level 140 required

Halloween Grab Bag
This bag will contain one of the following items. The consumables will be in in quantities from 1 – 10

Chocolate Treat HP 200
Halloween Candy MP 260 level 40 required
Hard Candy HP 940 level 43 required
Soft Candy MP 640 level 140 required
Rock (this works like the snowballs you can get on Luna)
Pumpkin Cap
Pumpkin Head
Candle Ghost Summon
Halloween Dance Beginner

Here are the stats of the Pumpkin Head and Pumpkin Cap. Both items can also have substats.
Pumpkin Head
pumpkin head.jpg   pumpkin head stats.jpg

Pumpkin Cap
pumpkin cap.jpg  pumpkin cap stats.jpg

The Candle Ghost Summon looks like every ghost that has ever chased you on the Junon Planet.
candle ghost summon.jpg

Scary Looking Box  
This box will contain one of these offhand items. None of them have base stats but they can have substats.  

Severed Limb 
Vampire Amulet 
Wicked Wand 

ankh.jpg  meatbone.jpg

pitchfork.jpg  severed limb.jpg

vampire amulet.jpg  wildflower.jpg

wicked wand.jpg

You might be wondering about this odd assortment of items.  All will be explained soon.

                                   🎃    HALLOWEEN ACTIVITIES    🎃

During the Halloween Event, each (ingame) night, [Guard] Odelo will shout in Junon Polis that the city is being invaded! 
invasion shout.jpg

There will be a boss as well as a bunch of minions. Here are old NA screenshots of both Heburkal and his Pet. There is a chance of the bosses dropping a mount so do your best to defend our fair city!

heburkals pet king.jpg

Make your way to the gate and talk to [Guard] Winters.  Pick option 2 "I have sworn to protect Junon Polis this Hallow's Eve. My weapon
is marked with the blood of Heburkal's minions to prove it!"  He will give you the quest called "Hallow's Eve Junon Invasion"

By the time the NPC does the shout, the monsters will already be in the city.  Get 5 monster proofs from killing whichever minions are there (Baby Arachnis or Heburkal's Minions), then turn the quest in to Winters during the daytime.   

The reward for doing this quest the first time is a Pumpkin Pail
pumpkin pail.jpg

When you do the quest again, the reward is a Halloween Candy Bag.   So what to do with this cute Pumpkin Pail?  Trick or Treat, of course.

Equip your Pumpkin Pail on the avatar tab (not costume) and talk to the NPC's in Zant at night in the game.  Choose the option "Trick or Treat" and they will give you either a Halloween Candy Bag or a Halloween Grab Bag. Information on what those can contain is in the first spoiler of this guide.  


Head over to Adventurer’s Plains. You’ll notice an NPC named Edeline  sitting on a turtle near the big pumpkin. Talk to her and pick the option “Trick or Treat” to start the quest “Waiting for the Grand Pumpkin”.  Check in the spoiler below for hints and help. 


Note: Some of these images are from the NA server before it closed. I’ll update when the event begins this year.
This NPC also sells a few Halloween Dance Scrolls for 10k zulie each.

waiting for the grand pumpkin 1.jpg

Edeline has some pretty amusing dialog but keep talking to her and eventually she will tell you to talk to Melendino. She is behind the pumpkin farmer, Claude,  up on the hill. Go to Trainer's Village all the way in the back and head up that little, hidden path.
trainers village.jpg

Once again, start with the "Trick or Treat" option. After some more amusing dialog, she will tell you to find a traveler with knowledge 
option 2 here
option 2.jpg
That begins part two of the quest called "Waiting for the Grand Pumpkin (2)"

Where to find such a traveler?  Luckily, that person is none other than Edeline! Jump down from that hill and talk to Edeline again.  Start the convo with the "Do you know everything?" option. It seems there are a couple of versions of this dialog. She might just reply with ......, or she might reply with gibberish, but keep trying to find out about the brew until you get part three of the quest called "Waiting for the Grand Pumpkin (3)"

Time to kill some stuff now. You can get the pumpkin drop from the patch you're in, then head to the Jelly King spot for the drops from the Red Jelly Beans. The Young Pomics are in Valley of Luxem Tower. When you have everything, return to Edeline. She gives you the "knowledge" and part 4 of the quest called "Waiting for the Grand Pumpkin (4)"  (either of the responses will work here)

Return to Melendino up on the hill. After listening to her rant a bit, she will give you part 5 of the quest called "Waiting for the Grand Pumpkin (5)"  Go back to Edeline and ask her about the Grand Pumpkin.  She will reward you with the Pumpkin Backpack.

pupmkin backpack.jpg
pumpkin backpack.jpg

This quest is not repeatable.

The next quest is in  Desert of the Dead. Don't worry, you won't have to actually enter DoD.  For those of you that don't know where DoD is, the entrance is in Anima Lake.  It's easy to find during this event because of the Halloween Banner.
dod entrance.jpg

[Ghost] Harry is hanging out to the side of the actual entrance to DoD. Talk to him and follow the dialog asking about the Grand Pumpkin. You will get the quest called "The Grand  Pumpkin's Return".  You can get the seeds from pumpkins in DoD or the ones in the pumpkin patch in Adv Plains. Be warned- this will take awhile to finish. Return to Harry with the 100 seeds and he will give you a Pumpkin Cap.  Info on the stats can be found in the first spoiler of this guide. This quest is not repeatable for the Pumpkin Cap. 

By the way, there really IS a Grand Pumpkin.   It has nothing to do with any of these quests but if you want to check him out, go to DoD at this location.
grand pumpkin.jpg

Back in Junon Polis (not during the night lol), Talk to the frog NPC in the center of the city near Mayor Darren, [Monster Coin Trader] Vedad. Choose the first option to get the quest called "Monster Collections" 
vedad shirt.png

vedad dialog.jpg

The Decrepit Smoulies are in Forest of Wisdom.
The Coal Mine Moldies are outside of the farm by the city of Junon Polis
The Elder Pumpkins are near the tower in Luxem
The Assassin Rackies are in El Verloon
The Kaiman Swordsman are in Kenji close to the entrance to Gorge of Silence

Return to Vedad with all of the quest proofs and he will give you this Happy Halloween-Ghost T-Shirt. This quest is not repeatable.
halloween ghost.jpg   ghost shirt stats.jpg

You must be able to travel to Eldeon to do this quest (level 120) but honestly it will be pretty tough unless you're higher level.  Start by talking to [Raknu Warrior] Jeffery Lloyd.  He is the NPC in the center of Xita Refuge on Eldeon. Pick option 3 to get the first quest called "Investigate the Stumps" Then leave Xita and immediately go to the right to find the first stump. Keep walking in that direction (it's like behind the city walls) to find the second stump. Go back the way you came, past the city entrance and across the road to the other side to find the last stump. NOTE: These can be done in any order. When you have all three proofs, return to Jeffery
stump 1.jpg     stump 2.jpg     stump 3.jpg

This is what the stumps look like. You really can't miss them.
sample stump.jpg

Check the spoiler below for information on the rest of this quest.  


The second quest is called "Collecting... Eww Really?" You need to collect 20 poison glands from Nepenthes. If you have done the Xita Valor Quests for these, you probably already know a good spot.  When you have collected 20 proofs, return to Jeffrey again.

The third quest is called "Getting Down with the Sickness" You will find 8 Vials of Bad Dreams in consumables (it says 1 but it's really 8). Put them on your skill bar then leave Xita and turn left. Keep going down that road until you see this small village.
The huts are like tents that you can go in/under and they are spread out, so look all around. When you are in the center of each one, double click on the vial and one will be used. Keep the quest log open to easily see when one has been consumed. After using up all 8, return to Jeffrey. 
Here are the locations of more huts.  There are  more huts than are needed for this quest. 
even more huts.jpg        more huts.jpg

The fourth quest is called "Report to Jude". Jude is in that little village in Shady Jungle- the same one you have to go to for the Fate Quests. It's a pain to get to as I'm sure you know but at least now we have return scrolls so maybe check shops in Xita to see if someone is selling those.  Talking to Jude completes this part of the quest.
jude in shady.jpg

The fifth quest is called "Collecting the Primal Essences" Before you do anything else, look in the unique skill tab for a skill called Collecting for Jude and drag that to your skill bar. You will need it to complete this part. 

Leave the little village and go to the right. Head towards the waterfall until you see this area. That's the graveyard.

From the graveyard, collect rock moss, thorn plant and 10 dust from the bones/skeletons.  Stand in the middle of a skeleton and use the skill. Seems that you get varying amounts of the dust. The big skeleton to the left after you enter the graveyard gave me 7 proofs.  You only need 1 proof of the thorn and rock moss. Jude says the coordinates for the rock are 6150, 5200 in case you can't find it.
The rock looks like this. 
rock moss.jpg
 The thorn looks like this. Stand near it and use the skill.

Go out of the graveyard and turn left, You'll see the waterfall, just stand in front of it and use the skill.

To find Turak, go back to the village in Shady and to the top of that ramp around the big tree. Walk slowly because otherwise you'll fly off the side and have to do it again. Once at the top,  go to the center where the bridges all meet and turn right. Keep heading down that path until you see the enclosure. You don't have to actually fight Turak.  Just stand by the fire in that hut and use the skill. Return to Jude when you have all of the items.

The sixth quest is "Paying Tribute" Take the vial Jude has given you to Marsh of Ghosts. Head to the back right hand side until you find this spot then double click on the vial and kill the monster that appears. I was expecting something difficult but tbh I killed it before I could even take a ss when I did this at NA. Anyway, this is the spot to use the vial too. Don't go too close to the statue. Return to Jude when completed.

The seventh quest is "Recite the Words" Jude gives you an inscribed tablet along with some confusing instructions on how to get to this spot in FoW (Forest of Wandering). This statue you have to get up close and personal with but I needed to zoom out to take a ss of the spot.  Double click on the inscribed tablet (which looks like a brick in consumables) to start the dialog with the head.



The eighth quest is "Thief the Thief" because of course, the head wants you to prove yourself worthy.  Look for this little area. You can try walking under the houses too but I got the quest drop by killing the Thief Sikukus that are flying around this spot. Return to the head when you have the gem.


The ninth quest is called "Find the Evil" and you have to defeat the Cursed Ent Vagabond  Go to prison then walk up the stairs and outside. As with all bosses, it takes awhile to kill the Ent. Good news is that once you kill it, you get the next quest automatically.

The tenth quest is called "There is no Sikuku, only Kera" . Go into prison to the chamber in the very back. It has a blue glow so you can't miss it. Kera will spawn there. Once you have defeated Kera, you will get the last quest called "Fall of the Corrupted" Return to the talking head in FoW.

Get close and double click on the inscribed tablet to let the head know that Kera has been defeated. He rewards you with the Frozen Corpse Costume. This will be added to your consumable tab as it's in a chest so be sure to have a space for it. It might be in an Item Mall grade chest but once you open that chest, the four costume parts will be event grade and tradable until equipped.

frozen corpse set.jpg

This quest is repeatable.


Remember at the beginning of this guide, I mentioned those boxed Halloween costumes in the Item Mall? Each one of them has a special event quest that you can get when you equip the full costume on the avatar tab.  Each quest will reward you with an offhand item that goes with that specific set.   To see what the items look like, and for information on each quest, check in these spoilers.

FABLE SET (Little Red Riding Hood)


With the set equipped on the avatar tab, talk to  [Tavern Owner] Sharlin in Zant.  She will give you the quest called "What Delicious Cookies You Have" 

Head to Luxem to that house at the base of the tower until you trigger the quest drop.
cookies spot.jpg

Return to Sharlin to get your reward- a Basket of Cookies!
cookies stats.jpg

fable with cookies.jpg


FAIRY TALE SET (Snow White and the Seven Dwarves).


With the full costume equipped on the avatar tab, talk to [Traveler] Edeline in Adventurer's Plains.  She will give you the quest called ""Would They Like a  Nice, Tasty Apple?"  Go to Breezy Hills near the entrance to El Verloon and stand in front of those little huts until you have delivered 9 apples. The huts are all in that general area and these are in no particular order.  Sorry for the old NA ss. I'll replace them as soon as I can.

Return to Edeline with the last apple and she gives it to you as a reward.
    apple closeup.jpg
red apple.jpg

fairy tale with apple.jpg

LOVE STORY (Beauty and the Beast)


With the full costume equipped on the avatar, go to Adventurer's Plains and talk to [Traveler] Edeline in the pumpkin patch.  She will give you the quest called "A Lovely Rose"
Go outside of Junon Polis and turn to the right. Keep going until you get to the end. Enter the farmer's area and stand in this spot (it's shiny like the spots in the Summer Festival).  Be careful not to stand on the spot too long. When I did that accidentally, Edeline did not recognize that I had the quest item, even tho I had multiples of it. 
rose spot.jpg

Return to Edeline and she will give you Love Story Rose.
rose stats.jpg

love story with rose.jpg




With the full costume equipped on the avatar, go to El Verloon and talk to [Gypsy Merchant] Methio.  The quest is called "Second Ship on the Right".  Head to Junon Polis and board Captain Ruven's ship. He is near the lighthouse at the back of the city.  Stand in the shiny spot until you get the quest drop.
fairy dust spot.jpg

Return to Methio and he will give you a Bag of Fairy Dust.
fairy dust stats.jpg

storybook with fairy dust.jpg


TEA PARTY (Alice in Wonderland)


With the full costume equipped on the avatar, go to Adventurer's Plains and talk to [Traveler] Edeline.   She sends you to see [Tavern Owner] Harin in Junon Polis  and Harin will give you the quest called "Late for an Important Date".

Go to the Forest of Wisdom and using the net she gives you, catch the White Rabbit. The bunny was made bigger this year but its still pretty small. It can spawn in one of 6 locations but if you're lucky, it will be near the tree where the bridges connect.  When you find it, hold down ctrl, target the little guy, then double click on the net  Here is the tree. If anyone finds the rabbit in another spot, please take a ss with the mini map showing and I can add it to this guide.
whitte rabbit tree.jpg

It can also spawn near the Tree of Wisdom in this approximate area. As I find other locations, I'll add them here.
bunny location 1.jpg   bunny location 2.jpg

Return to Harin and she will give you a Tea Cup.
teacup stats.jpg

teaparty with cup.jpg

Last, but not least, those offhand items that are in the Scary Looking Boxes are not just random items. They actually go with the other Halloween costumes in the Item Mall.  Check the spoiler below to see which set goes with which offhand.


Ankh with Mummy Set
mummy and ankh.jpg


Meatbone and Werewolf Set
werewolf and meatbone.jpg


Pitchfork and Devil Set
devil and pitchfork.jpg


Severed Limb and Zombie Set
zombie with severed limb.jpg


Vampire Amulet and Vampire Set
vampire and amulet.jpg


Wildflower and Frankenstein Set
frankenstein and wildflower.jpg

Wicked Wand and Wicked Set
wicked and wicked wand.jpg


Happy Halloween Roserians!

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Can someone please explain how to get the mount from this event and is it even possible for someone like me who just started playing and only level 50 to obtain?

I ask this because I want to get a mount but the only ones being sold are the krawish for 30m+ and that just not possible to get anytime soon.

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36 minutes ago, Psyn said:

Can someone please explain how to get the mount from this event and is it even possible for someone like me who just started playing and only level 50 to obtain?

I ask this because I want to get a mount but the only ones being sold are the krawish for 30m+ and that just not possible to get anytime soon.

The mount that can drop during this event requires level 200 so I'm afraid that won't work. But we have two events coming this year where there is the possibility of a mount.  The Christmas event is a guaranteed mount if you do the event quest but you need to be able to travel to Luna so make sure you  get to at least level 70 before that event begins on Dec 13

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6 hours ago, DoubleRose said:

It's time for recreational items to work as costumes for shields/magic tools.

100% agree with this statement, the way most event offhand items are limited to recreational is not that good :X

Edited by Aryn
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On 9/25/2023 at 6:25 AM, HoneyBuns said:

[Ghost] Harry is hanging out to the side of the actual entrance to DoD. Talk to him and follow the dialog asking about the Grand Pumpkin. You will get the quest called "The Grand  Pumpkin's Return".  You can get the seeds from pumpkins in DoD or the ones in the pumpkin patch in Adv Plains. Be warned- this will take awhile to finish. Return to Harry with the 100 seeds and he will give you a Pumpkin Cap.  Info on the stats can be found in the first spoiler of this guide. This quest is not repeatable. 

This quest is repeatable. Could have offered a unique reward outside of the Goody Bag stuff for the effort required. 

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22 minutes ago, matthewdavies said:

I cant seem to trade my magical coupons with keenu ?

As I said here, those only work during the Magic is Everywhere event. Since that event is over, put the coupons into storage and you can use them next year when the other event comes back.

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2 hours ago, sleepus said:

may i know (in game) day and night period? how long in game day and night in real time

Night is about 13 minutes, and day is 47 minutes. Not sure if it’s the same on all maps but I know Desert of Dead is night from xx:37 - xx:50 then day from xx:50 - xx:37.


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can you give me some information, what are the costumes we need to wear to be able to take the missions: "What Delicious Cookies You Have" and "Would They Like a  Nice, Tasty Apple?", as well as for the next few 🙂 

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